Chapter 10: Believe in the Unbelievable

Seeing the two witches, Gene and Cookie fly their way back to the graveyard, on their broomsticks, grab hold of Sandra and George's attention. Suddenly, The Ghost Chaser quickly grabbed onto Sandra and George by the collar of their shirt. 

Cackling the two witches flew beside them in the dark, foggy graveyard. Where the moon was glowing brightly in their shadow. Gene and Cookie floated swiftly toward Sandra and George. They begin sniffing their necks and ringing their fingers through their hair.

Gene roughly grabbed hold of Sandra by her arms. She forced Sandra to ride on her broomstick with her. "You should be lucky to still be alive, girl!" snapped Gene angrily. The Ghost Chaser smiled and stepped back to watch Gene and Cookie take control over handling the two kids under their protection.

"What are you going to do to us?" Sandra whined and sobbed, sniffling her wet nose loudly. "I didn't do anything wrong!" Sandra yelled, getting impatient. While Gene the evil witch held onto her broomstick. 

Cookie was having difficulty getting George to settle on her broomstick, as well. He kept scooting back and trying to avoid riding on Cookie's crooked broomstick with her. "You two brat kids will do what we say! Or else, none of you all will get the chance to earn your freedom," Cookie explained. She whirled around on her broomstick. Then, grabbing hold of George Sneaky roughly by her hands, Cookie magically made handcuffs appear on George's wrists, together. He stayed still on the broomstick, and let Cookie lead the way out of the graveyard.

The Ghost Chaser waved good-bye to the two innocent children being taken against their will back to town in Supernaturalville. Flying over the glowing, blue full moon, the two witches laughed and cackled as they soared over the moon.

Looking down, Sandra almost turned sick and pale. She covered her mouth, from almost puking over her shoulders. This made Gene laugh. They were almost flying past the cemetery. When they heard somebody screaming somewhere in the dark alley.

Sandra turned and saw a stray dog going after a couple of kids, two young boys, running from the dog after chasing it through the foggy, cold alleyway in their small hometown. This got the two witches excited, seeing there is more gathering headed their direction.

They flew on their broomsticks lower to the ground, and cornered the stray dog from turning a corner in the dark alleyway. Opening a manhole in the middle of the street, Gene and Cookie watched as the strong, stray dog jumped into the open manhole after disappearing into the sewer tunnels. 

The two young boys jumped and were startled to see they weren't alone in the alley. The witches got off their broomsticks. "We need you two young boys, to be a part of this grave adventure," said Gene to both of the boys who were too startled to pay attention to her.

"Run! Go home!" Sandra yelled at the two kids, who didn't think twice about obeying another adolescent kid to bark orders. The two boys turned and headed back down main street, back into town. Where the witches, Gene and Cookie caught them before going into an arcade video entertainment store.

But since the store was closed, the two boys ran to the middle of the street. Then, they opened a manhole in the streets. And jumped down the manhole and disappeared into the sewer tunnels. One boy quickly closed the lid before the two witches got close to them again.

They screamed and stomped their feet angrily on the ground. "You don't know much about them," George Sneaky told the witches, informatively. "Why are you hunting kids that don't belong to you, anyway?" George wanted to ask, nervously.

With both of their backs to Sandra and George in the middle of the street, they slowly turned around to face them. "They are responsible for calling upon us from the Better Place to haunt them by giving them a purpose to exist among the living dead," Cookie explained, trying to sound as truthful and honest to the best of her abilities.

Sandra never believed such a town like the Better Place could make it possible for Supernaturalville to believe in what isn't real. How can they prove horrible things like monsters and ghosts would even become among the living, if nobody believed they could be real?

"Look, kids," Gene said, clearing her throat. "We want to make Supernaturalville to be clear that there are things in this world, don't want to be left disturbed from the peace they exist in the Better Place. It can't be safe for the kids, if they think practicing dark magic will set the ghosts loose upon this haunted town Don't let us make us haunt you all down until you are certain we have proof the ghosts aren't meant to exist in Supernatalville, with innocent lives," Gene continued, trying to be understandable.

Cookie nodded and started to open the manhole in the street, where the two little boys disappeared into. "You must be strong enough to not to believe in what's real in Supernaturalville," Cookie said. She jumped into the manhole, with Gene her sister behind her. 

"You're going to do anything harmful to those two young boys, are you?" George Sneaky asked, poking his head into the stinky, sewer tunnels, where the witches seemed like were enjoying it down there.

The two witches just laughed and danced in the tunnel, looking up at the open manhole at Sandra and George with sinister smiles. "You don't have anything to worry about, kid," Gene said, dancing in the sewer tunnels. 

They paused and saw a couple of sewer rats scuttling alongside the sidewalk. They screamed and ran around in circles, acting like immature children. Gene dropped her broomstick and jumped into her sister Cookie's open arms.

"What? What's the matter?" Sandra and George asked, in unison. After hearing the pair of sewer squeaks and scuttle past them in the dark tunnels of the sewer, they heard the two witches let out loud, high-pitched cackles. 

Cookie dropped Gene and they continued dancing around the sewer tunnels. Suddenly, they stopped dancing and turned serious. Seeing a couple of shadows ahead of them in the tunnel they were in, grabbed their attention.

"Let's go after them!" Gene said, excitedly. Getting on their flying broomsticks, the two witches took off down the dark, sewer tunnels. They seemed to be getting close, because they could hear the two little boys laughing as they hid within the main sewer tunnels. 

It didn't take long to watch one of the two boys go inside one of the tunnel openings on the side of the sewer tunnels, and remained still. Looking closely in the sewer tunnels, the two witches couldn't see where they were hiding.

They gave up and went back up to the surface of the street in Supernaturalville. Where they found Sandra and George still hanging close around next to each other at the bench next to a crosswalk sign.

"Any luck, hunting the two children?" Sandra asked, curiously. They angrily climbed out of the sewer manhole in the street and helped each other to their feet. Closing the lid to the manhole in the street, Gene and Cookie were angry they couldn't catch hold of those two young souls who couldn't have gotten far behind them.

Gene and Cookie shook their heads, frustrated they would let bratty little kids get on their bad side. "We won't give up looking for them!" Gene said, her voice high and scratchy. "They know they are with the Ghost Chaser who is going to look after them when they get to the Better Place," Gene said.

Suddenly, it began to rain on them. Lightning flashed, and thunder rumbled through the dark clouds in the sky. Getting soaked, the two witches stomped on their feet and hated getting wet! They quickly flew away back into the forest at the end of town. Headed back to the graveyard, where they would not like what the Ghost Chaser had planned for an explanation beyond their imagination.

After making it to her duplex house, Sandra was alone again. She walked into the kitchen and discovered a yellow sticky note on the white refrigerator. In Mom's messy handwriting in a black maker, Mom wrote: Hey, kid! Your father and I are still out with the Kendrick's! We ordered you pizza. Enjoy your night! Check on you in the morning! Love you, Mom and Dad! 

Sandra groaned and sighed heavily. She grabbed hold of the yellow sticky note on the fridge. Then, crumpled it up and tossed it in the wastebasket in the kitchen. Opening the squeaky refrigerator door, Sandra smiled and saw the fresh pizza box her parents promised they ordered for her.

Taking out the pizza box, Sandra let out a startled scream! She dropped the pizza box, accidentally. As lightning flashed and plunged Sandra into total darkness…