°Creed's Pov°
It's been weeks since the blind date with Sofia Ives and I couldn't get it out of my mind...her.. actually..I can't stop thinking about her. And why is that?
Well I kinda like her. I'm not gonna try to deny it like a child...I actually like that rude ass girl. There's...something about..her. I don't know if its normal but I often picture us in bed. Nahh..she wouldn't take what I would do to her.
I shake the thought off when I realise I'm in a meeting with investors. I wasn't paying half attention to what anyone said...how is that possible?! I mean I saw their lips move, their hands and body...but I didn't hear anything. Okay, this has never happened to me before..I always watch it in movies and think- oh,this is bullshit. What could someone be possibly be thinking about so hard that he wouldn't hear a thing said by anyone? And now..it happened to me. I put on a fake smile as I was lost and the meeting was adjourned by my Vice. Good thing he is here. They all leave the office leaving me and my Vice.
DAVID: You weren't here at all were you bro?
He happens to be one of my best friends too, so calling me by my name was not his thing.
CREED: Do...you think anyone noticed?
DAVID: I don't think so...but I did.
CREED: Ofcourse you should. You've known me forever.
DAVID: Let me guess....A certain...rude ass?
Like I said...he knows me. He's really observant and sometimes that freaks me out a lot cause sometimes I don't feel like telling him stuff and he just figures it out. And it's like what the fuck? Is he a mind reader? Or a witch? Well...wizard since he's not a woman.
CREED: I find her intriguing man...like I wanna get to know her more...you know...take care of her. And it's really bad cause I barely know her and she wasn't exactly nice but...there's something there.
DAVID: Probably just sexual. Have you thought about that? Wait- don't answer that.
CREED: Yeah...maybe its sex? I mean I'm pretty sure it is. She is really beautiful and-
DAVID: Whoa...beautiful? You've...you've never described a woman as beautiful except your mom.
CREED: Comeon..that's not true.
DAVID: Dude,You called a nun hot and she covered a lot of her body.
CREED: Well..she had a big butt. Did you not see it??!
DAVID: Yeah..true. But still. Okay...so what are you gonna do? Are you gonna go for it?
CREED: Uh..yeah. I think so I mean...why not? And who knows it might be just sex.
DAVID: And are you gonna tell her that's just what you want?
CREED: Wha...no! God no. Why would I tell her that?
DAVID: Well...you mostly open with that with other girls. How's she different?
CREED: She- wasn't faking with me. She doesn't fake her voice or herself with me, she might actually hate me and it turns me on.
DAVID: Turns.you.on? What? How is that turning you on you freak?
CREED: Haven't you heard of a little something called 'Hate-fuck'?
DAVID: Ookay...what if she doesn't want just sex at all especially with you?
CREED: Do you not see me man??
DAVID: So? You're human, not a god. And if this girl hates you as much as you said, she might not be Interested at all.
CREED: Well, I won't know if I don't try.
DAVID: So you're really gonna go for the sex and nothing else with sofia?
CREED: Ofcourse...she is smoking hot and my father and I think he's her father or something...wants us to get together and its the first blind date I'm actually Interested in seeing again. And its perfect cause she doesn't like me so I don't have to be worried about her catching feelings for me.
DAVID: Alright then.
CREED: What are you doing later?
DAVID: Uh...its 2pm now...I have to meet my mom in ten minutes. Wanna come?
CREED: Uh..yeah?! I love your mom.
DAVID: My real mom...not my step mom.
CREED: Oh. I'll pass.
Not that I don't like David's real mother, I do...she's alright. But his step mother? Wow. She can only be described as a MILF. She can't really show much facial expressions due to the botox and surgeries...but I like and find her real funny. Just how she doesn't care about anything and lets nothing bother or steal her peace is something I'd really love to learn.
I walk with David who gets on the elevator as I walk to my office.
DAVID: Oh..did you return her credit card yet?
CREED: I would but I wanna do it myself. You know...as decoy to see her again.
DAVID: Okay..have fun with your game.
CREED: Later man.
My phone buzzed and I wasn't really expecting the caller but still...he's family. I already know he's going to ask me about Sofia so I pick immediately cause I also want to see her. I actually...really want to see her.
"CREED: Hello father.
MR.GRIFFIN: Same. How are you son?
CREED:Uh..pretty good. Uh..look I know why you're calling and well I am going to try things again with sofia Ives and-
MR.GRIFFIN: Ohh..no no..I'm setting you up with someone else...forget Sofia. This girl is much prettier and-
CREED: Hold..wait...what?! You set me up again? Why?
MR.GRIFFIN: Well it seems Sofia is a hard nut to crack and it's just really stressful for you.
CREED: I am not complaining father. I don't want you to set me up with anyone. I can find someone myself...why do you have to be my wingman?
MR.GRIFFIN: Because your so-called bestfriend David is not gonna be one...'Ameel' on the other hand is helpful..he was the one that arranged the date.
Fucking 'Ameel Gibson'!!! Why the hell would he do that? Is he in any relationship at all? Why is he helping my father ruin my life?!
CREED: Father...I.. I don't know or care about whoever you or that rat bastard Ameel arranged for me but it's not gonna work out. Sorry.
He took about five seconds before replying in a low harsh tone and I know I needed to give a really really good explanation.
MR.GRIFFIN: Sure...and why not?
CREED: Uhh...um...be...because..I...I actually...uh...
I'm staring at the black credit card on the table and I blurt out something that I think actually put a smile on his face even if I cannot see it.
CREED: I'm going out with Sofia Ives again!
MR.GRIFFIN: Really now?? Wow...a second date. That's new.
CREED: Yeah...I..I know. So..sorry but you have to cancel the date now.
MR.GRIFFIN: Well...alright. But if it doesn't work out-
CREED: I'll definitely go on the date. Ok..bye now"
I end the call cause I know he is not going to stop talking and I'll end up putting my phone in my pocket and forgot he's still speaking. He'll notice and send a real 'threatening ' text.
Time to get sofia Ives.