10.Fucking Gorgeous Mess

°Sofia's Pov°

Layla called me about thirty minutes ago asking if I was home cause she was bored and my house is fun for Preston and his playing buddy. I mean, I love Preston and all but another kid? I don't know how I feel about that part but I'm not taking care of them...mainly cause I have a date and Layla is definitely gonna make me babysit with her.

I haven't seen Layla and my baby boy for a day which feels like weeks by the way.

Basically the kids are playing in the new swing I got for myself but whateves....its not like they can break it or something...right? I keep a keen eye on them as I sip on my wine with Layla who seemed so relaxed cause she wasn't watching the kids anymore. She saw me looking at them and my swing and thought I actually wanted to watch them. Yeah..I went with it.

LAYLA: So you're going out with Yousuf again...huh...wait...you haven't really told me about...you know...

SOFIA: Whaa...I've told you...do you listen to the voice notes I send?

LAYLA: Uh..honestly..no...

SOFIA: *Gasp*

LAYLA: They're always really long...and you're super high when you send them so I just...don't bother. Sorry..

SOFIA: Oh, no worries. I'm not telling you anything though...you're gonna have to listen to my super high voice notes now.

LAYLA: Oohh...come on...don't do this to me.

SOFIA: You did things to me- so there!

LAYLA: Okay....okay...fair.

Petty but how could she not listen to MY voice notes?! Like it's my voice...its a very interesting sound..the hell???..... But I'm still gonna tell her though cause she is right, I was high and I probably said real stupid shit.

SOFIA: Okay..I'll tell you..well...he is gooooooood....I mean really good...he is SOFIA IVES good!

LAYLA: Ohh wow...your name good? Oh my...so what exactly is he good at? Or is it like everything?

SOFIA: Uh...well...yeah?! Duh. Did you not hear me say 'my name' good?

LAYLA: Okay..so like is he the 'one'?

SOFIA: Really? Why is that always an issue for you? Why does he have to be the one cause we had a good time screwin? Can't it just be really good sex with-

LAYLA: -nothing attached...I get it. And I'm sorry for being a broken record about this but...this is really getting old-

SOFIA: Old?! You're old?! I'm not even twenty-eight yet!!

LAYLA: Noo..I meant...this game you're playing...just sex and nothing else...

SOFIA: Oh. Uh...well...I'm not complaining lay and neither is my vagina so..yeah. we're good.

LAYLA: I'm serious sof. You're chasing good guys cause of what that bastard did to you and it's not fair to you or the guys. Look...I'm tired of talking about this with you-

SOFIA: Then stop. Really. Fucking stop.


SOFIA: Sorry..uh...did you get deceived by someone you trust with your life? Did you get raped multiple times by men and the bastard? Okay..maybe you lost you mom after getting away from that bastard?! Huh?!

LAYLA: Hey! I know...I know...

SOFIA: You know?? I don't want you to know...i want you tell me if anything like that happened to you?!Did anyone of em happen to you Layla?

LAYLA: Okay...relax..I'm sorry...I mean I used to be an exotic dancer but okay...you had it bad. But you are still gonna marry...right? Have kids?

SOFIA: One kid is okay...I saw what you went through, you think I wanna go through that twice? And the marriage...I really don't know...no one actually makes my heart skip like...a lot. I can always talk free with any guy...I want someone that'll make me not talk..you understand? Am I making sense? I mean...am I asking for the impossible or something?

LAYLA: Uh..not really..no. And that someone is out there. You're gorgeous, smart, and really caring evenif you try to hide it...you're a good person sof.

SOFIA: Okay...enough..you're not about to make me cry right now.

LAYLA: Yeah sure...Hey! What about your credit card? Did you get it yet?

SOFIA: No..I haven't had the time to go back to the restaurant.

LAYLA: What? Sof..its money...what if a hacker finds it and takes all your money??

Yeah..she makes a good point but whoever does that is in for a really painful treat. Godfather is not one to toil with especially when it involves Money.

SOFIA: I don't think so. And if that happens...they can be easily tracked and punished.

LAYLA: True but still...you need to go get it.

SOFIA: I need to go get ready for my date.

LAYLA: Its time already?

SOFIA: Yeah.. 5pm.

LAYLA: Wait...its five?

SOFIA: Yeah.

LAYLA: Aren't you gonna be late?

SOFIA: "A Queen is never late, everyone else is just early".

LAYLA: Yeah...okay..but its just one guy waiting...not like a crowd.

SOFIA: Doesn't matter. Kay, byeee...oh..and watch those kids..with that swing.

LAYLA: Your swing will be okay! Go!

SOFIA: it's not just the swing...I.. I actually...yeah...just watch my swing please. Thanks.

I walk to my room...I already picked out an outfit for the date. Well...Yousuf got it for me. I decide to wear it cause I don't have it in particular which is rare actually..I don't even have it in any color. It's just this beautiful long red open back gown, I love the way it just hugs my body showing a little cleavage, I slid into my red heels easy. I untie my hair letting it fall..I decide to go with curls this time...its pretty.

Taking another glance in the mirror, God..I'm gorgeous. Yes I'm a mess..but a fucking gorgeous mess!! I receive a text from my date "You better have a good reason for making me stare at my phone for twenty minutes".

Just you wait motherfucker.

I walk back to Layla and the kids who are in the kitchen now eating something she made..I don't know...but when did she make that though? Is being a mom connected to having like...super powers?

LAYLA: Ooh damn...you look...wow...okay...

SOFIA: Yeah..i know. Uhh...when did you make this? I left you for like ten minutes or less.

LAYLA: Its cereal sof. I didn't cook.

SOFIA: Oh. Okay.

I don't like cereal. I'd rather eat peanuts the way cereal is being eaten by kids. Yes, a little weird but it's my poison.

PRESTON: Wow....you look really pretty aunt sofia!!

SOFIA: Thankyou my love!! Okay..have fun with your friend that...why is he staring so much like that?

PRESTON: *whispers to her* He has a crush on you.

SOFIA: Oh. Oooh..awww...no...uh...okay...good..luck with that. I gotta go now. He has been texting non stop. It's like chill..its just a date.

LAYLA: Maybe he has a suprise for you or something?

SOFIA: Yeah..more gifts I can buy myself. Yay.

LAYLA: Ungrateful bi- bird... haaaa...you are such a bird.

SOFIA: And you are lucky. I'm too dolled up to talk to you. See ya.

The ride to the restaurant was fast..and the restaurant is like fourty minutes away from my place. I notice the lights to the restaurant are real dim...are they closed?! I get down from the car and walk to the restaurant as the lights start to turn back on with every step I make. No one was In there but I already sighted a guard my godfather assigned to follow me, I felt a bit relieved.

The whole light in the restaurant are turned on, almost blinding my fucking eyes. Wait- that's not the restaurant light...that looks more like a really bright neon light with a write up that said "WILL YOU MARRY ME SOFIA IVES?"