Sandra didn't want to stand around to watch anymore fighting and struggling to keep up with the two monster hunters. Who were dragging the dead body of the lizard boy behind them. So, turned and pushed by The Ghost Chaser beside her and ran through the stormy forest in the dark, completely feeling lost and hopeless.
She heard The Ghost Chaser call after her. But nothing was going to stop Sandra from getting away from them all. Sandra suddenly tripped over a tree branch in the middle of the forest. Where she fell face down in a muddle of muddy water on the ground, and grunted in defeat.
Slowly, she started getting up and not bothering to look behind her, she continued her way through the rainy forest night. There wasn't anything Sandra could do, but run for her life. The faster she ran, she felt something was watching her move in the forest, and wanted to catch her from getting away from everybody.
Unexpectedly, Sandra stopped herself at a dead end. Looking at a cave in the forest, where it was home to the Beast of Supernaturalville. It seemed the two monster hunters and their hound dog were already in there investigating the lair.
When Sandra stepped on a twig in the ground next to her in the forest, the hound dog, perked his ears up and noticed Sandra out in the wilderness. Getting soaked in the rain, the hound dog howled and barked furiously at Sandra.
The two monsters turned their attention to their dog. Looking back out in the wilderness, Sandra had already taken off in another direction. Heading away from the cave, Sandra did not stop running through the moonlight path in the forest. Where she kept going until Sandra was out of the forest clearing.
Thunder boomed and made the ground vibrate, making Sandra shiver with fear. Before Sandra ran ahead any further, a tree branch smacked Sandra around her neck! She didn't have time to scream. Except to find herself slumped to the wet ground in agony.
Looking around in blurry vision, Sandra finally closed her eyes and passed out. There was no telling how long Sandra was unconscious. It must've been a couple of hours before she started stirring awake. Hearing low voices of a couple of men nearby get her to snap out of her sleepy trance.
As Sandra slowly woke up, her vision was blurry. But she slowly focused her eyes and stared up at the two curious monster hunters standing over her. Where she had got knocked out by the tree branch.
The husky monster hunter smiled, and handed his hand out for Sandra to take. Feeling unusually useless, Sandra groaned but accepted the friendly hunter's hand to take. Both of the monster hunters helped Sandra to her feet. She was soaked and covered in mud. Sandra didn't seem to notice or care.
"What's going on?" Sandra asked, groggily, rubbing her pounding head. "Why are you hunting my friends?" she asked, wanting to know the truth. Their hound dog started jumping and yelping excitedly around Sandra as she started to stand up next to them.
"We've been looking for you, Miss Sandra Starbright," the husky, friendly monster hunter said. "You must be wondering about what's happening here in Supernaturalville," he continued. The rain hadn't stopped. But the other hunter held an umbrella over their heads to keep the rain from pelting them.
Looking confused, Sandra wanted an explanation on what their purpose for having proof monsters are populating the sleepy town in a curse. "Let's get you safely to our lab for inspection," said the smart monster hunter.
"What? Why? I'm not infected with monster serum or anything serious!" Sandra explained. The two monster hunters exchanged skeptical glances at each other. Sandra didn't want to give them any attention. They startled her and wanted Sandra to have a purpose for protecting those she thought were important to have around in her life.
But the two monster hunters didn't let Sandra fight back. They grabbed hold of her by her arms and they walked out of the forest. And headed back into town. Where they would take Sandra hostage in their lab at their scientific monster exhibit. "No! Please don't use me for your lab experiments!" Sandra screamed, trying to squirm her way out of the monster hunter's grasp.
"You know something about the world of the supernatural ghosts hanging out in your bathroom mirror, Sandra Starbright," the husky, friendly hunter said. They got out of the mobile car in the parking lot of the science laboratory in their town. "We want to communicate with your secret friend, who opened the ghost world through your bathroom mirror," he continued.
Entering the science lab in Supernaturalville, Sandra couldn't believe what she was witnessing! There were cages with kids who looked like zombies or the undead, getting loud in their trapped cage, held hostage. Because they don't want to be a part of this experimentation.
Passing a lobby, they greeted the lovely red-haired secretary at the front desk, who was talking on a phone at the switchboard, taking notes. She looked up from her notes, and smiled and winked and then waved at them. She pressed a button on her switchboard to open the secret headquarters leading toward the monster hunter's science lab.
"Welcome to our secret laboratory!" cheered the smart, masculine monster hunter, over exaggerating a bit. Looking around with fascination, Sandra saw there were several machines lined neatly in a row that represented monster makers!
Sandra must be careful the experiments they use on the monster maker machines are very cursed. They could turn any ordinary kid into a supernatural creature of darkness to make living in Supernaturalville more interesting.
"What are you going to do to me?" Sandra whined. Trying to get out of their grasp. But they were stronger than her combined. Ignoring the girl, the monster hunters walked up to one of the glowing monster maker machines and unlocked the door with a key he had in his pocket. Unlocked the monster maker machine. And shoved Sandra inside of the contraction.
"Of all things you've ever feared beyond your imagination, are finally going to happen," the smart, friendly monster hunter said. He walked over to the control panel, covered in spider webs and dust. While Sandra continued calling for help, the two monster hunters were busy at the control panel.
The monster maker machines were flashing and glowing as the two monster hunters walked over to the potion experiment lab table. They started pouring different liquid colored potion mixes into tubes.
Then, the monster hunters poured a green liquid potion into a tube mixer machine. It filled the tube machine with green liquid and made a potion into a cauldron next to the potion table.
"While we wait on the soul potion to mix in the cursed cauldron, why don't we make sure there are no more kids in Supernaturalville tonight. Determined to be a part of our experiment service without us getting them involved," the smart, monster hunter explained. "Because they could get themselves hurt," said the monster hunter to his partner.
His partner nodded and walked over to look at the monster maker machine where Sandra was trying to break free of the contraction. She was crying and didn't like being inside of a dark, tight closed closet.
"You are responsible for the ghost boy in your bathroom mirror, wanting your attention, Sandra Starbright," said the smart monster hunter. Sandra could barely hear or understand what the monster hunter was telling her. The monster maker machine was too noisy and she was sweating hot in the glowing machine.
Before the monster hunters could prevent them from protecting the monster maker machines from breaking and turning off, they turned their attention to their guard dog. Who was bound inside of the science lab. Holding a rare, slimy green monster egg in his mouth. It was getting ready to hatch.
Wagging his tail, their happy guard dog set the creaking monster egg covered in veins and slime at their feet. Stepping back in surprise, they all watched was about to break loose in the monster egg and come to life before them.
It seemed whatever was, was some kind of reptile lizard with purple spots on his skin. The baby creature cracked open the egg with his feet. His head poked through the eggshell. He turned and looked at the two monster hunters with fascination.
Then, using his wings to break through the eggshell. The winged lizard burst through the monster egg. And started flying through the air and circling around the two monster hunter's heads. It let out a screech as it landed on top of Sandra's flashing monster maker machine. It wanted to keep Sandra protected. They watched the lizard open the monster maker machine Sandra was held inside of.
Her eyes rolled lazily back inside her head. Sandra collapsed on the floor with a thud.