
You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness

That left her here. Alone, Sad, missing him, ugh how pathic could she get? She left his office and went back to her own desk and tried to work, but it was no use, and she was getting sleepy finally. She sent over the files that he would get in an email and left, he, if wasn't working why should she, and it wasn't helping matters.

Of course, it was still fucking raining, yet not near as hard.

She was going to go home, but then, her sheets still smelled like him. So she caught a train, she was going to her childhood well was there, but at least it didn't smell like him. She didn't want to see her mother though, so she went straight to the well and went in. She went down the steps and looked at it. This damn thing brought her sadness to, maybe it was some sick addiction, she seemed to always go looking for it. She slid down, her back against the well, she wasn't jumping down it, ever again.

Her eyes got heavy as the rain hit the old roof, there was a leak somewhere she knew. She would finally find sleep soon, it was 6 or 7 am by now, why not. Her heartbeat changed, she could feel it. This too was her own fault, she could have gone with him, it was her choice.

"Yeah" She whispered, she must be addicted. She closed her eyes,

He was in his office looking over something when the email came through, something was going on, some merger that he was not aware of, and it had his blond 'friend' name all over it. These companies were the enemy,

"I need more information, see what you can find," He told her,

She was still upset with him and it had been 2 weeks since they had slept together. They were both holding out on the other.

"Want me to sleep with the enemy?" She teased, wondering if he would react like she would. He slid his eyes to her, clearly, he was not amused.

"Arnt you sleeping with the enemy," She asked

"Kagome" He warned.

She sighed, he was giving nothing away, like always, it was unfair. Then she fucking showed up again, she left his office and shut the door. She listened in as the two spoke,

"You could always come," The woman told him "It is an open meeting"

"Why did you not tell me" He had asked her,

"I do not let my personal life mix with businesses"

He looked at her blankly, of course, she did,

"I did not want you to think our relationship was a ploy" Kagome heard her say,

She held her breath so tight to make her heart be still, not to jump, she could not let him know, or to let this woman have an advantage over her. But Kagome wanted to know what type of relationship it was!

"Very well, I will go"

"You do have the advantage, of course you know there may be a marriage meeting"

Kagome stepped away from the door and quickly wrote a note that she was going for coffee. She really went to hide.