There was nothing Sandra's parents could do to help their daughter. The glass in the bathroom mirror shattered. Everything went dark and quiet. They gasped with fright after hearing a ghostly howl coming from the Ouija game board.
Turning to the view finder on the game board, they all gathered around it to see what was happening to the world around them. Mr. and Mrs. Starbright couldn't believe what they were seeing! Their daughter was trapped in the view finer of the Ouija game board. She wouldn't be able to get set free, without lifting the curse her bathroom mirror put her in.
Trying to turn on the bathroom lights, Mr. Starbright couldn't get the electricity in the bathroom to turn back on. They were trapped in the dark bathroom. Mrs. Starbright tried opening the bathroom door. But they were locked inside. The lock was jammed. They couldn't get out of the bathroom safely.
The glowing game board started howling. Sandra didn't like where she was hiding some dark time in the Better Place. Where it was dark and cold. She was in the middle of the graveyard. And she couldn't do what she was doing out there, all alone by herself.
"I don't belong here in this creepy graveyard!" Sandra cried. She was all alone and nobody could hear her. Sandra realized she was walking on somebody's grave. It was freshly made. Like it was waiting for Sandra to wonder upon it.
Looking at the gray tombstone, Sandra read out loud: "'Rest in peace! Dearly departed daughter and everlasting love. Sandra Starbright - Born 1987 - Died 2024. You will be remembered!'" Sandra couldn't believe she was standing on her own grave!
There were flowers potted around her tombstone. A black raven suddenly fluttered on top of her tombstone. It cawed at her loudly and Sandra jumped back in response. It didn't make sense! How could she still possibly be alive if her body was already buried in the ground, by some kind of tragic accident?
There was a shadow passing over the full moon in the sky. Turning to look up, Sandra saw a ghostlike grim reaper flying in the night sky. Sandra watched it fly through some trees in the dark graveyard and crashed, clumsily through the treetops.
Sandra quickly got up off the wet grassy ground. She stood up and hid behind her tombstone. To make sure she didn't get caught trespassing in an empty graveyard at night. Whoever it was, seemed like someone Sandra shouldn't trust.
Sandra watched over by the hill next to the graves, where she saw the grim reaper get up. His long black leather cape fluttered in the cold breeze as he struggled to stand on his tall, bony feet. Picking up his staff, the grim reaper turned to look up where he had fallen from the tree branch.
His legs would be bruised in the morning! Shaking it off uncomfortably, the creepy grim reaper grabbed his magic staff and continued floating through the graveyard. His face kept hidden in the shadows of the night sky.
Sandra couldn't shake off the feeling something was after her! What could it be? Sanda didn't know anybody would want to stalk Sandra and keep her against her will. Away from her parents and taken hostage into the world of the dead. Where she didn't belong, not yet anyway.
The creature was suddenly howling at the top of his lungs at the big, glowing, white full moon in the starry night sky. He stopped when he reached Sandra's grave. Sandra didn't have time to defend herself. Because the ghostly grim reaper jumped up out from behind her and seized her!
"You're coming with me!" the grim reaper besieged Sandra by her arm. And pulled her away from her grave. She was confused why she would be taken hostage and leave behind the life she thought she once had.
"What is going on here?" Sandra asked, trying to pull herself away from the evil grim reaper with a snotty attitude. The forceful grim reaper wasn't responding. He kept growling and grunting to himself. He didn't make Sandra feel comfortable being with him.
Walking through the path of the graves in the goth graveyard, the grim reaper went to a special tombstone. This one was where he gave Sandra instructions to start digging a fresh new grave before her.
She looked at what was written on the engrave of the grave tombstone. It read: In loving memory- Wilma Starbright.- Born October 5th 1942- Died January 19th 2025 - Rest in peace. Sandra couldn't believe it! The grim reaper wanted her to dig up a grave to put her own mother in the ground for her!
The grim reaper pointed to a shovel leaning against the tombstone. "You will do as I say. Or you won't get another chance to return to your old life," the grim reaper said. Sandra didn't understand the purpose for helping a ghost who doesn't seem to have a care in the world who gets to live and die around here.
Sandra had no choice but to obey the mysterious grim reaper and give her orders. Grabbing the old rusty shovel, Sandra impatiently started digging the grave spot for her mother. Suddenly, as Sandra hit the grave, a dead hand came out of the grave.
Before Sandra could do anything to protect herself from the sudden shock, a dead body started crawling out of Sandra's mother's grave she was getting ready for. Seeing her mother pulling and grunting herself up and out of the grave, gave Sandra a fright.
"How did this happen?" Sandra cried. Even though her mother was one of the living dead, Sandra kindly helped Mrs. Starbright out of the grave she is digging for her. Mrs. Starbright was covered in dirt and was not looking her best.
"I don't get it, Mom?" Sandra said, trying to get her mother to give her some reasonable explanation. "Is everything okay? You don't seem yourself," Sandra said. Mrs. Starbright grunted and made low grunting sounds coming from within her lungs.
Mrs. Starbright looked around and turned to see the grim reaper who seemed to hypnotize her with his magic staff. It was glowing, and the grim reaper made Mrs. Starbright suddenly starts to spontaneously combust into some tap dancing on her grave.
Grabbing hold of her daughter, Mrs. Starbright twirled around her grave and celebrated her life had been reborn. "Please, mom!" Sandra begged. It flashed with lightning and thundered. A swirl of fog circled around Sandra and her mom, who were happy to be together again in the afterlife.
When the fog disappeared in the forest, Sandra found herself dancing by herself. Her mother had vanished before! As while the grim reaper stood before. Sandra's mother stood beside the sinister grim reaper next to him. They were holding hands. And it seemed the grim reaper wasn't finished making Sandra do his bidding.
"What do you want from me?" Sandra asked. The Goth grim reaper didn't answer. He pointed to her mother's grave, where she crawled out of it. "Nothing happened to my mother!" Sandra yelled.
The grim reaper and Mrs. Starbright didn't even flitch with fear. He just continued staring hypnotically with his glowing red eyes. And his magic star was humming softly and glowing. "You will get buried inside your mother's grave," the grim reaper said. "You will take her place and stay with me in the Better Place. No matter what you believe, just believe you belong with me," he explained.
Sandra did not think of the grim reaper as somebody to hook up with. Falling in love with somebody who wasn't all that alive, seemed to give Sandra the creeps! She shivered and didn't want to think about it. The grim reaper was growing impatient.
Then, he turned to Mrs. Starbright, who was still staring out into space. It was windy, and they could see their cold breath coming out of their mouths. It was getting late. Sandra didn't want to do anything to upset the eerie grim reaper. Who seemed to control everybody in the Better Place.
Then, Mrs. Starbright walked over to Sandra. And pushed her daughter into the empty, dug up grave where she crawled out of. Sandra screamed as the grim reaper burst out laughing. Then, Mrs. Starbright started grabbing hold of the brown wooden shovel next to the ground.
And started burying her only living daughter into her own grave. Mrs. Starbright didn't even care. Mrs. Starbright would never forgive herself for hurting her daughter. But this would give Sandra another chance.
Trying to stop her mother from pouring wet dirt onto Sandra at her, Mrs. Starbright continued burying the dirt onto her frightened daughter. "The moment you come into my life, I knew you were nothing but a mistake," Mrs. Starbright said. "You will be at peace, soon."
Sandra collapsed and Mrs. Starbright continued filling up her grave. Sandra failed to keep herself safe, lost.