Preparation for Upcoming Exploration......

Rain's POV-

After the deal was lock I call Crystal to take my place at the shopkeeper's counter and then return to my workshop before telling her to send Tiona down when she will come to get her weapon enchanted.

After getting into my forge I start working on my top priority Item which is recall mirror. As it will be our escape ticket if things go out of control. As well as for Crystal, she won't be going with us as I can summon her when needed but it won't be a good idea to keep our base without someone guarding it that's where this also come in handy.

To make the base frame of the mirror I chose Platinum as its harder than gold and start melting it than put the molten metal into a circular frame, I am the one making it so its shape is up to me as well. When it cooled enough to be solid but still glowing and soft I added three diamonds at the back of mirror in a triangular pattern. After it cooled down, I smoothen it out and add an already prepared glass piece to it. In the end I did the enchantments and rune inscribing with the help of system support for 40 points. 'Na, I am not going to take chance with space magic shit.'

The end product was a palm size portable circular silver mirror with words written at the border and three diamonds at the back.

I also repeated the same process two more time and make three mirror for three of us. For Crystal's mirror I turn it into a necklace and for other two, they will be going in our armors. I also put the recall location at a empty small room on forth floor.

"Shades hand me over your armor.... for upgrade." I shouted for Shades and he arrived in half a minute. Shades has always been a freak for armor and weapons so when I shouted upgrade he came rushing up here.

After taking of his armor I go back to underground, to my forge but Shades also follow me down seems to be curious about the new upgrade.

After reaching the forge I start adding the mirror at the outer position of right thigh below the hip inside the armor so he can access it at any time with his mana, it won't get damage during the fight and it won't hinder him in his movement. Next I added different rune like swift in the armored boots, strength in arm guards and protection in chest plate as well as my only wind elemental stone at the back armor just below the neck for extra speed boost and hopefully floating in air for a bit . To add the final touch I also combine scarf of hunter in the armor from inside so it don't look any different from outside, just the black mist is thicker now than it used to be.

After It was complete Shades put on the armor immediately and start Testing the new features specially the flying ability which comes from the wind elemental stone. Although it worked but this flying ability cost a lot of mana to be use.

For the next few minutes we were testing the new upgrades of the armor but it was interrupted by someone knocking at door of my workshop.

I open the door and found Tiona was standing there with a big ass double bladed sword like weapon. Thou I wasn't surprise, Crystal has already informed me of her arrival.

Its been a few hours since I started working on items and upgrades in my forge and I don't even feel it.

"So this is your weapon, quite unique if you ask me." I commented on the unique weapon choice.

"Yes, this Urga. Its unique because its a custom weapon thou this is a new one, last one was destroyed." she said why it was unique while swinging it a bit.

"Tell me is that you tamed monster." she said looking at Shades who was still releasing a bit of black mist and red glow despite the mist aura being off.

"Yes, his name is Shades by the way." I introduced Shades who just nodded calmly at her, showing he is not hostile.

"Woo, he looks intelligent despite being a monster." she said clearly amazed at his gesture of understanding.

"Ha ha ha, ya he is certainly smarter than other monster." I laughed awkwardly and tried to redirect the topic. "Anyway let go back to your weapon. If you want you can wait here or come back after an hour."

"I will come back after an hour than. Here. Bye." saying that she gave me her weapon and left to do other things. After that Shades also left to test more of his newly upgraded armor leaving me alone.

"HAAAAAA, now lets finish this job too." murmuring to myself I start working on her urga.

First of all I heat it a bit, not much just to make inscribing easier. Than I took my pen which had a special crystal tip and body made up of mithril to start inscribing the runes. I start with adding fire aspect at the middle of the flat broad sides of both blades and also add sharpness at the flat board surface too along the edge than I put a single piece of paper thin sheet of mithril on the runes connecting to the handle. It will act as a efficient energy conductor as well as protect runes both from damage and prying eyes.

In around half an hour work was done then I gave it to Crystals saying pass it to Tiona when she come for it. After that I go to my room and took a nap.



After waking up I took the shift of shopkeeper duty till 8 PM, our shop's closing time.

Currently at the diner table.....

"Here you go Crystal your gift." I said giving Crystal that necklace made using recall mirror than explain its use to her.

"Ahh, I see so that's how it work. Its a truly incredible accessory." she said truly amazed with its recall ability.

"The expedition thing, it will happened the day after tomorrow right. How deep will we be going?" Surprisingly it was Shades who asked the question.

"yes, we only have tomorrow's time to do any final preparation. As for how deep, I don't know but deeper than 50 for sure." I said

We did some normal discussion over the upcoming dungeon while eating then left to sleep for the night.