Guild even at the middle of the day it was full of people, thou not as much crowded as in morning and evening.
"Hey Eina..... Long time no see." I said, approaching her at the counter where she was currently stationed.
"Humm? Oh, Mr. Rain?! What are you doing here? Weren't you with the Loki exploration group in the dungeon?" she asked the same question that Loki asked.
"Naa, I came out early." I replied.
"You came out early?" she asked tilting her head to side. I can literally see (?) this forming on her head.
"Ya that's something I here to talk about. You can think of it as a business deal I want to make with the guild. Can you be our mediator?" I asked not giving much.
"Okey but I can't assure you this deal will occur or not." she said with a frown look on her face.
After that she call one of her collogue to take her place at counter and took me to a free private room for discussion.
"So what happened to the exploration group?" she asked about the exploration group first with a worried expression, ignoring my deal.
"Like i said before they are fine and will arrive on the surface after around 6 or 7 days. Stop worrying about them. Huaaaaaaa." I sigh in the end at her worrying for no reason.
"As for how I am here... I teleported back when the group start their return journey back to surface". I continued, intentionally giving out a key point to direct the conservation back to the deal.
"Ohh that's a relief than.... Wait teleport back?!" she said letting out a sigh of relief but after a few second of processing my words, she finally caught up with my words. 'I am telling ya, she has a slow processer.'
"You know? You are quite slow." I said, to which her face turn red.
"I am not slow, just too worried about the adventurers out there." she resorted to my teasing with her red face.
"Anyway back to the deal... My deal is I am making a item called escape stones and will sell it at the 65% price of what I will be selling at the market to the guild, which you people can sell to the adventurers. As for what escape stone is, they are one time use glass orb like items which will let 2 people teleport out of the any place to a 'specific spot'. As for that speci...." As I was explaining the deal and item....
"Wait! Wait! Wait! What do you mean teleport people out?!" Eina stopped me mid explanation, flabbergasted by what I was saying.
"Ya teleportation and other space storage magic will be available in the market soon. Believe me....." I said, conforming what she hear is true.
"Okey, Please wait here. I will call guild head here, you can talk to him directly about this deal." she said leaving the room to call the guild master.
After a few minute a fat, old looking elf came in the room followed by Eina.
"Eina, you can return back to your post, I will take it over from here." that elf said, sending Eina away.
"Hello, I am Royman Mardeel, the head and manager of this guild. You can go forward and explain me the details of your deal." Guild head told me to explain the deal details while sitting opposite to me. After all space magic is no small thing even in this world of magic, so it make sense that the guild head himself came here.
"Hm, so things are like this I want to sell this escape stone.....(I REPEATED SAME THING I SAID TO EINA)... As for the specific spot where they will appear after using the stone, guild will have to decide and guard it. Ya stone will also be of different grades/quality where higher the grade lower the floor it can be used at. This is my first deal." I explained my first deal of escape stones (nerfed recall potion).
"Hmm, It sure sounds great but do you have any proof that it is safe to use or it work in the first place?" he said after hearing and analyzing everything I said.
"Well, why don't we do a trial run right now, hahaha...." Saying that, I get up from my seat and griped his shoulder out of nowhere.
The next second we recalled back to my base's recall room at the forth floor. Beside me Guild head also dropped on the floor with a totally stunned face like a caveman seeing magic for the first time.
"W-Where are we?!" guild head shouted, too shocked to talk normally.
"Tone down your voice a bit, will ya old man." I shouted back at him and then continue to answer his doubts "We are at my home's recall room. At 'my personal specific spot' where we teleport out after using the item. This should also answer you your previous questions about the genuinely and safety of my product, Guild head."
"Yes, I believe you. I think we should return back to the guild building now, can this item of yours teleport us back?" he said, wiping away sweat from his forehead.
"Sadly no. 'Escape stone' is a emergency one way use escape item, not your daily use transport item." scoffed at him for not understanding what the item name imply.
"What's all this noise about?" Crystal come in the recall room shouting about the ruckus we caused.
"Haha, nothing nothing we were just about to leave again right Mister Guild head?" I said after let out a dry laugh.
While in the response to my question Guild head just nodded his head violently like saying, 'Yes yes whatever he is saying is right.' ,with just his gesture. To which Crystal raised an eye brow, not understanding what tactical agreement we had between us.
After that I just grab the Guild head and quickly left the house.
After a while of walk we were now back in the guild building. Thou some were surprised seeing Guild head coming back from outside while he never left the guild in the first place but none said a thing about that.
"Hmm, your prop is genuine but we have to set your 'specific spot' somewhere secured. From what you said your high level escape stones can transport people from outside the city to that spot and it can be dangerous depending on the situation. We also have to negotiate price at which you will sell it to us and at the market... But before that I also have to discus this with our patron god Ouranos." he said after some consideration of all things.
Hearing this my smile widen...