Still opening her mouth to let out a bloodcurdling scream of horror, Sandra continued squirming uncomfortably in the spiderweb. Caught in a tangled web in the middle of the forest, there was no way of setting herself free.
Sandra wanted to turn and look away from the hideous monster spider crawling down the tree from its webbing. But it was so grotesque looking, Sandra continued staring wide-eyed with fear at the ugly, spider asking for trouble.
"Hey ugly!" Sandra turned in the direction of the familiar male voice. She saw a shadowy blur of fur tackle the big, nasty creature while jumping through the giant spiderwebbing! It seemed George Sneaky, who was also a wolfman, got stuck beside Sandra in the spiderweb next to her.
"I tried, what can I say?" George said, looking embarrassed. They turned and looked at the large spider creature coming down from the tree branch, getting closer to attack her opponents with her razor-sharp, poisonous fangs, drooling.
Squirming to struggle to free themselves, George and Sandra couldn't help but feel squeamish in the monster spider's trap. The daddy long-legged creature growled hungrily as it started spinning another webbing cocooning Sandra and George with its sticky webbing in her spider web.
After finishing cocooning Sandra and George in her sticky spiderwebbing, the giant spider creature collected the two cocoons they were inside of. And carried them in her dark hiding place in the ground in a cave in the forest tree.
George was heavy because he was still a scary wolfman trapped in the spider's webbing. But Sandra was muffled in the thick webbing, and couldn't get comfortable. The monster spider placed the two cocoons on the ceiling wall and went back to nurturing and fertilizing some spider eggs, she was getting ready for them to hatch.
While they hung around for a while, The Ghost Chaser was back at the cave, where he kept shedding from his wolf skin. Back to his mortal human self again. He walked out of the cave and noticed the rain was still happening. But it didn't bother him. The Ghost Chaser noticed Sandra and George had left footprints in the muddy ground.
So, The Ghost Chaser started to follow the path of their footprints where they disappeared somewhere in the forest. After the moonlight disappeared behind the stormy clouds in the sky, The Ghost Chaser stopped in the path in the forest. Where there was little light coming from the stars.
He got out a compass from his pants pocket. The pointer was heading in the direction it told him to go. The Ghost Chaser put the compass back in his pants pocket. And continued walking the foggy path, where he was sure he'd know where to find the princess and the noble friend in need of his help.
Suddenly, The Ghost Chaser stopped in the middle of the muddy pathway. He heard a wild animal howl, like a wolf crying in the wilderness. It wasn't going to be easy getting out of the forest, without something noticing The Ghost Chaser wasn't alone.
Turning to look at something rustling in the trees in the dark forest, The Ghost Chaser stopped walking the path. And realized he was being followed! In the darkness of the forest trees beside him, The Ghost Chaser gasped when he saw red, evil beady eyes stare back at him in the darkness of the forest. Where he was no longer safe, trying to find a way out of a dark, lonely path leading in a different direction.
The Ghost Chaser started to run down the foggy path in the forest, when suddenly a flock of vampire bats flew out of the dark trees! And swarmed around The Ghost Chaser! His black leather cape got caught around himself, and he couldn't see the vampire bats swirling around him in a draft.
They screeched off into the night air, flying over the top of the forest trees and disappeared. The Ghost Chaser found himself desperately flinging himself off the vampire bats from flapping their wings and scratching him with their claw feet at his face.
.After the vampire bats flew away into the night in the forest trees, The Ghost Chaser finally got hold of himself, together. If only he could make it out of the forest at night, without getting lost. But since he lived in Supernaturalville, you never knew what might lurk out there in the shadows.
Then, he stopped in the path. He heard growling coming from the darkness in the trees of the forest, next to him. "W-ho's there?" The Ghost Chaser asked, nervously, his voice cracked. The growling from the Beast in the darkness of trees, turned to laughing miserably at him.
"You should be afraid of me," the Beast lurking in the dark shadows of the forest trees. "I want you to make sure you never hang out with those two kids again," he continued. "You will pretend they don't exist," the Beast said. "I want you to haunt Sandra's bathroom mirror, where she likes to think a ghost boy lives in there. You will make sure this ghost boy living in Sandra's mirror doesn't make contact with her ever again. Sandra needs you to make the ghosts forget they ever belong in Sandra's mirror. Scare them with everything you got. Or I will make sure you never have control over the invisible ghost power," said the Beast. His eyes flashed evil red in the shadows of the forest in the trees. Making The Ghost Chaser tremble with fear.
Trying to sound and feel brave and strong, The Ghost Chaser replied with a nervous nod and yes he understood. "What would I do without you?" The Ghost Chaser asked, thinking he liked having an adult boss giving him instructions.
Before The Ghost Chaser started walking out of the path to the wilderness, he noticed something crawling out of the forest trees, coming after him! It seemed like a baby tarantula creature, crawling on their eight-tiny hairy spider legs after him, and fast, too!
Trying to run out of the forest, the spiders slung webbing at him, and started cocooning The Ghost Chaser with their sticky spiderwebbing. No matter how hard The Ghost Chaser tried to fight the spider monsters from attacking him with their webbing, they would just get mad and kept slinging their sticky webbing at The Ghost Chaser.
Screaming, the nasty, ugly spiders started crawling over The Ghost Chaser in the middle of the path of the forest. After what seemed like a living nightmare waiting to happen, the spiders all suddenly backed off.
There was a blast of fire coming from the middle of the path in the forest. Some spiders got burned trying to get away from the dragon fire breath. But as the flying dragon entered the forest from the trees in the sky above them, it started eating and stomping on the spiders crawling over the forest.
It came to The Ghost Chaser because it needed help from protection of the spiders gaining strength and speed. While the creepy crawlies tried to web The Ghost Chaser in a cocoon.
The fire breathing dragon who came out of nowhere, was squashing and burning the gang of spiders from cocooning The Ghost Chaser in a big web of sticky traps. Suddenly, a nearby tarantula hiding from the tree branches in the forest, snagged a web of string directly hitting the dragon with his wings.
Causing the dragon to lose his concentration. Then, it fell to the ground in defeat. More spiders started crawling and creeping their way to collect the Ghost Chaser and Sandra in their spidery legs in a grasp. They started dragging the victims back into the darkness of the trees, leading away from the clearing in the path in the forest.
It continued to rain and lightning with fury. The weather was harsh and cruel. The wind was blowing a million miles an hour. It couldn't be colder than a cucumber in a cold refrigerator. The spiders were singing and laughing as they dragged The Ghost Chaser and Sandra deeper beyond the trees leading into the forest.
Where they would put them in a cave and drink their blood. The dragon struggled to free himself of the sticky webbing the spider monster had recently sneaked and attacked it. Breathing fire from deep within himself, the dragon belted out a breath of gas from his belly and blew out a gas of hot, molting fire from deep within his scaly lungs.
Melting the sticky webbing cocooned around his wings and legs and arms. It arose from their trap, and flew out of the forest. It started to go after the nasty creatures lurking. The spiders are not stoppable. This didn't bother the dragon friend from trying to help them the best way possible. Before the spiders discover the friendly dragon are the least of their worries.
Dragon was in trouble! He needs their help, now!