
{Current Location: Base/Terra Crafters}

{Time: 12:00 PM_ Three hours after the expedition group left the camp for return trip}

{Canon Timeline: 1 month and 8 days since the start of canon}

Next day morning, after we returned from 59th floor, the expedition group start the return journey back from 50th floor to the surface.

I stayed with them till 48th floor to mine some more volcano theme stones. After I had enough materials, I recall back to base leaving Shades with them as he insisted to stay in dungeon a bit longer to fight more monsters.

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Before leaving the camp on 50th floor.....

"Hey Finn!" I called out for Finn.

"Hmmm? What is it, Rain?" Finn responded.

"Uaaaa, If you don't mind, I would like to leave early after mining a bit more ores in 48th floor."

"Leave early?" he asked, a bit confused of what I want.

"Ya, recall back. I want to make a teleportation hub and make a deal with guild if possible. If lucky enough, I will put a node on 18th floor too. As for supplies in my possession I will be giving them back now and for drops, I will deliver everything to your Familia base after returning." I explained my plan.

"Hmm, that will be helpful. Transporting so many things would slow us down."

"And one more thing, if possible Shades would like to stay with you. You know how much of a battle manic he is. Don't worry he won't make any trouble." hearing my another request he had a difficult expression.

"Okey, its fine. Having another level 6 will good, that is if he don't cause trouble." Finn said after thinking a bit.

"OH you don't have to worry about that." I assured him.

Flashback ends...

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"Ohh master you are back, I thought you would be returning with the group. And where is Shades?" Crystal asked standing in front of recall room. She must have sensed the spatial shift.

"Expedition group is coming back, so I left early. As for Shades you know him, he wanted to fight a bit more so he stayed." I replied shrugging it off.

"Hmm, so what are you planning to do now? You don't leave the expedition early just to meet the lone me, don't you?" she asked in sarcastic tone with a grin.

"Nope, you know me better than that." I said not falling for her teasing.

"Ouch! At least you could have lied." she said, putting her hands on heart in a mocked offence.

"You know what? Being a grown ass woman, you look silly behaving like that."

"You should treat this lady with some respect than, don't you think?"

"Ya, Ya... Some other day. First I need to empty my inventory and give a visit to guild and Loki's base." I said, living behind a pouting Crystal.

'Haaa..... I used to think she was more elegant and mature but I forgot at the end of the day she is my soul sister so she will have some of my goofiness.' I thought walking away. (A fragment of MC's soul was used to make her soul hence soul sister, can't make her soul daughter can we?)

After putting my share of loot in the store room of the basement, I left the base to give Loki a visit first.



After a while I reached the twilight manor. 'Why the fuck did they build their base at the edge of the city? And who designed this freaky base in the first place?'

"HALT! What's the purpose of your visit?" a cat person with a spear standing at the gate stopped me, asking my purpose.

He was on his full guard up, as I was still wearing my armor just the helmet is retracted with hood down.

"I am here to deliver some materials. Tell your goddess that Rain form Terra Crafter has come for a visit. She knows me." I said.

To which he give me another glance head to toe and send other guard behind the gate to deliver my message.

After a while that guard came back and took me inside the manor to meet their goddess.


Currently I and Loki were inside living room sitting opposite to each other.

"How are you here? Weren't you suppose to go on expedition with others?" she asked with a frowning expression even with the eyes close. Probably worried the will being of her children.

"Ohh, don't worry about them, they are making a return trip at this moment. You can ask them the details when they return." I said while looking around the room "And where should I put the materials?"

"What materials?" Loki asked in confusion.

"I will put them in this corner." I said. Ignoring her confusion I move from my seat, reach one corner of the room, where I emptied my inventory of the item that don't belong to me. Than I turn around to face the now stunned Loki and said

"Adios!" I said while waving my hand and disappeared, recalling to base as both guild and Loki's base were at the opposite directions of my base.

[Map for your memory refreshing]


After recalling back to base I was going out again, to guild this time. But I found Crystal reading some book on magic of this world in the hall room of second floor.

"You are back so early? Did something happened?" Crystal asked seeing me back so early.

"Naa.. Just returned from Loki's base. I will be giving guild a visit now." I replied.

"Okey and when will you be making items to sell? Store is close for a couple of days now." She asked.

"I will see. It won't matter much, after all its normal for smiths to close their shop to go in dungeon." I said and left on the way to the guild.

Its been 8 days since I have been away in the dungeon. Crystal had already told me on the telepathic line that night at 50th floor, that the store has been closed for the shortage of props supply. Its one of the reason I returned early.

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Author here- I tried to add more words in my vocabulary in this chapter for expressing the emotion and personality of characters better.

Tell me where else I can improve. I don't mind criticization as long as it make sense.