She knew that night that it was the beginning of the end of their agreement, even if he didn't.
That night he ended up at her house. Told her they were going, and sked if she was coming.
"How long will it take?"
"A few days, possibly a week or two why does it matter?"
She did have a life, sorta,
"Do you have a previous engagement miko?"
Her eye met his "Do you?"
He knew she heard something at her response, he was not going to bend to her "Possibly"
She looked down at the dishes in her hands that she was washing "No"
"No you don't have an engagement or no you are not going?"
"Do you need me there?"
"For work or as your plaything," She said a bit harsh,
"No, I think you can deal without me." She was sure he could and she didn't want to be dragged along.
"You're letting your feelings get in the way again miko,"
"Stop calling me that!" She dropped the bowl and it shattered. She bent down and started to pick up the broken pieces, much like her, she was broken, but there was no one there to pick up the broken shards.
Her eyes started to water and her site blurred and she cut her finger. She stood and he walked around to her and grabbed her finger.
"Such power," He stuck her finger in her mouth and she closed her eyes, but she didn't let her tears fall over, he would not win.
He pulled the finger out "You are a Miko,"
She wanted to call him a jerk, she took her hand away from him.
"You will come."
"No Sesshomaru,"
"You"re being childish,"
"Why because I don't want to be used? I got enough of that from your brother thank you."
"I am NOT my brother," He said darkly, not at all liking her tone with him "We had an agreement,"
"Then maybe it needs to end," She said quickly "Void it, terminate it, I cant be at your beck and call anymore,"
"Cant or won't?"
She looked up at him "Both,"
"I told you not to let your feelings get evolved, Miko,"
"I'm human! so screw me!"
He raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not a void being Sesshomaru, its like you said, I was untouched and you're the only man to touch me, you didn't think there would be some small attachment there, even our past connection was enough to have some attachment, this, this is a whole lot more,"
Yes, he knew.
She sighed "Just go, I'll be here when you get back, forget I said anything, it's fine."
He won, again.
"Attachment is one thing Kagome, Love is another, one I have no desire for,"
"Who said I loved you, you ass!" She spun around him and walked to her bedroom,
"Why then are you so upset, it was supposed to be sexual and nothing else."
"That doesn't mean to try and hurt my feelings!"
"I do not try Miko,"
"Are you serious right now?" Maybe she was overacting?
"You are upset,"
"Just go Sesshomaru, I'll be here when you get back,"
"So you still will not go?"
"No, you don't need me, you have her, I am not going to be sloppy second,"
"Who said you were second?"
She looked at him "At least you admit I am a number."
He waited, he knew she was not done,
"When does the agreement end?" She asked placing a hand on her bedroom door,
He didn't grace her with a response,
"Just go Sesshomaru, I'll be here when you get back." She opened her door and then softly closed it behind her, she would not send him off and he wondered if she was shutting him out.