Spawning in 3, 2, 1,......

So what come out of light was....

A light steel armor set (common), a mana powered pistol (rare) and a spell book of telekinesis chantless (epic) all seven stars.

[The items in this game are divided in seven ranks as follows: common -> uncommon -> rare -> epic -> legendary -> mythic -> divine]

[There is also a sub rank to further measure the power level which are one to seven stars]

Hmmm that's ok I thought while nodding my head in understanding. Then a new screen pop in front of me.

[There are five basic stats in this game strength, endurance, dexterity, agility, and magic]

[You can use EXP you earn to add points in a specific stats]

[Strength determines the power you can put behind your actions, how much you can lift, and so on. It is 3/4th of the deciding factor of your physical attack, 2/4th of the deciding factor on how durable you are, and 1/4th of the deciding factor on your speed.]

[Endurance determines your stamina, how tough you are, how durable your body is, your mass, and how resistant your body is to things like acid and temperature. It is the 2/4th deciding factor on how durable you are.]

[Dexterity determines your mind-body connection, making it easier to make precise movements, control your strength, and react to attacks.]

I guess this was put in so you can do my precise work and not accidentally kill someone if you reached a higher level of strength. Makes sense. Remind me of bodybuilders on steroid with all those muscles can't even scratch their own back.

[Agility determines how fast you can think, react, and run, punch, and everything else about speed. It is 3/4th of the deciding factor on your speed and 1/4th of the deciding factor in your physical attack.]

[Magic determines how much mind (mana point) you have and how powerful a spell is. Depending on how high their magic stat is, it affects the quantity, quality, power, or effectiveness of the spell someone can cast.]

[Note- Always keep in mind that just because you and your opponent have the same amount of points in a stat doesn't mean you are equal in that stat. In simple terms, two people might have 300 point in strength, but one might be able to punch harder while the other can lift more. Or, two people might have 600 point in magic, but one might have more mind while the other can do more damage.]

Hmmm This will keeps versatility to peek even if everyone's build is same just like real world.

[There are also levels, when you have certain amount of points and completed the level up requirement you will be able to level up (one requirement is blessing of higher being AKA god stronger the better) ]

Damn that's a lot of rules and game mechanics. "So what's next."

[System fully activating....]

[System fully activated]

[System functions are also up and running----]

Status: Show statics and help in point distribution.

Inventory: Personal storage space.

Disguised soul: Soul of the user is disguised as a ordinary soul.

Map: Locked (sign in to unlock)

Appraisal: User will just touch or look at thing or people to know about them (strength difference between you and target will determine the amount of info you can get).

Shop: Locked

Summon: Locked

Language translator: You know and understand any language.

New system perks\functions may be buyable in system shop]

[All requirement fulfilled ready to enter the game]

"Now that all rules and functions are done and running, lets start this new life shall we. Isekai here I come, even if you are but just a dream"

[Mode set to survival spawning in 3, 2, 1,.....]

And then I was sucked into a crack open in front of me and I found my self in a cave like place.....