Flashback 7/Charles coming

Emily was running through the hallways of the Young's mansion , towards the maid's quaters where Charlotte was screaming as the labour contractions and pains were hitting her , "My dear , let us forget about Emily, I don't think she is coming soon,I don't want my daughter to die before that girl comes back " Mrs Young protested .

"Just shut up and wait for Emily to come back, she will be here soon " Mr Young answered nonchalantly.

"Good day sir, good day ma " Emily said panting from the long run.

"What the f*ck Emily, I'm dying here and you are busy greeting my parents, save that greetings for later and help me get this thing out of me " Charlotte said as the contractions made her to say a lot of things.

The maids immediately brought all the things required by Emily to help Charlotte give birth.

"Sir , ma , please step away " Emily said politely

"I am not leaving my daughter in this state" Mrs Young said stubbornly as Mr Young dragged her out with him .

"Push as you feel the contractions coming,do not fight it , just breathe in and push " Emily advised.

"AHHHHHHHHHH, hmmmmmmm" Charlotte breathed as she pushed with all her might.

"Keep going, keep going, you can do this, I'm already seeing the baby's head " Emily said.

" AHHHHHHHHHH, no no no , I can't do this Emily, I can't " Charlotte said as tears streamed down her eyes.

"No Charlotte I know you can do this , look the baby's head is out now, remaining the shoulders then your baby will slip out , please Charlotte don't give up now " Emily begged.

"Okay,okay , I think I can do this, no I know I can do this,I'm not going to allow my baby to die and I know you won't let me die" she breathed in and screamed with all her strength"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

The shoulders came out and the baby slipped out into Emily's arms , "Awwww, it's a beautiful bouncing baby girl " Emily smiled as held crying child "WAHH, WAHH," the baby loud cries were heard and Mr Young breathed a sigh of relief outside.

They came in and saw the baby and the mother and then when Mrs Young saw that her daughter Charlotte was okay ,she breathed a sigh of relief.

"She looks a lot like you Emily" Mr Young said.

"I guess it's because I went to check on her mother every day" Emily said while smiling.

Emily's assistant mid wife went to clean up the child and brought her back, while Emily was doing the same for Charlotte.

"Wahhh,wahhh,wahhhh" the baby cried.

"She's really cute Charlotte, what do you plan on naming her ?" Emily asked.

"Her name is Katherine " Charlotte weakly said.

"Awwww, that's a cute name for a cute baby like you " Emily said while holding the child.

Mrs Young didn't even want to look at the child,she was only concerned about her daughter's welfare ,'the child can die for all I care ,as long as my daughter is alive and well, I don't care 'mrs Young thought.

"I think Charlotte needs to rest now, I mean after childbirth she is very exhausted ." Emily said,but she wanted to teach Charlotte how to breast feed her baby so it won't be hard for her another time .

"I'm not going anywhere I want to talk to my daughter" Mrs Young stubbornly said.

"Let us go Natasha, Emily is right she needs rest , both her and her baby,we will come back another time" Mr Young said and Mrs Young reluctantly followed him out of the room.

"I actually wanted to teach you how to breast feed your baby,I know you won't be comfortable doing that around them " Emily said as she approached Charlotte with her crying baby.

"Yeah, I can't do that especially in front of my dad , thanks" Charlotte responded.

"It's ok , let me teach you how to do it "

Soon Charlotte learner how to feed her baby and Emily left her alone and went to her room.


It's been two years and Emily was finally graduated from naval, nursing academy.

She came home one day only to be told the sad news that her father has passed away, Emily was so hurt and embittered that Mr and Mrs Young allowed her to go to her father's house.

Meanwhile,Charles was also coming back because he has also graduated and established a business company abroad and was coming to Japan, Tokyo precisely to expand his business empire.

"I'll be on my way back tomorrow, have the maids prepare a room for two " Charles said as he was talking to his mother ; Mrs Young.

"What?,are you bringing a woman to this house?" Mrs Young asked.

"Yes I am mother, and she is my business partner, nothing else " Charles answered nonchalantly.

"Ok dear, I will get to it immediately " Mrs Young said.

"One more thing mother, I hope Emily is not still there "Charles asked hopefully.

"She still is my dear , you dear father still allowed her to stay her ,but she is not around at the moment,she went to her house because her father died " Mrs Young said.

"That serves her right, because she is a bad person,so it's very good for her " Charles said.

"You shouldn't say that my dear ,no matter how much you hate someone, you shouldn't rejoice over their sorrow" Mrs Young advised.

"I have heard you mother, how is niece doing?" Charles said asking after Katherine.

"You mean that mistake you sister gave birth to that looks like Emily?" Mrs Young said laughing.

"Yeah,I saw that too, how the hell did that child look like Emily when they are not even related at all "Charles asked baffled.

"I don't even know how it came to happen, but I don't care about that mistake at all " Mrs Young said.

"Mom that is your grandchild, don't treat her like a mistake, you don't know the outcome of her life, just because her father is not rich and she is a bastard doesn't mean she isn't going to be useful for the family "Charles said.

"Okay,my dear son,I can't wait to see you tomorrow, make sure to bring a lot of jewelries and goods for your mother, I love you son ,bye " Mrs Young said.

"I will mother, and I love you too"Charles responded back.

"Charles honey,I thought you said, you only loved me and no one else " a woman came and wrapped her arms around his back.

"You know you are the only woman I love more ,that was my mother, I told her to prepare for our coming tomorrow " Charles said.

"And what did you tell her I am to you ?" The woman named Megan asked.

" I told her you are my business partner*

Charles said .

"Ohhh,that is a nice excuse , but hope your room is next to mine so that we can, you know" Megan said, winking seductively.

"Yes it is , go and prepare we are leaving tomorrow afternoon" Charles said and dismissed her.

Megan walked out of the room.