Making a Deal..........

Over the next four days word of my store spread around the adventuring community mainly because of my potions. I also add new potions next day. I made them using materials I bought in market like endurance potion (hard armored monster drops replace armored cavefish), iron skin potion, swiftness potion and tesla potion (most material came from water city other from Melon). They were a hit, as there no other potion except healing, poison removing and mana potion in market.


'OHH new customer'. I thought at the sound of bell placed at door. But when I saw who was the customer I felt a bit complicated.

"Boy we meet again!" Said the red haired god or goddess Loki. Behind her entered a few more people. Although I don't hate them but still, I fell a bit awkward around them.

"So haven't ya join any Familia yet, my offer is still up if you change your mind." Loki said sensing that I still don't have any blessing. (Gods and first grade adventurers can sense who is blessed and who is not.)

"Naa, I am fine for now." I replied not saying much.

"Hmm." thou not convinced but she still accepted my answer.

"So kid, you made them yourself. The craftmanship and these metal alloy in your craft is of very high quality." commented a elder looking dwarf with brown hair and beard after inspecting some of my armors.

"Yes, I made them myself. As for the material they are a trade secret." I replied. "Anyway why don't you look through my other items.

"Ya, that's the reason we came." Saying that he left to browse through the Item like other. Leaving Loki behind with me.

"So what's the secret?" Loki asked poking my left cheek.

"What secret?" I asked in return not understanding what she was talking about.

"Secret of you strength. You know how you still don't have Blessing but have strength that almost rival that of a level 2 adventurer." she asked directly without beating around the bushes.

"Hmm that's a interesting question and simplest answer is, I have reached my mortal limits that any mortal can reach after enough training that is." I replied in truth. In a way what I said make sense. Level 0 is suppose to be my mortal limits and other people should also be able to reach it.... even if it take them decades.

"Hmm, Is that soo." Said Loki thinking about my answer.

"Forget about that, tell me what do ya think about this city. I heard Ya arrived not to long ago." she asked while sitting on the counter casually which I don't mind much.



For next few minutes she and I were having some casual small talks while her Familia members were browsing through my shop.

I have to say, she is quite a chill god, something you normally won't expect from a Devine. I actually enjoyed my time with her.

Soon the rest of the group came back with things they were buying.

"We will be buying all these potions for now." said a green haired elf putting a bunch of my special potions around 60 or so, most of the potions were endurance and regeneration potion. According to Loki these were for their upcoming dungeon diving.

"Ne ne, can you make my weapon similar to this fire sword that will take mana from user when used." said the same flat chest Amazoness whom I attacked last time cheerfully like that never happened. I guess that make things easier between us.

"Yes, I can but efficiency will depend on the material used in your weapon. And don't worry unlike magic sword it won't break." I said giving details of enchantment.

"OK how many days will it take for the upgrade and the cost." she asked

"Hmm, around a hour and it will cost you around 60,000 with discount as a apology for last time."

"Okey than I will bring my Urga today afternoon."

"Hmm I am fine with that. And this is the bill for your purchase."

After paying for their purchase they were about to leave but I stop them.

"Hey wait a second. Can you sell some stuff be it magic stone or drop from volcanic floors of dungeon to me after you come back. You see I want some volcanic materials for some of my future project. In return I will lend you my strength when needed. You know I have good fire power even without Falna." I offered them.

"Hmm, how about you lend us your strength now. Here is the deal, we need skilled smiths in expedition. We have already stuck a deal with Hephaestus Familia, one more smith won't hurt much and you are more than capable to join. And in return you can go and collect loot for yourself. How about it." Loki offered me a better deal instead, to which that green haired elf give her a confused look which she obviously ignored.

"Hmm fine but my Monster partner will also be going with me." I put my own condition.

"That war shadow right." she asked for conformation.

"Yes" I conformed her idea.

"Okey, fine it won't be a problem till it don't attack other group members." She said, clearing the rules.

"Ya don't worry about that." I reassured them.

After the deal was locked they left to attend their other business.

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Reader's POV-

"Will that be alright, taking a inexperienced adventurer who don't even have a blessing." asked Riveria a bit worried.

"Don't worry about that Mama." Loki said which cause a tick mark to appear on Riveria's forehead, ready to bash Loki's head with her staff.

Seeing this Loki quickly hide behind Tiona.

"I am pretty sure he got the fighting skills as well as smithing skill you will need in the dungeon and most of all I can guaranty that he still has a lot of fire power in that pocket of his. Right Tiona, right Gareth." Loki tried assure Riveria by giving reasons asking both by her side.

"That lad has smithing skills that can match skills of the most experienced high level blacksmiths out there, that much I can tell you by inspecting his work. And his work also don't follow the normal hammering procedure which is fascinating in its own right." replied Gareth. As a half a century old dwarf he has eyes for forged items like no other, so his words did relive some of her worries.

"As for his fighting skills, I haven't seen much of his sword skills but his magic is impressive, I can tell that much." said Tiona.

"And about that monster he asked to bring with him?" Riveria voiced her other major worry.

"That's might be a problem but remember Shakti herself has given approval to that monster and I haven't heard it cause any trouble till yet." Loki gave her own thoughts regarding Shades.