Chapter 24: Nothing Can Stop the Princess

Trying to free themselves from the grasps of the sinister sister witches, the princess and Sandra struggled to keep from falling to the ground. Taking Sandra and the princess to the hill by Sandra's picnic by the path next to the ground.

They dropped Sandra and the princess next to the dark, gloomy tree on the hill. Looking at the black hole in the dead tree in front of them, the scraggly looking black cat poked her head out of the hole. Still holding the bag of animal blood in her mouth, the cat growled and arched her back up, and hissed at them.

The black cat started climbing the side of the tree, carrying the pouch of dark animal blood, slouching out of the side of the bag. The two witches flew around the tree. Making magic dust come out the end of their broomsticks.

Everything was glowing. Including the tree, making it look enchanted and alive. As the tree branches started blowing in the windy breezy night. The cat made her way to the top tree branch. Taking the black pouch of animal blood. The little black cat put her face in the bag. And smeared the thick, dark red blood all over her face.

Then, the animal started growing! Into a much larger version of full grown black panther! The tree branch the suddenly turned black panther was on, cracked and broke. Making the black panther climb the rest of the way back down to the bottom of the big dead tree.

Growling, the black panther bared her fangs and raised her back in the air threatening to attack Sandra and the princess. Hiding behind Sandra, the princess didn't want to fight back a lethal looking animal with powerful teeth strong enough to snap a human bones in one bite.

Then, Gene, one of the witches flew over the black panther. She made magic dust come out of the end of her broomstick. And made the startled black panther turn into a big, orange Halloween pumpkin.

Laughing, Cookie, Gene's sister, dashed beside each other in the air on their broomsticks. And gave each other a high five. Then, one of the monster hunters who got turned into a giant monkey spider sprayed a web of cobwebs at the two witches flying around the big, dead tree in the stormy sky.

Knocking them off their broomsticks, the two sister witches clumsily crashed to the ground on the hill next to Sandra's picnic. Their broomsticks suddenly came to life and started thwacking the side of their backs and head.

Running off out the forest, the two sister witches disappeared somewhere in the forest, and stayed out of the way. Turning her attention to the princess, Sandra helped the young girl to their feet.

The rain suddenly let up. But it was still cold and windy. "What are we going to do to get the forces of darkness to back off?" Sandra asked the princess, worriedly. Before the princess could respond, the two flying broomsticks belonging to the two sister witches started hopping to the two girls, standing next to the black panther that got turned into a pumpkin.

Like their hand drawn to a magnet, they reached their hands out and the two magic broomsticks got attached to the two girls hands. Their broomsticks started to glow and make them feel all warm and tingling inside. 

"What kind of magic power is this, princess?" Sandra asked. There was a swirl of wind blowing around them, making them float in the air. "I've never felt so alive!" Sandra started to laugh and twirl around in the air, while holding on the broomstick.

They started floating in the air on the witch's broomsticks. The zombies were all still staggering lifeless in the graveyard. Flying over the creatures walking the earth, Sandra and the princess made magic dust come out of the bottom of their broomsticks.

Flying higher into the night sky, a strike of lightning from the dark storm clouds in the night sky, hit the end of Sandra and the princess's broomsticks. Plummeting to the ground, the two girls fell to their defeat.

Landing in the princess's open grave, the zombies started to stagger toward them. Getting closer, Sandra used her broomstick to attack the undead ghouls away from them. But it was no use, they were cornered under the muddy grave. Nothing the princess could do but surrender.

When suddenly the spider monster hunters crawled down the big, dead oak tree and started crawling their way down the hill to the path next to where the princess and Sandra were trapped. 

The two spiders slung their webbing out at the dumb, slow-moving creatures of the night. Taking the zombies out one by one, the two spider monsters back dragging the captured undead corpse away from the helpless two girls caught in a grave.

"I just want to go back to my normal life at home in Supernaturalville!" Sandra shouted as loud as she could. But it wasn't going to be over anytime soon. They had a purpose to walk the earth with the living dead. Or never know what it's like to really be alive inside.

Suddenly, the princess had a wild idea! "Hold onto me!" she suggested. Looking confused by what she meant, she continued, "Trust me! So we can teleport our way out with my magic," the princess explained.

As the spider monsters continued fighting off the swarm of undead ghouls and zombies staggering all over the graveyard, Sandra shrugged. And quickly held onto the princess around her waist. Closing their eyes, the two girls suddenly vanished in a puff of smoke!

 They were back at Sandra's home in Supernaturalville in Sandra's shadowy, fogged bathroom. Not knowing if anything would ever return to normal life, but Sandra was grateful to be back home again! She gave the princess a hug. But she was too squeamish and backed away from her.

Sandra apologized. "Are you worried the zombies will come to haunt you in your dreams, Sandra?" the princess, looking at their normal selves in Sandra's bathroom mirror. Sandra shrugged, she was happy to be alive.

Sandra noticed the Ouija game board was still on the floor in front of the bathroom mirror. "What's this doing here, still?" Sandra asked, picking up the game board. Then, a bolt of lightning struck through from the mirror and electrocuted the game board, knocking it out of Sandra's reach.

There came a powerful howling wind trying to suck Sandra and the princess back inside of the haunted bathroom mirror. Holding onto the bathroom door frame, the two girls couldn't hold on for very much longer. 

The powerful black hole in the haunted bathroom mirror, sucked the two innocent, helpless victims back inside the Better Place. Where they were found back at the graveyard, standing beside the tree overlooking the hill to the goth graveyard. 

Wondering what happened, Sandra and the princess gathered on top of the hill and stared at the bottom of the graveyard. Where the zombies were getting more anxious and eager to walk the earth with the princess.

"They're not going to sleep anytime soon, Sandra," the princess said, sadly. "I don't know what brought us back here. They don't need to walk the earth without me," the princess said. Looking at the full moon, they turned and saw Gene and Cookie had come back flying over the graveyard on different broomsticks.

Sandra hid behind the big dead tree. The princess watched as the hyper, fast moving witches swooped down on their broomsticks. And snatched the princess off the ground on the hill. Screaming, the princess tried squirming free. 

But the two sister witches weren't letting go of her anytime soon. They floated around the graveyard, looking for a way to stop the princess from saving the zombies from their slumber. They finally spotted the princess's open, empty grave. They dropped her down into her empty grave.

"Not again!" the princess yelled, angrily. Zombies gathered around the princess's grave. Their arms outstretched and they were getting restless. The princess didn't know what to do. The more she tried fighting them away from her grave, the more angry this made the zombies.

It didn't seem like this was going anywhere. Back at the graveyard, where they were to let the zombies walk the earth and celebrate living again. But something made the two sister witches upset the zombies from paying attention to them.

They flew over the graveyard and made magic dust come out of the bottom of their broomsticks. Sprinkling some dust over the staggering walking dead, the witches suddenly flew too fast in the sky…

And smacked themselves into the dead tree on the hill by the path to the graveyard. The zombies started coming after the two sister witches. And some of the zombies nearby Sandra and the princess to stay where they are.

Sandra would need to be patient. However, this could take a while…