Silver and Emerald

The afternoon came along with the warm embrace of the sun, as they walked Hazel tagged on Eden's shirt "Uhm… Mr. Eden how come you get scared when you see bears and big stuff like that but when hunting for food you do it with no mercy." he then smiles and laughs. "Please just call me Eden, you see ever since I could remember I've always been afraid of things that were bigger than me. So when It come's to hunting stuff like rabbits I'm fine." She then burst into laughter at his answer "Your funny, Eden."

Eden found himself enjoying the company of someone else, he found a feeling of warmth, "Is this what it's like having a friend." He thought to himself as a smile etched on his face. Later on in the afternoon at a clearing in the forest the two are hunting a flock of sheep guarded by a Sheppard, "He looks like he can do some damage I'll take him on okay Hazel." She nodes her head in agreement. Eden grips his dagger steadily as he sneaks closer to the flock, he throws a pebble to distract them as he leaps in, he then yells out to Hazel "Now!" then quickly rushes in "If we're lucky we'll be able to get three for ourselves tonight." He says this to himself with a smile on his face. The Sheppard whom is guarding the flock, got alarmed by the pebble and he let out a protection barrier "Now's your shot hit it!"

Hazel then rushes in, her speed incredible, she breaks the barrier and grabs three of them. "Your turn Eden!" she yells to him with an uncontained smile of joy on her face. "I've got this, don't worry!" he says with a smirk of confidence as he rushes in, the Sheppard summons an axe for his spirit's weapon and charges at Eden "You stupid brats I'm gonna skin you alive!!" he yells out in anger as their weapons meet, Eden steps back and prepares for an attack, he was at a disadvantage with his small body but wasn't willing to lose, he threw a branch at the Shepard's leg and caught him off guard then went in with a round kick to his head but gets blocked, irritated at how it was ineffective he jumps in with a flying kick and drops the Shepard to the ground and points his dagger at him "You lose." He says with an emotionless look in his eyes, besides him is Hazel as she sticks her tongue out in mockery and they leave the Sheppard at a loss for words.

They tie him to a log then gather themselves to leave, "That was so fun! Thanks for dinner Mr. Sheppard!" Hazel exclaims with a joyous laughter, Eden joins her and they share a laugh as they make off with the sheep.

The night arrives and the duo have had their meal, they laughed and enjoyed each other's company until they fell asleep under the stars.

Morning arrives yet again the weather is perfect, the sun is shining brightly, the breeze is harmonious. Eden wakes from the sound of the birds chirping, the morning is beautiful and peaceful "Good morning Hazel." He says but gets no response, his face suddenly turns pale with fear and anger but then suddenly a crooked laughter breaks out "You thought you got away didn't you kid!". To Eden's surprise it was the Sheppard from the previous day "If you're looking for your little friend she's over there." He says as he points a finger to Hazel on the ground.

A cold gaze appears on Eden's face "Is she poisoned?" he thinks to himself as he picks up his dagger, he finds himself angered at the fact that Hazel's life could be in danger. A thought goes through his mind "Why am I so furious, barley know her." He ready's himself for an attack, "C'mon kid, show me what you've got!" yells the Sheppard with a tone of insanity. With a burst of speed Eden dashes towards him and throws his dagger at the Sheppard's head, the Sheppard blocks it and tries to counter but before he can react Eden grabs his dagger mid-air, slashing the Sheppard's eye.

The Sheppard yells in anger and excruciating pain as he tries to stop the bleeding and curses at the boy "You son of a bitch, I'll kill you!!!" he summons he's spirit spear and charges the boy. He begins slashing at random making it easy for Eden to evade his attacks at counter him, "He's lost it." Eden says as he looks at the violent rampaging Sheppard. He throws his dagger and rushes to him with a vicious barrage of fits, the dagger lands in the Sheppard's shoulder together with blows to his face leaving a bloody mess. The Sheppard drops to the ground defeated, "You shouldn't have laid a finger on her." Says a furious Eden, he staggers as he is worn out.

The Sheppard tries desperately to attack Hazel but is met with a cold stare that instills terror inside his very soul.


Eden then runs to try and aid Hazel, hoping the poison can be cured. "Hazel wake up, are you okay please talk to me." He says as his composure falters and tears begin to form in his eyes. Hazel wakes up in shock" What's wrong Eden why are you crying, you look like a baby." She wipes his face, Eden looks at her with confusion "what about the poison.", "but poison doesn't work on me." Eden then let out a sigh of relief and patted Hazel on her head on smiled at her. His smile left Hazel with comfort and joy, she then gets up "cheer up I'm fine okay."

Eden gets up and cheerfully walks off "Hey what about Mr. Sheppard why is he here?". "No need to worry about him he was just here to say hi." Eden replies with nervous smile on his face and then trails off, Hazel sat there still puzzled by his demeanor.

The events of the past two days left Eden a single thought in mind, he was to take care and protect Hazel no matter what and this wasn't because of her Grandfathers words, no this was because she was important to him.