First day of the game......

As I open my eyes I find myself in a underground cave like place with light bluish wall. Just as I was thinking where I was suddenly a new screen pop up on my face.

[A new day has begun for you. Do you wish to sign in to get some quick reward?]

"ohh nice I guess sign in" I said.

[You have signed in and been rewarded. 'Perfect map of the Dungeon First Floor.' The Map functions have been unlocked.]

Multiple screens suddenly popped up one after the other, flooding my vision in less than a second. 'Damn.' I stared at the screen, not knowing which one to focus on first.

Than I start looking at them one by one. First to come up was....

[ 7- Days newbie reward--

Day 1- 100,000 valis (claimed)

Day 2- 10 random item coupon

Day 3- 2 random element stone

Day 4- 30 random item coupon

Day 5- Minecrafter's\Terrarian's mining and crafting guide

Day 6- Unique developmental skill coupon

Day 7- Heart crystal ]

Hmm quite some reward I'd say for doing nothing but who don't want it. So next is....

[Leveling Journey

Reach level 0: 1 Common weapon selector, 30 high quality healing potion (Collect?)

Reach level 1: Support drone team summon (summon function unlock)

Reach level 2: Random magic coupon (epic)

Reach level 3: Random skill coupon (epic)

Unlock the remaining reward after reaching rank 4]

Obviously, I collected the reward and last ones were related to map function and how it works. As I was looking at map I saw a couple of red dots were closing toward my blue dot so I quickly close all tabs and took out my mana pistol which look quite nice and fit my hand perfectly and pointed it at them. The two little green ass thought I won't notice them. I fired in quick succession at both of them and they dropped on the floor green bags of rice.



[+10 EXP]

This pistol sure pack a punch, its laser like bullets blast through them and leave holes on the floor. Anyway I earn a bit of exp here so lets just use it....status



EXP held: 10->0

Level 0 (unblessed)

Strength: 10+5

Endurance: 10

Dexterity: 10

Agility: 10

Magic: 10+5

Development ability: None

Magic: Telekinesis chantless

Skill: None


I added +5 points to both strength and magic to increase the my physical powers and boost my mana. Man that two shot from the pistol drain almost half of my mana. I think five rounds, well do it seven now is my max capacity of firing it and I still have telekinesis to cost me down.

Now all that was left is to use that weapon selector and it was quite a let down. All I get to chose from were common iron and stick weapons. So in the end I chose dagger for close combat.

With everything done I move to my current situation at hands, this place which is first floor of dungeon according to my map. It also show me the way to the exit and the next floor. I think I should be exiting this dungeon first.

As I followed my map which I placed in the upper right corner of my vision to get more VR game like feeling I reached a spiral staircase which was going up. On the way I meet some monsters as well as other people, have to say this place is quite the hot spot for people and monster showdown.

I learned that the people who come down here are a group called adventurers and they made there living by those stones called magic stones present in these monster's chest or head. When I carve out a mana stone from the green beanbag I punch a hole in I got more message from our trusty system saying....

[Would you like to exchange it for system point ?]

Well why not lets see what more you got.

[You get 5 system point for each mana stone of monsters from floor 1 to 4. Floor boss monsters will give more system points according to power stored in their mana stone.]

[System store function has been unlocked]

[System points work as a currency to make purchase form store as will as to use certain system store services you can find in store function.]

So that's how it is I guess I'll check it out after I get out of this dungeon....

NOW lets come back to present, I was now climbing the stair to the surface some adventurers were throwing a glance or two at me than, they made their way down without saying something I also spotted some of my new kind AKA werewolves. Hmm anyway as I made my way out what greeted my sight was sight to behold....

A massive circular expanse. And by massive, I mean inhumanly large. It stretched about 250 meters in radius and rose more than 100 meters high.

The ground was paved with large slabs of stone-like tiles, the walls were filled with murals of what seemed like gods, and the biggest was a bearded man in the process of placing a giant tower over a hole in the ground. Looking back at the hole I came out of and the area around me, I could understand what it meant.

Interesting is it something like those plaza like thing in games. Then I proceed to walk out of the dungeon hall, yup that's what I am going to call this place.