Chapter 25: Grave Danger

It started pouring rain on them in the graveyard again. The zombies didn't seem to care about the wet rain falling on them. It was freezing cold and the wind was blowing hard and fast. Lightning struck the ground. And struck a tree branch, making it crack and break. Falling on the witches, where they got stuck in the side of the big tree. They clumsily fell off their broomsticks and knocked them out in their heads.

Suddenly, the little stray black cat poked her head out of the black hole on the bottom of the tree. She still had the pouch of animal blood with her in her mouth. She walked over to the two sister witches, who were both unconscious next to their broomsticks on their sides.

Taking the pouch from her mouth, the little stray cat started to pour the dark red animal blood over the side of both of the two witches. They started to glow and started to wake up and stand on their feet.

The witch's faces were covered in dark animal blood. Making them start to float in the air. Grabbing hold of their broomsticks on the ground beside them, they took off into the stormy night sky on their broomsticks. Leaving their black kitty by herself, surrounded by slow-moving walking zombies. Who grabbed the black pouch away from the kitty. And started walking down the path to the graveyard.

Sandra couldn't believe the danger they were in. Fog started rolling down the grave. Where the princess and Sandra were being choked by the white ghostly mist. Coming from out of nowhere, Gene and Cookie quickly swooshed from up from the sky. And snatched both Sandra and the princess by their shoulders.

Leaving the zombies to walk the earth, the two witches fly over the full moon, cackling with excitement. They carried Sandra and the princess by the shoulders, as they started flying past the foggy, zombie filled graveyard.

The weather was so horrible. It was so cold and windy and raining. Too much to care what was to become of the helpless two victims in the witch's grasp. "Where are you taking us? Let us go!" Sandra yelled. But her voice was muffled from the loud rumble of thunder to hear everything she said.

"It's going to be a surprise, dear," Gene said. A flock of black crows and birds flew in the witch's faces coming out of the ghostly fog in the air. Almost knocking them off their broomsticks. But they disappeared and the two sister witches quickly got back on their balance.

 Screaming and cursing under the breath, the two witches almost dropped Sandra and the princess. But they both quickly grabbed onto their shirts by their shoulders. Where they were going, Sandra wasn't sure. But they get lost somewhere in the forest. Where everything was wet and covered in shadows.

Coming to a stop at the cave, where the Beast of Supernaturalville lived, the two witches flew inside the warm, abandoned cave in the forest. Sandra and the princess didn't understand why they couldn't stay behind. But it seemed Gene and Cookie were ready to make everything seem unreal.

Gene and Cookie closed the wooden door to the cave and locked it tight. Turning to look at Sandra and the princess, they are happy they got them this far. But Sandra and the princess trembled and cowered in a corner next to a cauldron in the cave. Afraid of what they expect the witches were going to do to them.

"They need to drink a potion," Cookie told her sister, who was already busy looking through a big leather bound spellbook laid out on the experiment table. "I want them to be turned into slithering snakes to crawl the earth with the zombies who are too dumb to understand anything," Cookie said.

Looking at the potion bottles on the lab table, Cookie grabbed hold of a bottle filled with yellow liquid. She popped open the rubber stopper on it. She cringed with disgust! "It smells like cat piss," said Cookie. She put the rubber stopper back on the potion bottle.

"It's got to be the exact potion, I need to get the spell to work," said Cookie, getting frustrated. Because she couldn't find any potion to get the job done. Suddenly, the thunder storm outside the cave door started to rattle open and close, like the rain was trying to get inside the cave. Even though the door was locked.

What could they be taking so long? Sandra thought, to herself. Looking hypnotically into the green potion soup brewing into the black cauldron next to her and the princess. I must prove to them, they don't need to waste their time trying to put a curse on us. It will just wear off and ruin the whole purpose of using black magic against us. But Sandra didn't do or say anything to disturb the two sister witches. Who were impatiently trying to find a magic drug or potion for Sandra and the princess to drink to get them to belong to the dark power of the magical life they are meant to have.

That's when the cave door blew open the door! Causing the candles burning around the cave to go out. Plunging them all into eerie darkness. Fog swirled in through from the front door. Gene and Cookie ducked behind the black cauldron. The princess and Sandra cuddled with each other.

In the glow of the moonlight at the front door, stood some kind of wizard in a cloak and hat. He had a long, white beard almost reaching his stomach. And he looked ancient and stood there at the front door, like he was the person responsible for being here.

"Sandra," said the wizard in a low, booming, comfortable voice. "You know you shouldn't be here," he continued. Not moving from the doorway of the cave. He stood there not taking his eyes off her or the princess.

Sandra didn't respond or move from her spot behind the cauldron. "Do not be afraid of me," the elderly, enchanted wizard continued. "I know you are having connections with a spirit who wants to be your friend or companion," he said. Lightning flashed and fog started rolling in from the dark forest into the cave.

Sandra didn't want to be polite or friendly to this strange man appearing before them. It made her mad. Because there was nothing Sandra could do to get the little annoying invisible ghost boy to leave her alone.

"What does he want from me?" Sandra finally asked, nervously. Lightning flashed, making the wizard's shadow dance on the cave walls. Startling them, they didn't want to do anything to make the wizard upset. He seemed too strong and powerful all of them combined.

The wizard suddenly started floating and gliding into the dark cave to join the group of rather interesting subjects. He snapped his fingers. He made the candles placed around the cave walls on the shelves, suddenly burst into flame and made the cave more welcoming again.

"It's time you all know the truth," the wizard said. "I'm the only real living magician, Peculiar. I am responsible for the existence of magical animals who make the inhabitants surviving in Supernaturalville become extinct," Peculiar the wizard explained.

The princess suddenly got his attention. She stood up from behind the black cauldron. "I know you! I always thought you were just some kind of legend in Supernaturalville! But you controlled how to use real magic on ordinary people in town. You nearly got me lost out of my mind! Thinking the world of shadows and magic should not get involved with everyday citizens of this cursed little town. You want the dead to walk the earth, because you have the power to raise them up from the graves. You think the dead want to live without a reason for coming back to life? Or just simply because you have the power to do whatever you want?" the princess asked, angrily.

The old wizard looked blank and confused. "Dear, I don't have to explain everything to you. I do what I want. Because my power belongs to the zombie king who will walk the earth, everyday. And never get tired of eating brains for an appetizing snack. Sandra, I need you to come to me. I need to take you back home, where I need to contact your friend to contact the living dead zombie king," Peculiar said.

Sandra doesn't know anything about why she has a haunted bathroom mirror at house in Supernaturalville. She worried about the occult of the living dead. Coming back to life to eat everybody's brains! Sandra almost fainted.

Sandra swallowed a lump of nervous fear creeping down her spine. Sandra grabbed hold of the princess by her hand. They bolted past the old magician and before the witches could do anything to stop them from escaping.

They must escape fast!