Before the two children realized what was happening, they ended up back inside Sandra's bathroom mirror in her house in Supernaturalville! "Why are we stuck back inside my bathroom mirror?" Sandra screamed, pounding on the other side of the mirror.
Turning to look inside the mirror through her bathroom, Sandra saw the bathroom door was opening. Someone was coming through it! Seeing it was her Mom and Dad, Sandra pounded her fists on the side of the mirror she was trapped inside of. But George told Sandra not to grab their attention.
"They can't see us, Sandra," George said, sadly. "We'll have to find a way to get them to notice us," he said. Sandra started feeling uneasy. She started pacing back and forth. She kept expecting her parents to see there wasn't something right about the mirror in her bathroom.
Grabbing hold of Sandra, to comfort her, George made sure Sandra stayed strong and brave. They watched as Sandra's parents continued looking around the bathroom, arguing with each other.
They didn't see the Ouija board sitting in front of the bathroom mirror, before them. Gasping with startlement, Sandra wanted to scream and pound at them to watch out for themselves! When she saw her parents in through her bathroom window, pushing and shoving each other, Mr. Starbright suddenly tripped over the Ouija board! He didn't get the opportunity to save himself from falling inside the game board, sucked into it and disappeared with her mother.
"What were you thinking, Sandra?" George suddenly yelled. "Playing a Ouija board game is not cool!" he said, giving Sandra a shove with his hand. "You know your parents are trapped in the Better Place, now don't you?" he continued. Sandra just pouted and looked away at George, embarrassed.
"You want to get out of the Better Place, don't you?" George asked, looking worried at his friend. Sandra didn't know what to think. She didn't mean to leave the Ouija board alone in her bathroom for her parents to get involved with.
Sandra frowned, and shuddered from the cold breeze coming from within the Better Place she was inside. "It was just a game," Sandra answered. "I didn't think it was any connection to the Better Place, honestly. But since I knew it could communicate with spirits on the other side of my bathroom mirror, I thought maybe the Ouija board would help put the ghosts to rest," she said.
"The only person responsible for letting the ghosts rest is the Little Invisible Ghost Summoner," George said. "Only he has the power to control the ghosts living in the Better Place to connect with the living among the dead in Supernaturalville." George said.
"Will you help me get my parents back?" Sandra asked, frowning and sobbing. "I promise not to mess with the occult, anymore," Sandra said. "I just didn't think we lived in a house with a connection to the dead with a dark purpose," she said.
George was about to respond. When they turned from the darkness inside the Better Place bathroom mirror they were inside, and heard screaming from behind them. They turned and looked behind themselves. Seeing it was Sandra's parents who appeared in a blink of light before they walked away from the door in the mirror.
Turning, they looked and saw Sandra and her friend, George Sneaky at the mirror window. "Oh, my goodness! This place is awful! Where are we, children? How did we get here?" Mrs. Starbright asked, hurrying over to Sandra and even though she didn't know who George Sneaky was, she hugged them both.
Mr. Starbright hugged Sandra with comfort and care. "Put it there, mate!" Mr. Starbright took out his hand for George to shake and introduce himself. Feeling a little embarrassed, George gladly shook Mr. Starbright's hand, firmly.
"George. George Sneaky, I know your daughter from school," George said. Which was almost the truth. It seemed to have bought Mr. and Mrs. Starbright's attention. There was a howl of wind coming from the bathroom window of Sandra's mirror.
Turning to look, they all watched with fascination. As the Ouija game in the bathroom floor started to move the pointer alongside the board on the words by itself. Slowly, it spelled the words: LET ME OUT! NOW!
Not knowing what this was about, they gasped as the Ouija board game started to glow a ghostly pale white light. Whatever was trapped inside the game board, wanted to be set free. But whatever it could be, was not going to like what happened when it did get out of the haunted Ouija board game alive.
"Step back, kids," Mr. Starbright said, holding onto them. They slowly stepped back and watched the Ouija board shake and tremble. A gust of mist started coming out of the viewfinder from the Ouija game board.
The ghostly mist appeared to take the form of an invisible boy, wearing a royal robe and had a red crown on his head. He stepped out of the viewfinder of the game board, and looked around him. "Are you sure this is the Better Place?" he asked, looking around the empty bathroom.
Sandra stepped closer to the bathroom window to grab Little Invisible Ghost Summoner's attention. He looked at the Ouija board and frowned. He didn't know what the deal with having occult messaging game board to the afterlife, would be so important.
Looking around the empty bathroom, the Little Invisible Ghost Summoner turned and finally saw Sandra Starbright was looking out the bathroom window for his attention. "He sees me!" Sandra shouted with victory.
The Little Invisible Ghost started floating over to the bathroom mirror. Taking his royal, magical scepter in his right hand, the Little Invisible Ghost tapped it against the mirror window, gently. Then, the bathroom window started to glow and ripple, like stepping into a water puddle.
He reached his hand into the bathroom window. And grabbed hold of Sandra Starbright by her free hands! The Little Invisible Ghost Summoner boy pulled Sandra out of the bathroom mirror and back inside the safety of the real world, where she came from.
Falling on top of the Little Invisible Ghost Summoner, Sandra fell on top of the ghost boy, hard. Suddenly, Sandra gasped and saw he was normal and human with a physical body, like everybody else would have!
"What is this magic, witch?" the Little Invisible Ghost Summoner asked, demanding an explanation. Sandra tried to help the Little Invisible Ghost Summoner to his feet, but he was annoyed and frustrated to know the truth about what's normal anymore.
Sandra walked over and picked up the Ouija game board. She put it aside on the bathroom toilet seat. "You must watch out for yourself here in Supernaturalville," Sandra said, looking at him, worriedly.
"There's no such place as Supernaturalville!" the Little Invisible Ghost Summoner snapped, angrily. He pointed his scepter on the hard, bathroom floor. Sandra could tell she didn't want to put up a fight with this royal child. He must be somebody important to the haunted community.
Motioning with her hands to calm down and be quiet, Sandra started getting nervous and anxious. "Look, you must protect me. I have a haunted bathroom mirror!" Sandra said. "It takes you to the place where the dead don't get along with the living," she said, honestly.
"So, you need my help to close your bathroom mirror, from letting out the ghosts who want to take over, Supernaturalville?" the Little Invisible Ghost Summoner asked, suspiciously. It was going to take some practice to work the haunted bathroom mirror. It only works on some people, on certain times and occasions. It doesn't always let anybody through it…
Sandra nodded. "I don't know what I'd do without you," Sandra said. "I'm scared the Better Place might not exist if my bathroom mirror didn't take me there, on purpose," she continued, nervously. "I don't want my parents to think they're prisoners in the Better Place. Because they have no right to live where they belong in Supernaturalville with the living souls to protect them from dark, unwanted spirits," Sandra said.
The Little Invisible Ghost Summoner turned and looked at the Ouija game board sitting on Sandra's bathroom toilet seat. "I think you have an obsession with the occult, Sandra," he said, truthfully. "You pretend there's a haunted world beyond your bathroom window. To keep innocent souls from getting unharmed. You say, this Better Place is where the ghosts are trying to stay out of Supernaturalville. Because dark spirits don't want them to live there by themselves, anymore," he said.
It seemed he was right. Walking over to the Ouija game board, the Little Invisible Ghost Summoner grabbed hold of the game board. "Let's do this!" he said, gripping hold of the Ouija board, waiting.
The bathroom mirror started to glow. A shadowy figure tried coming through my foggy bathroom mirror! Then, they both went through the bathroom mirror in a puff of smoke!