Sandra couldn't stand being around the two fighting animals, brawling against each other. She wanted the fighting to stop. Sandra couldn't stand hearing the growling, grunts and snarls coming from the two wild, untamed monsters tackling themselves.
Suddenly, Sandra closed her eyes. She turned away after hearing the snap of the Beast's neck being cracked. Sandra cautiously turned away from the two monsters. As she watched the Beast shed its skin and return to normal. It fell a few inches beside Sandra and George near the straw hay nest they were hiding inside of.
"Is it over?" George whispered, a little too loud. The Ghost Chaser disguised himself as a wolfman, grinned and growled at his attention. George whimpered and lowered his head in the mound of straw hay he was buried under.
"You all came out of there, now" came the low voice from the Ghost Chaser covered in wolf hair. "I know you're hiding in the straw hay, because I can smell your fear," he laughed. Sandra and George nervously scrambled themselves out of the nest.
When they got out of the hidden spot in the cave, The Ghost Chaser shed his skin, and returned to a normal guardian protector of ghost trappers. He held out a hand for both Sandra and George to take. They accepted his offering and helped them to their feet.
"What's it like when you're covered in wolf hair?" George asked, looking doubtful at the unconscious Best of Supernaturalville near the straw hay nest. Where it wasn't moving at all. Suddenly, The Ghost Chaser seemed interested in getting them out of the cave before the next full moon night would put a curse on them.
"Did he touch any of you?" The Ghost Chaser asked, looking at their hands, with curiosity. In the moonlight, Sandra gasped when she saw patches of dark animal fun begin to sprout over her friend, George's hands.
"This can't be good," The Ghost Chaser whined. "We can't let your friend get infected with the monster symptoms before the next full moon," he said. "There's only one way to repent the temptation to let it spread its evil on you," The Ghost Chaser said.
Sandra couldn't believe what she was seeing! Her best friend was becoming a wolf before them! The Ghost Chaser transformed into a wild werewolf creature before Sandra and George. He stepped in front of Sandra to block George off her.
"I'm an animal!" George howled at the full moon, showing a path of light in the cave. "What a thrill it means to me to unleash my wild instincts!" George pushed and shoved The Ghost Chaser in his wolf skin transformation and tried getting hold of Sandra's attention.
Sandra needed to get out of the way. Before they got fighting again. Sandra started running out of the cave. When suddenly, the beastly Ghost Chaser tackles Sandra! They both land next to George in the straw hay nest where they lose concentration on protecting Sandra.
"Leave the lady alone!" The Ghost Chaser roars angrily at George. But George completely ignores him.George howls in the moonlight and pushes The Ghost Chaser aside, and pins him down on the chest with his hair sharp claws.
"You don't give me orders around here, bud," George barked back in response. "The princess wants to have a good life without any wild goose chase. Give her a life full of hopeful promises," George said. "Do you want me to rip out your eyes and eat them while I take the girl away with me where we will live happily ever after?" George asked, snarling and baring his fangs at The Ghost Ghaser.
The Ghost Chaser let out an uproar. Then, George slammed and kicked The Ghost Chaser in the chest. Making him fly across the side of the cave and hit the wall. George stood on his hair, hind legs. He was a monster, taller than The Ghost Chaser and Sandra, herself.
Before Sandra could react to their rambunctious actions, Sandra was so shaken up with fear. She let out her hands and ran wildly out of the cave into the suddenly stormy weather night. The Ghost Chaser looked at George with defeat.
"Oh, look. Fast food," The Ghost Chaser said, licking his hairy lips. "You're going to let her get away while she's on the move?" he asked, slowly sitting up by the corner of the cave wall, where he was knocked out.
"The lady is off limits," George snarled and snapped his jaws angrily at The Ghost Chaser. "You don't belong with her. She is my territory. I want you to stay away from us. Because you will not like what I do to you when it comes to saving the ones I love. Leave the princess to me," George said, growling and snapping his jaws at The Ghost Chaser, who cowered by the cover in the cave wall.
"We'll see who she'll want to fall in the arms of her dearly loved one, after I take the first bite for her to call my own," The Ghost Chaser said. He started to sit up. He was bruised in his ribs, where he was pinned down by the force of the skinwalker who was stronger than he was.
"Never!" George roared, and he jumped out of the straw hay nest and placed his foot on The Ghost Chaser's chest. Pinning him to the ground again, The Ghost Chaser lets out a nervous laughter. "I'm new to the calling of the wild. But I know how to control the power of the howling curse," George said.
"You know nothing of the survival of the wild!" The Ghost Chaser yelled back in response. "The girl doesn't want to be with your nasty habit of mortal taste for human blood," he said. Thunder rumbled in the distance as the rain continued coming down the cave entrance.
George growled and howled and clawed at The Ghost Chaser. While they fight over who's responsible for holding onto the princess hostage for themselves, Sandra finds herself running through the stormy weather in the forest. She's panting and out of breath.
Suddenly, Sandra stops in a trail of paths in front of her. A giant web appeared before her in the path before Sandra. There was no way around it. In the glow of the moonlight, Sandra could see it sparkle with light in the moonlight. It was recently made; like the predator knew Sandra would show herself.
Sandra was almost determined to touch the sticky spider webbing in the path of the forest. It wobbled and moved like a string or stepped into a water puddle. But when she tried to reach her hand, back the sticky spider web snatched the hold of Sandra by her hand!
The more Sandra struggled to pull herself free of the sticky spider webbing in the middle of the path in the forest, the more it caught her in a bidding hold. Her other free hand accidentally slipped onto the spider webbing. She wailed in frustration as her body scrambled flat on her back against the springy, sticky giant spider webbing.
There was nothing Sandra could but let out a scream of help! That's when Sandra heard a wild animal howl in the middle of the forest, sending chills of dread down her spine. George somehow picked up her wail and she needed him before she got to be a meal out of a very poisonous black jumping spider, hiding in the trees in the forest.
While Sandra was hanging around, Gene and Cookie were watching this all happen before their eyes in Sandra's bathroom back at her home. The two witches were still fighting over the Ouija game board.
But there was something different happening to Sandra's mirror. Whatever was going on with Sandra and George, it showed the witches what was going on. They were laughing and pointing a finger at Sandra as she struggled to free herself of the giant sticky webbing in the image of her bathroom mirror.
"Oh, this is better than watching those boring, old soap operas on the television, sister!" Gene said, excitedly. Suddenly, the pointer on the Ouija game board was moving by itself as they gripped hold of the game board over who would contact Sandra in her full gratitude.
Making a few letters across the pointer with the Ouija game board, the words starting to spell out: ITSY BITSY BITES…
The mirror in Sandra's bathroom glowed. The witches turned and looked at it. They saw Sandra squirming hold of the sticky webbing, with her back stuck against it. Then, a giant daddy long-legged spider slowly started coming down from the trees in the forest. It was drooling hungrily at Sandra. Who was looking mighty tasty for it to eat her alive…
Sandra couldn't help but scream. She watched helplessly as the giant spider drooled hungrily. Sandra couldn't look at the spider's crawly legs. It will be over soon…