°Creed's Pov°
Creed decided to head to his big sisters house to clear his head..she doesn't know it yet but she's his safe place. And the only person that understands him. She wants him to actually fall in love with someone...not someone their dad wants, someone to share pain...laughter..and ice cream as she does with her husband Liam. Her kitchen is the size of a full house..not sure why she needed it this big but its Lisa..she loves being in the kitchen. Maybe it's her safe place too?
I love being in my sister's house...mainly cause she bakes cookies I'm in love with. And all the time too cause she has a kid.
CREED: I really missed your cookies. You have to stop travelling lis.
LISA: Sorry baby...I have to travel..its my job. Plus I offered to teach you and you refuse.
CREED: Really...me? Baking? Where do you see that happening? Yeah right.
LISA: What is wrong with that? Liam's bakes too...a lot of guys love being in the kitchen.
CREED: Not me.
LISA: Hey I thought dad stopped this blind date thing already? What is he bothering you for? He married someone he loved right?
CREED: My exact thoughts!! Worse? He has an accomplice. Akeem.
LISA: *laughs* What??! Of course its Akeem. Don't let that bother you..you know he really wants Dad to like him and would do anything.
CREED: He's doing way too much.Besides Dad likes Daveed more...always been like that. Not gonna change.
LISA: Well, he can't force you to date anyone you're not interested in.
CREED: I don't think he knows that.
LISA: I'll talk to him...again.
CREED: Please do...I'm just..its really...I mean..does marriage really mean someone is mature?
LISA: Not really but you gain respect atleast.
CREED: Respect? Ha. Lis...we're fucking wealthy! I have older men and women working for me and calling me sir...is..is there some kind of respect I don't know about?
LISA: Makes people look at you differently. Plus...you're taking over the company pretty soon. It's not a child's game..there are some really mature men there and I know Dad wants you to not feel inferior. And they're not gonna treat you like a kid.
CREED: I just don't think being in a relationship is necessary. It's just stressful...you're a woman right?
LISA: *glances at her boobs* I should think so.
CREED: You guys are not normal...nothing about women is normal. You're all needy..require attention all the time..plus the mood swings? What is up with that shit?
LISA: Uh..maybe it's called being human?? What..you don't get moody?
CREED: Not like girls. Ugh. Nevermind.
LISA: Hey..what about that girl you told me about? Uh..Sofia? She's really pretty though...I mean i know you're not ready but wow...she's-
CREED: Not happening. I don't think she's interested in me so. Yeah. She wasn't excited about the date either.
LISA: That's a first. A girl not interested in you. Okay.
CREED: Hey..she finds me attractive..but I guess maybe she has someone or something is fucking wrong with her brain.
CREED: Where's my nephew?
LISA: Shoot! I have to go pick him up...but I need to go attend to something at work. *calls out* Liam?! Baby!
Her husband Liam come downstairs in a white shirt and blue Jeans..he has so many white shirts you would think he repeats them. Why he likes white so much I'll never understand. This started after he married my sister though.
LIAM: Uh huh. What's up.
LISA: Could you please help me pick our son from Preston's aunt's house?
CREED: Preston?
LIAM: Uh..sure. Where's this house at?
CREED: You don't know?
LIAM: I have never picked him up from anywhere but school.
LISA: I'll text you the address...I gotta go now. Love you. *pecks liam on the lips, gives creed a side hug and leaves them*
LIAM: You wanna come with me? Or you're just focusing on the cookies first.
CREED: Might as well. But I'm bringing the cookies..I know you don't like it when anyone eats in your car.
LIAM: You can eat..you're not a child. I trust you won't spill.
*Collects his car key from the kitchen counter*
I quietly mimicks liam as he walks out. The drive was a quiet one cause liam played one of his favourite "indila" french song which creed doesn't get but bares it since it's not his car. Plus I was bored and didn't want to be alone. Nah...I heard Preston...Preston's aunt...Sofia Ives.
We got through the first gate, the second gate wasn't that easy as the security guard doesn't recognise either of them. He had to call Sofia who didn't pay any attention and agreed to let us enter.
"So this is sofia's house...fucking wow." I thought. There are literally no words to describe how amazing it looks. And I'm baffled because she is different from what I see. She's very moody and conceited but her house is all kinds of pretty..not too girly but really mature and out there.
CREED: Oh wow..you never really come pick him up from anywhere but school.
MARV: Uncle creed!
CREED: Hey little man.
LIAM: Heyy buddy!! *Hugs and Carries him* Had enough fun huh...we gotta go.
MARV: Got it...lemme say goodbye to Preston.
LAYLA: You're his father? Hi..I'm Layla...Preston's mom.
LIAM: Hi..I'm liam. Your house is insanely gorgeous.
LAYLA: Thanks..but it's not my house. It's my Bestfriend's.
LIAM: Oh..oh..okay...still beautiful. Right creed? Creed?
I can't hear a word coming outta their mouths as I stare at Sofia getting in her car...holy shit..this girl...Ookay...relax...just relax...
LAYLA: Oh..she has..a..date.
LIAM: Who are we...oh..wow. wow.
CREED: One 'wow' is fine buddy.
LIAM: Yeah.
CREED: Sooo..a date...with..uh...who...
LAYLA: Someone she's seeing?
CREED: Ofcourse..
LIAM: Wait...that's Sofia ives right?? You went on a date with her...your sister told me about the awkward situation from school to being your actual blind date your Dad set-
CREED: That's enough outta you Liam!!!
LIAM: Oh. She is gorgeous though!
CREED: Don't-
LIAM: I still love your sister.
God!! Ofcourse she's seeing someone...why would she be single?! What does my Dad know? He said she's single and he is sure...he is sooo gonna hear it from me later.
MARV: Done!! Let's go. Bye miss layla!!
LAYLA: Bye marv!! *Exit with preston*
LIAM: Ookay...bye then.
They got in the car leaving me still gawking at Sofia.
LIAM: You coming?
CREED: Yeah. One thing though...please...could we..follow her?
LIAM: Sofia? Why?
CREED: Nothing...I just...uh...need...
LIAM: Are you developing something of some sort for the lovely miss Ives?
CREED: You. You are such..! No..look I need pictures to show to my father that she is not single.
LIAM: Why? I thought he set you up with someone else?
CREED: Were you eavesdropping or something?!
LIAM: Its a big house and the walls are really thin...and yes I was..but not on purpose.
CREED: Can we just follow her please?!
LIAM: Well..alright...let's go.
I have no idea why I suggested to follow her but I went with my gut. We got to the restaurant her date is supposed to take place and it was dark. What is this shit? I watched her walk in as if she was thinking the same thing I was thinking. I came down from the car ignoring Liam calling me back. What if she was in danger? I spot a man in black and sunglasses staring at her from the corner of my eye and i just needed to know what was going on. Who wears sunglasses at night?! Fucking creep. She walks in and the lights come back on...and...wait...what is that writing? I spot a man on his knees..she hadn't seen him yet, she was still trying to figure out what was happening as she turned to him..stunned I must say cause she didn't move. Or smile. It was quiet. Too quiet.
LIAM: Holy shit...is he...but...what??!!
CREED: You scared the crap outta me man!! Thought you were in the car?!
LIAM: I'm not...uh...what is...happening?
CREED: Can you really not see?!
LIAM: But...you..you like her.
I KNOW!!!!