3. Sorry ass men


SOFIA: *sobbing hysterically *


Randy hit and kicked the door as hard as he can, grabbed Sofia by her hair, slapped her till she was almost blind, he ripped her gown off her body, she wore nothing under cause randall doesn't like it when she wears anything underneath. He threw her on the bed and starts to unbuckle his Jeans...despite her pleading, he rammed into her like she was nothing. Biting her neck,Choking her...


He didn't care he was hurting her as he kept jamming hard on her for what seemed like hours in the same missionary position. Her legs shook...her tears seized, she couldn't find her voice as she let him do to her as he pleases.

By the time he was done..she was already half conscious. He cleaned up with her clothes..staring at her..satisfied.

RANDALL:ooh yes. Okay...this outta teach you a lesson. You better not mess with me next time fucking whore.

He left her on the bed..she could barely talk... her only friend in the club came in immediately she saw Randall leave.

GEENA:Oh my God!!! Ohhh...oh God...wha...fuck...Sofia??? Sofia....please...say something...oh...that bastard!!

SOFIA: *Coughing *

GEENA: O....okay...hold on...uhm... God...I can't call 911..he'll kill me... what do I do?? Sofia?? Sofia!!!

She feels Sofia's heartbeat slowing down...


Fuck. Another nightmare.

Why are they becoming so real though? I head to the bathroom fo wash my face and finish the weed I had saved in my purse. It's the only way I can be calm since the fucking pills the doctor prescribed are useless and do nothing. God I'm a mess.

Fuck Randall Marlow. Fuck him!

I wish that asshole was dead and not just in prison. I hated the fact that he was still alive. Breathing the same air. He's basically free but I just can't see him. What a dick.

He was supposed to help me make it in the city. But he didn't...instead he turned me into a whore. Both personal and general. It's a miracle I'm alive and where I am today. Well...partially I gotta thank the asshole...he made me rich. Sued for Seven million dollars is not a small deal. Plus he gets to be in jail forever.

I head back to bed to try to sleep properly this time...I fold my little rosary into my hand and fall asleep.

Its morning...I check the wall clock in the room 09:45am. I didn't want to stay there a minute more as I don't bother to check my face in the mirror and hurriedly leave the hotel...I find the limo still at the spot. Good. I hate riding with a man when it's late. It takes him a while before getting to my mansion. I ignore my staff's and their fake pleasantries and head to my room to take a really long bathe. But that did not happen as my phone rings non stop and i know who's calling. God..I cant meet with my godfather right now. I am not in the mood. Plus I just got dumped!! Taking a deep breath...I answer.. had to or he is gonna come here and I do not want that.

"Sofia:Yes godfather? Goodmorning-

Godfather:You better have a good explanation this time Sofia.

Sofia:uh..umm...I.. I was busy...with..uh...work.And i-

Godfather:You're lying again. The dress you wore last night is too revealing by the way.

Sofia:oh. Uh...fine. I went out. Okay? I'm a woman and I have needs godfather.

Godfather:Does this need come with a husband? And kids? Any family needs? It better be a committed fellow you went to see or he is dead.

Sofia:Dead?! No..no..no none has to die. He's just a friend. No relationship godfather. Do not kill him! Please...

Godfather:Why not? He obviously played with you. He's dead.

Sofia:oh my...no!!! No! Look..I played with him...he..he really likes me but I.. I'm not ready.

Godfather:And when do I expect you to be ready? When I'm dead?

Sofia:you are not dying...stop saying that.


Sofia:I know I know...'you only want good things for me and you want me to be happy'. I'm fine godfather. I really am. I'm just not ready yet...okay? You know about my past and how I feel about men...I'm just not there yet.

Godfather:you're gonna have to shut up with that stupid excuse everytime. You need to find someone!

Sofia:And...and I will. Just let it happen...we can't force these things...it's gonna come."

It's not coming. I'm dead inside.

Godfather:I've arranged a date for you.


Godfather:You are meeting him the day after tomorrow-

Sofia:uh..I can't...I have to be with...Kristy...son..yeah.. we have a little playdate...

Godfather: 8pm. Dont be late Sofia.

Sofia:Did...did you not hear the words that just came outta my mouth father? Please...I'm busy..wait. where are you? I can hear machine noises...

Godfather:The hospital.

Sofia:oohh great..thanks for listening to me...you really needed to-

Godfather: oh no..I'm leaving. I'm not getting anything checked or taking any pill till you go on the date. Alright bye.

Sofia:What?!...nooo..no..stay...what are you doing?

Godfather: Leaving. You won't listen to me..why should I listen to you then?

Sofia: Fine!! Fine...I'll go...just stay...okay? Do what you have to do. I'll go.

Gidfather: Good.

Sofia: You can't keep using this to threaten me..its not fair!

Godfather: You better do as I say young lady. I'm keeping an eye on you.

Sofia: Love you too. Bye!"


I really don't wanna go to another blind date...where does he find these sorry ass men though?! Shit!!