Kagome woke to birds chirping but thunder rolling. Her back hurt from sitting against the well, she stood and stretched. Her memory was very keen, even in her dreams, it sucked.
Kagome walked out of the well house, her family was not there thankfully. She went to her old room and looked at her photos of her friends of the past.
None of this made sense anymore, then, now, him, her, this.
What prompted him to pick her for this agreement? She knew why, but why? It was no use trying to figure it out, she knew why, but all that time in the past, how did he make it that long without an agreement, or maybe he did have one, who knew?
She almost wished they were back there, but then again not.
It was quiet, to quiet, maybe she should jump back down the well.
She put the photo of her friends from long ago down and went home, no use dwelling on the on thingss she could not touch, or change. Even though she could go back to them, she could not save them, touch their timeline, they too, where untouchable, she would only greet them in death and that was untouchable to her, for now anyway.
She made it back just in time, another down pour hit, damn rain. She turned on the Tv to check the stocks, then she saw him in a breaking news report.
"It stated that a merger was happening, a fierce battle was going in a day 4 meeting"
She saw him, and her, standing so close.
She knew he would win, he always won, always got what he wanted, always. Only thing was how was he going to win.
She shut it off, she didn't need to hear more. She knew if it took to long he would draw up another agreement and then hers would be void, he didn't have to tell her that.
He wasn't happy either, he had never been gone this long without her in years. He was angry with her on many levels. He could blame himself, he knew how she was. Years she followed his half-brother around and pined over him, though if you tell her that today she would hack your ear off and end it with 'it was just puppy love' God she loved puns.
But even so, he could never really figure her out. This damn meeting was taking to fucking long, if this were anything time he would just stick a sword at the guys throat and tell him to get on with it. Yet this was now and not then. She didn't make sense to him, just when he thought she was up, she was down. Every time he thought he had her pegged she did somehing else to throw him off. Never in his long life did he meet such a troublesome woman. It was his brother's fault he was sure.
He took out his phone and looked at it, she had not called or texted in 4 days, he had been here 4 fucking days and nothing, just sent an email over at 4am, which was insane, she should have been sleeping, her lack of sleep better not affect her work. He snorted, not like he would fire her.
She was being childish again, they had an agreement, but then here he was, thinking about it, her.
The meeting ended finally and he carefully and gracefully made it back to his empty hotel, which did not contain Kagome and luckily the other woman didn't see him leave.
He needed this shit to be over with, he wanted to go home. It had been what, 3 weeks since he touched her, had sex with her? He sat on the bed, so there was an attachment, he could not even deny that, their sex was good, no not good, great, no not great hot, no not just hot but fucking hot, not just fucking hot,
It was just about sex, right? It had been about sex, safe, ruled sex.
His father had a human mate and a demon lover, maybe he could reverse the roles?
What the hell was he thinking? No way she would go for that shit.
"I need to get laid" He said to no one, maybe his problem was her, she had been the only one he slept with in what 500, 600 years.
Hell, she already thought he was sleeping with the enemy, so...
Why not, it was just sex.