{Current location: Back to 58th floor of dungeon}
{Time: 11:00 AM_ Next day after Rain left the exploration group}
I quickly dodged a fire breath from one of those sniper dragons by floating sideward so I don't become a roosted dog.
In return I fired a thunder bolt spell enchanted iron bullet of my own. (my second magic spell)
The bullet left the barrel at a blinding speed which killed two dragons in straight line just like that.
WOOSH Disappear...!
I control shadows around to cover myself and use shadow leap to the shadow of a near by dragon. (10 meter)
Firing another thunder bold enchanted iron bullet under its belly, bringing it down.
Another trio of normal dragons charge at me but I used my beauty of a sword to slice them in half by semi activating the sword's space cutter ability.
WOOSH Disappear...!
I again used my shadow leap to escape from being gang up by the army of dragons who were all flying toward me in full rage mode.
I appear behind a group which were packed together and used a mithril bullet turbo charged with thunder enchantment which exploded like a massive thunder burst in the sky, killing 8 dragons in a single shot.
Potion Gulp....
I quickly gulped down one small bottle worth of mana potion that appear in my mouth. The continues use of shadow leap with shadow control as well as this rifle is draining me faster than anything else, almost mind zeroing me even with the heart crystal.
For faster use of potions, I stored all the potions in my inventory without bottle, which look like a blob of floating liquid in my inventory slots. One slot has one blob of potion, three in total for healing, stamina and mana potion blobs.
After using my shadows which were spread throughout the battlefield to collect all the loot, I recalled out of the dungeon. Back in my home, the terra crafters.
'Haa... It was a tough fight, well more like a game of hide and seek. I still have to remember I am just a level 0 no matter how OP my gears are.... Well forget that, this is the Terra Crafter's way after all.' (Terrarian + Minecrafter= Terra Crafter)
Today after breakfast the first thing I did was buy a Universal Pylon and set up a temporary teleportation hub in the store room underground to reach the 50th floor and farm a bit more points I need.
As for why I didn't set a temporary hub for the exploration group to return with me, its because Pylons work one the concept of swapping object position through the space within the formation. So more the people more the energy it will take, hence I can't transport groups of people at this moment before energy generator is placed.
Anyway back to points..... I was lacking just around 1400 points to buy the mythical barrier generator even with 90% off. So I invest some points on the hub first for faster farming speed and testing my new rifle against tougher monsters.
After reaching the 50th floor I took the same path we took two days ago, as that path is not darkened in my map and I also took a direct express shortcut around this time as well which was humbly made by one of those sniper red dragons for me to use.
And now after two hours of constant fighting here we are ready to buy our mythical 7 barrier.
Just as I conform my purchase for the barrier generator, almost all my points disappear in front of my eyes leaving behind a glowing ball of 4 meter diameter with hexagonal patterns, floating between two rings of same diameter in my inventory. After that I also had to buy all the wiring and other things, so I was left with little to no points in the end. 'I am poor again....'
Now on to the work, I first dig my second underground floor with one rooms big but not massive for barrier and power generator, under the first basement floor which contain my workshop and storage area. After I have both generators I will combine both of them together to upgrade them in one go with a single divine soul and more simple working.
Than I spend the rest of the day placing the barrier generator, wiring the walls (for future energy generator as well), furnishing the room with protective plates and structural rods and setting up a parameter to generate barrier along the boundary walls. By the evening after all that it was finally ready to turn.
(Barrier generator as a peak mythic can generate its own energy for self sustenance but not for external use.)
And then I waited till the mid night to work on boundaries.
I don't let Crystal open the shop today, as I wanted a grand reopening will all the new items (early game terraria items as well with recall stones).
At night I removed all the walls surrounding our base and replaced it with a 1 meter tall bush wall touching the barrier parameters. And in the end I filled the massive free space around the base will all kind of rare herbs, enchanted golden apple trees (I got some from system consumable item section) and gem trees from the tree labyrinth floor with the help of bone meal I made using the bones of skeletons on 37th floor.
After all was done I activated the barrier which was like a massive invisible cuboid with 10 cm thick walls covering my whole base. Not letting anything which is not natural to enter the cuboid from underground or from sky.
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Author's and reader's POV-
Just as the barrier activated, a strong pulse of energy spread throughout the city, telling everyone with good enough senses that something has happened. After all its a peak mythical artifact just one step away from being divine.
Everyone who was awake turn their eyes toward the terra crafter's base. Some gods even took their children and set out to investigate the source of this energy pulse which disappear the next moment it appear.
Ganesha Familia lead by Shakti was currently making their way toward the source of the pulse.
When they reach there, they found a small crowd already forming around the terra crafter's base parameter, staring at the sparking gem trees and rare herbs but can't walk past the waist size bushes like some kind of invisible wall that was stopping them. But gods as divine, they can see it, barely but still like some kind of transparent glass wall.
"What's happening here?" Shakti asked after arriving, in case someone knows the situation.
"We are curious as well. When we arrived all we saw was this placed fill all these rare things and covered with a barrier." a god said in behalf of everyone present here.
"Ummm, I have a guess. I heard that the 'Shadow Demon' has returned and was working on something new. This might be it?" a guild staff said still in his night ware.
"Yoo, what's happening here?" just than a voice came from behind the barrier....