A little vampire

Just as the sun peaks over the horizon, we see a young boy, travelling on his own, he makes it to a small village The Village of Mailgrin, this village was home to dwarves and they don't usually take kindly to outsiders especially humans. Young Eden made his way to a supply shop, he was in search of a healing potion of sorts along with a few other supplies, "Awfully young to be out on he's own." The shopkeeper thought to herself "What do you need boy and why aren't you with your parents!?" she said roughly but Eden remained silent and simply handed her a list of supplies, "Ain't much of a talker, are ya?" she said while she headed to retrieve the items on the list, boy simply nodded his head as she walked away, he placed a bag of silver on her counter and sat down to wait.

The shop had a comforting atmosphere to it, young Eden couldn't help but be amazed each shelf was filled with different types of elixirs and potions, after a while the shopkeeper returned with everything on his list, after he waved a goodbye to the shopkeeper he noticed something about the town was different, for some reason it was quiet, too quite. The town was as if empty like everyone had disappeared, as Eden was making his way to the town gate, he couldn't help but feel weary of the silence. He roamed around the village with thoughts of trying to scavenge something, "It looks like nobody's here, like they all…vanished", he thought to himself. Eden stumbled upon a bag laying on the ground close to an alley, he decided to pick it up. The bag although a bit old was embroiled with the royal emblem of the great nation Routuk, "Routuk? Sounds kind of odd." he thought to himself.

He then hears a groan beside him and gets spooked "what was that?" he says with trembling arms. He takes another look only to be shocked at what he sees. "A girl?!" he says with a shocked voice, "He..hey. ar..are you alright?" he says as he edges closer to her, "She's pale, filthy and so thin, she looks like she hasn't eaten in weeks. I should.." before he could say anything else the girl began to cry softly, she was in such a state that she couldn't even move, seeing her like that left a tearful expression on Eden's face, "I can't just leave her like this". He wrapped her gently in one of his sheets and carried her, heading for the village gate, as he carried her his expression shifted from one of sorrow to one of anger "Why? Why is the world like this?" he thought to himself but just as he was about to leave the city he suddenly stopped, a sweat ran down his face as though he had seen a ghost his face pale and arms shivering as he slowly crouched down to the ground and began to crawl silently to a boulder close to him. He held the girl by her mouth with his shaky hands and tried to quite her heavy breathing, a loud shriek whaled shaking the whole terrain and causing all the birds to disperse. Eden whilst covering the girl's ears and mouth as best as he could began to weep silently out of sheer fear for the monster that was near.

After several hours the whales finally stopped, Eden who had been hiding and been protecting a sickly little a girl could finally catch his breath, the relief he felt after hearing the birds begin to chirp again was so much he almost lost consciousness "Th...thank God, it finally left." He wiped off the dry tears on his eyes, his legs were still shaky and he could barely stand straight "That must've be why the town was so quiet ." He thought to himself "hey are you alright?" he asked the girl, she was breathing faintly but breathing, he then smiled gently and said to himself "Thank God." Eden then took off, he headed deep into the vast forest.

The afternoon's sun shined with gentle comforting warmth with its rays dancing across the trees. "I think I should stop here and check on her, we should be safe now plus I need to get something to eat either way or she might not make it." Eden said as he took out a bottle then slowly, he lifted up the girl's head and helped her drink some water, she regained consciousness but still couldn't move. Eden decided to catch some fish from the river near-by along with some rabbits, the girl although being incredibly weak watched Eden as he hunted, he moved in silence and with precision, his cold gaze like that of a trained assassin who was numb to killing, it was as though his skills had been honed by a lifetime of practice and yet for some reason the girl couldn't help but feel amazed by the boy's strength. She muttered something "St…str..ong" "What was that?" Eden looked at the girl just as she drifted off into slumber. "was that her?" he thought to himself.

As the night drew closer the atmosphere suddenly shifted it was as though there was a thick cloud of aura it left Eden with a feeling of unease, he couldn't help but feel they were being watched by the forest itself, suddenly glowing markings began to appear on the ground and on the trees, then the wolves started to howl and great winds blew "What's happening?!" Eden confused and fearful. "Boy, speak your name!" a deep ominous voice echoed as a spirit appeared in front of Eden.

There it was a giant figure wearing a robe as red as blood its hair long dark and thick with glowing red eyes it carried a gaze that could bring anyone to their knees. "I asked you a question boy" sheer terror took over Eden as he looked into the spirits eyes, he fell to the ground failing to even muster a word he thought, he would die. "Do not fear me, for I am not here to do you harm, that little girl over there, she is my Grand-daughter you protected her where I could not, you saved her and for that I shall grant you a gift, step forward boy." Eden's legs were still shaking he's heart pounding so hard he thought it would leave his chest he stood up, trying his best to calm himself and walked towards the spirit. "Although you are still but a young boy I shall give you my eyes but take heed for a vampire's eyes are of great power use them wisely." The spirit said as it placed its hand on the boy's head.

Beams of translucent red light started to glow brightly, the spirit's power was too much for the boy to handle he started to lose consciousness, his eyes started to become heavy, "I'd like to ask one more thing of you" the spirit said as it began to disperse, "My Grand-daughter, please take care of her, my time has ended and she has no one left, no one but her savior. When you wake, feed her some of your blood she'll need it." The spirit said as it disappeared with the wind, Eden's eyes shut as he lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

The sun began to rise and the birds began to sing, a beautiful morning it was yet again. The boy's eyes opened to a new day, he was still dizzy from events of the previous night, his mind filled with questions about who that vampire might have been and what was so special about that girl "Where is she anyway I…" before he could say anything else the girl jumped at him. He dodged her but barley, "what the heck?! how'd she…" he paused mid-sentence, she then ran towards him her speed so incredible his eyes couldn't keep up. She leaped into the air and landed on the boy pinning him down with blood lust leaking out of her like an ominous dark cloud. She stared at him with the thirst for blood all over her face, her eyes red like crimson with fangs dripping with saliva, the boy laid there terrified and failing to make sense of what just happened. Just as she was about to drain his blood she suddenly stopped, her expression shifted from one of hunger to utter confusion, "Grandfather?" she said softly as she looked into the boy's eyes which had suddenly turned red.

 "What d.d..do you m..mean Grandfather?" Eden said with a trembling voice as his eyes turned silver again, the girl got off him but she acted different this time, she respectfully took a step back and sat on the ground, her face soft and bubbly fangs retreated. A confused Eden slowly lifted his head of the ground and took a clear look at the girl, she looked to be about four years old, her red eyes became emerald green, her skin a rich brown like chocolate that glows effortlessly, it was a brown complexion that shines beautifully in the sun, her long beautifully locked hair was a little ruffed up but took the boys breath away.

It was as if she wasn't the sickly girl he had found in Mailgrin, Eden walked towards her "uhm, hello?" she stood up hastily then bowed her head. "Hello, good morning grandfather!!" she shouted in a proud voice, "but I'm not your Grandfather." said Eden. "What do you mean Grandpa?" she tilted her head with confusion. "Could it be the eyes that spirit gave me?" Eden thought.

"So uhm you must be hungry right? I was told to give you some of my blood when you wake up" the girls stomach rumbled as if in response to what he had said. He knelt down next to her then rolled up his sleeve, "You can have a drink if you want. Just not too much." A bright smile filled the little girls face and her eyes turned red, she then sunk her fangs into his flesh and began to suck his blood. "It doesn't hurt; she's sucking my blood but I don't feel any pain." Eden then explained everything to the little girl, it was hard for her to take in at first but after hearing all the boy had to say she was okay. "Mr. Eden can you be my friend?" the girl said while she wiped off the tears from her face. Eden smiles at her softly and says "sure thing, just tell me your name."

"Hazel Evertwigh" she said with a cheerful laugh.