Partnership with The Guild.........40

Rain's POV-

After turning on the barrier, I started tinkering with some loose wires where energy faults or other technical problems were occurring. After all it was a whole base renovation. There were bound to be places which have problems and it can be dangerous in the near future when I will replace all magic stone powered items (they are like cell or battery electronics) with direct energy items (like electric home appliances working on running electricity).

After a bit of time Crystal reported me about the crowd in front of barrier. So I go out to see what's happening out there.

"Yoo, what's happening here?" I asked them from behind the barrier.

"Rain, is this barrier your work?" Shakti asked me for some reason.

"Yaa, obviously this is to protect my base and garden. Why you ask?" I asked in return after answering the obvious.

"Because a short but strong energy pulse was released from this place a while ago. We are here to investigate it's source." she replied, which cause me furrow my brows in confusion. (I was inside, so I didn't sensed it.)

"Hmm, come to the gate, I will open a path for you to enter. We can talk inside." I said, as she was current standing in front of the bush wall.

I put a special gate for people to enter and exit easily. It work like a ring in a soap film, opening a path without breaking the film. It also allow easy opening and closing of the path. And if it is damage or destroyed, barrier will just close instead of opening a path to invaders.



Currently we were sitting in the living room of the 2nd floor... 

"So that's how it is... I understand." I said after she explained me her part of what happened.

"Well its nothing serious. It must be a release of excess energy from the kick start of barrier. After all its a really powerful barrier artifact. Don't worry, its one time thing. As for all those herbs and trees, I grow them using a special method for my crafting. As you must already by now, I am a Smith and an Alchemist so I regularly need such items." I said reassuring her its a one time thing and also bragged a bit. That's a mortal nature after all.

"Hmm, than I will take my leave. By the way, where is that war shadow of yours?" she said, ignoring my bragging and about to leave but remembered Shade's existence.

"You mean Shades? He is still with exploration group of Loki and Hephaestus Familia. And don't worry they get along just fine." I said settling her curiosity on Shade's well being.

"All right than, I believe you." thou she said that but I can tell she doubt my words about monsters and adventurers getting along.

After that she left our base to report the situation to her God and taking care of the crowd outside, while I go back to tinkering with the wires and stuff.


Next morning after the whole system was perfect, I put a identification chip in the recall necklace of Crystal and in my armor to freely walk or teleport through the barrier. And about Shades I believe he will be just fine....

Than I did the breakfast and slept till noon. Simple.....




After waking up I left for the guild. As for Crystal she has just gone to explore the city more. In past few days she has developed a habit of exploring the city when bored at home. I guess everyone have their own hobbies.

Anyway back to guild. Like always, first thing after entering the guild was me trying to find Eina and to get my work done.

"Hello, Miss Eina. Is there any message for me from Guild head?" I asked just after reaching her counter.

"Hello Mr. Rain. Yes he asked for you to to meet him when you come. Misha can you please take him to Guild head's office room?" after replying, she asked a pink haired girl to take me to the Guild head's office.

"Hmm. Why not.. Follow me sir." saying that Misha start leading me to the office.

As I was following her she couldn't hold her curiosity and asked.....

"Hey, can I ask why guild head called for you? If its personal you can reject to answer."

"Hahaha. Nothing special, just a deal. You will know soon enough."

"Hum Okey if you say so. By the way, what do you think of Eina? Just curious."

"Hummmm... I haven't interact with her much, so I don't have a solid opinion. But I think she is a air head, with a soft heart. She will suffer because she get close to adventurers under her faster and at least a couple of them are bound to die. There is no 100% survival rate after all."

"I see.. Okey that is the Guild head's office. See you later." saying that she left me in front of the office door, a bit gloomily. I guess my words touched a sour spot but that's the truth from what I have heard and seen myself.


"Come in." after knocking three times voice of Guild head came..

"So what do you think about the deal. Do you accept?" I asked him just after taking a seat in front of him.

"Quite eager I see. We accept the deal but first we have to set up the details before signing the contract. And after the things are done our Patron God Ouranos would also like to have a talk with you." he said keeping the things straight.

"God Ouranos? What talk does he want to have with me about? If I have heard right, he haven't directly interact with anyone except the guild mediators for ages." I asked, curious what he wants.

"That I don't know, might be because of that barrier of yours last night? Anyway you will find it soon enough. For now, shall we complete the details?" he said bringing the discussion back to the matter at hands.

"Hum, why not." after I hummed in agreement, we start filling the contract detail.



After half and hour of discussion filled the contract terms and lock the official deal.....

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The contract details are as follows-

-First of all there is the lowest quality rank-1 escape stone which work till floor 12. Market price 20,000 valis. (cheap right but that's all a low rank party can afford)

-Second is the rank-2 escape stone which work till floor 18. Market price 60,000 valis.

-Third is the rank-3 escape stone which work till floor 27. Market price 180,000 valis.

-And last is rank-4 escape stone which will work till floor 36. Market price 500,000 valis.

(Cheap and affordable for everyone for their respective floors, so high in demand for even for poor not just wealthy.)

(They are all one time use items and can only recall two people at once, so low cost is reasonable.)

-As for higher ones, I will be selling them directly in my store.

-Every month I will be selling 500 rank-1, 500 rank-2, 250 rank-3 and 100 rank-4 escape stones at 60% of the market price to the guild.

(40% off discount actually contain all my taxes as well, so I am tax free now. No more extra money to guild.)

-(25%-50%) of cash amount will be given to me in the form of magic stones or rare materials and rest will be in valis.

-I will have to give my first shipment within one month or I will have to pay a penalty fee.

-If I fail to deliver a shipment within one month time after the previous one without a valid reason, I will have to pay a penalty fee.

-If anything happen to the goods after I hand them over to the guild, it will not be my responsibility.

-This contract will be valid for two years.

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"Now that contract has been completed and signed, let me take you to Lord Ouranos. Later I will send someone to guide you to the place we decided for your escape spot and the materials you will require to make it." Guild head said leading me to the back of guild building.

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Author here- Help me cook a plot.

I want a orphan girl around the age of 12-15 years with white or light gray hairs and falnaless to join Rain's little group. No pervy thoughts, you dick for brains. Its for a reference purpose similar to Shades.