Chapter 11: May I Be Excused to the Bathroom?

For the longest moment, what seemed like time stood still. Sandra stood in her dark kitchen. Alone by herself and shouldn't be. Sandra had clumsily dropped her frozen pizza box on the floor. She bent down and picked up. When suddenly, the lights flickered back on by themselves. Afraid of letting her parents stay at their house without knowing there could be problems. 

She turned and heard the refrigerator humming noisily in the corner, like nothing unusual had happened. She put the pizza box on the kitchen counter. Sandra still didn't feel safe in her small duplex where she didn't trust her neighbors would help her with getting her house settled back to normal.

She sighed. And decided she wasn't hungry. Sandra quietly put the frozen pizza box back inside her working refrigerator again. All of her energy made her tired. She wanted to go to bed early. Not bothering to wait for her parents to return from their celebration outing with the Kendrick's, Sandra walked down the hall and went upstairs to get ready for bed.

At first, she thought she was alone, again. The house was so quiet and hardly anything happened to make suspicious somebody could be stalking her presence in her own home. Sandra shrugged off the negative feeling, she wasn't by herself that night.

When she made it upstairs to her bedroom, Sandra got out of her wet clothes from the night's thunder storm. And changed into some comfortable sleepwear to get her comfortable to fall asleep better.

After she got her bed ready, Sandra heard something bump in the next room, down the hall. Which was her bathroom! It didn't make any sense. She was alone and nobody but her and or her parents had access to her small duplex for themselves with keys made for them, only to get in.

Hearing another bump in the hall, near her bathroom, Sandra angrily grumbled some bad words under her breath. She grabbed a yellow flashlight out of her desk drawer and flipped on the switch. It was dark in her house. All the lights upstairs, except a night light Sandra kept on to help her feel safe when she falls asleep, are turned off.

Getting closer to her half-open bathroom door, Sandra jumped with fright! There was movement in the bathroom again. As Sandra watched under the crack of the bathroom door, sense somebody's shadow! It seemed like the shadow moving in Sandra's bathroom, was struggling to use force with something to stop forcing it keep fighting against each other about something they were keeping a secret from Sandra.

"She mustn't be exposed to the truth behind her haunted bathroom mirror!" said a familiar-sounding voice, Sandra didn't recognize the young female voice all too real, right away, though. "I must protect the curse of the haunted mirror from letting loose the evil ghosts lurking within the reflections, before they escape from the Better Place!" the young girl continued. Sandra had her back turned against the half-closed bathroom door.

The two intruders in Sandra's bathroom sounded familiar. Taking a peek around the side of the half-closed bathroom door, Sandra saw it was the two witches Gene and Cookie! Sandra watched helplessly as they fought over the Ouija game board.

The witches both gasped hearing the bathroom open. Turning to see Sandra entering her bathroom, knowing she was home, didn't stop the witches from interrupting their ghost hunting meeting.

Suddenly, Gene let go of the Ouija. She pointed an accusing finger at Sandra's bathroom mirror. "What's happening? Cookie, did you ask the Ouija board about your long lost ghost boyfriend?" Gene asked, clinging to her evil witch sister.

Taking another look at the ghostly image floating in the mirror, Cookie smirked and tossed her back and laughed. "Hardly, but he's very attractive looking!" Cookie said. However it seemed whoever was looking in the mirror, was The Ghost Chaser coming back to look after Sandra Starbright, who got his attention at the bathroom door.

"What? What's going on here?" Sandra asked, more to herself than to The Ghost Chaser and his confused, witchery friends. She turned and looked away from them. That's when she noticed the Ouija game board move on its own. 

Quickly, Gene and Cookie both grabbed hold of the floating game board and grinned unpleasantly. "Sandra, I need you more than ever!" The Ghost Chaser exclaimed. Sandra just furrowed her brows and frowned. It didn't matter what he wanted from Sandra. Because The Ghost Chaser doesn't keep his promises to those he wants to protect her from evil spirits running wild in the Better Place.

Putting the floating game down in their hands, Gene and Cookie hurriedly ran over to grab hold of Sandra. They forced her to move in front of the ghost mirror. When The Ghost Chaser showed his best smiling face, Sandra cringed with disgust and frowned.

"You need her more than you do us!" the snaggle-tooth witch named Gene said. "You want her power because she is in more control of it. Then, we know what to do with our own magic combined," said Cookie.

Turning to look at the two witches with confusion, Sandra frowned some more. "I'm just an ordinary girl! I have no powers!" Sandra explained, loudly. Sandra didn't know her unique friends were gifted with a dark purpose, Sandra herself, has yet to explore.

"If you have no powers…explain your bathroom mirror!" snapped Cookie, pointing to the ghost image of a young man looking like The Ghost Chaser, reaching out his hands to shake with Sandra. His hands were so cold! Sandra thought, bitterly. She pulled her hands away from the ghost image in her bathroom mirror. And started to walk out of the bathroom…

When suddenly, she stopped. Sandra turned and gasped when the bathroom door slammed shut on her! Waving his fingers in the air, The Ghost Chaser made the lock on the door click by itself! 

Then, Sandra turned and gasped! She watched as the ghostly image of The Ghost Chaser faded from existence. As fog started to swirl around in the mirror. The fog started to reach out from the bathroom mirror. It swirled around and choked Gene and Cookie in a tight bond.

Dropping the Ouija game board, they all screamed, as the fog grabbed hold of Sandra. It pulled her inside of her own ghostly bathroom mirror! Screaming, Sandra easily went through her bathroom mirror with her special friend. While she disappeared, the fog continued holding onto the two sister witches. Who were struggling to free themselves from the ghostly mist, binding them from doing anymore witchcraft on them.

Suddenly, the magic fog in Sandra's bathroom flickered and went out on them. Covering them in darkness. They didn't have anything to defend themselves. Against the mirror who turned back to normal.

"I have to go to the bathroom…," came Gene's voice in the darkness. "May I be excused?" she asked her sister who was trapped in the ghost fog. 

Annoyed by her sister, Cookie let out a cackle. "Just hold it, sister!" Cookie said, trying not to let it bother her. 

After what happened, Sandra found herself back outside where the graveyard was keeping the ghosts from moving on. Pulling Sandra out of her grave, where she had once been buried alive by the two sister witches of Supernaturalville, she felt new again! 

The Ghost Chaser dusted off wet brown dirt off Sandra's pants. "Don't worry about anything, kid. You're safe with me," he said, smiling. Sandra looked at her reflection in a puddle of water, where a puddle of water among the pile of dirt was beside her, and gasped. 

"I'm one of the living undead!" Sandra said, looking astonished at her reflection in the mud puddle reflection. "Was I alive at all?" Sandra asked, whirling around to face The Ghost Chaser. "Prove to me I had a life!" Sandra screamed, she was mad this ghost incident happened to her.

Without giving her a chance to react to Sandra's response, The Ghost Chaser used his ghost scythe in the air. He pointed at the image before them. In the portal, Sandra couldn't believe what she was seeing! 

Another world Sandra thought was her own home, was not the same! It was home to the two witches who were in the bathroom again. They were using a black maker to make a witch symbol in the bathroom room.

While the other witch, Cookie was messing with words on the Ouija game board, while sitting on the toilet set. Not realizing what they were doing, Sandra didn't want them messing with her personal space.

Then, the image popped and The Ghost Chaser was going to have to rest before the morning came. The Ghost Chaser promised it was going to get worse. And Sandra should believe him. Because Sandra would not like her parents to know something is wrong with their only daughter. 

The Ouija game board was shaking, floating, and glowing.