Cry for Strength

I made a promise to myself three years ago and to fulfil that promise I need to have strength. Fortunately for me Hazel is quite the formidable opponent and to be honest I don't think I'll ever beat her in a sparring match. She stands victorious in all of our bouts from the last three years and the annoying part of all of it is that she has just turned eight.

Hazel may be stronger than me I'll admit it but that is simply because of the fact that she's a vampire. I found out that vampires are the superior race in this world however, just like the Humans, elves and dwarfs they all possess fortsia;

Fortsia is a power everyone possesses, it is said to be a blessing from the Gods, Matabia, Thornak and Erebus and each person can only have one of the three types of Fortsia, it can either be Spiritual, Sparta or Elemental fortsia;

(SPIRITUAL FORTSIA: This fortsia type is linked with the natural spirits of the world and is gifted by the Goddess Matabia, it allows its users to draw powers from the spirits and use them however they want.

(ELEMENTAL FORTSIA: This fortsia type is internal and allows it wielders to harness or generate the natural elements of the world and is gifted by the God Thornak.

(SPARTA FORTSIA: This is one is extremely rare and is similar to Spiritual fortsia except from the fact that it does not draw power from the natural spirits and is gifted by the Goddess Erebus, it is still unknown where Sparta fortsia draws its power, hence it is Taboo to be born with It.

However, vampires are a different case they aren't blessed by any of the three Gods, vampires in-fact have fortsia but they're fortsia is different. From what I've been able to observe from Hazel, there are two classes of vampires, lower bloods and higher bloods. Higher blood vampires have three of five different abilities, from what I've observed Hazel is a higher blood vampire and the abilities she has include; blood control, self-healing and superhuman strength. Lower blood vampires only have one of the five abilities.

"I may be weaker than you Hazel but that doesn't mean I'll lose." I said as I readied myself to attack, she gave a slight giggle as though mocking my confidence, "we'll see about that Eden." The atmosphere shifted as my gaze met hers, my heart raced as she vanished, reappearing with a punch aimed for my gut.

I blocked it but took the force of the attack and got pushed back, before I could even counter she struck me down, just as she was about deal the final blow I got up and threw one of my daggers at her as a distraction and went in with a kick it landed, but had affect on her, this irritated me and so I stepped back and picked up my daggers then took a breath in to relax myself.

Without giving me a chance to recover she rushed in and with a swift kick she sent me across the field. I landed hard on the ground barely able to get up but then saw her preparing an attack and I forced myself up, a sudden kick flew past my head and cut my face slightly I was almost unable to dodge it.

I countered with a barrage of kicks but she dodged every single one with a smirk on her face, I clicked my tongue in annoyance then went for a low sweep tackle but she saw that coming and leaped up into the air and hurled fists of blood at me I couldn't counter this time.

As I laid there on the ground, defeated, I thought to myself. "How am I supposed to protect her." A wave of guilt and frustration washed over me as I saw Hazel running towards me asking if I was okay but this only made me feel worse about myself, I put on a smile to reassure her that I was okay, even though I knew she was holding back, I knew I would lose, I know I will never be strong enough and for some reason I am the one to protect her, I am her so called savior, my jaw clenched at the thought of this being the truth. This isn't like the way it was three years ago.

I can't protect her, no matter how much I want to, I am unable. "You just need power." A bone chilling voice whispered into my ears, I turned to see who it was but I only saw Hazel. "Seek my temple and I will give you power." The voice whispers to me a second time. I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in what this voice called power.

I decided to visit a library and read more about this temple and hopefully find out who that voice belonged to. I searched the library for hours and hours unable to find anything about this temple anywhere, Hazel checked up on me frequently and brought me my meals, she has always been right by my side ever since we met, I never want her to ever suffer. I sat to take rest and enjoy my meal, then suddenly a burst of wind blows and pages of the research I was looking over were blown all over the place. As I am collecting them I find myself drawn to a certain area in the library, like it was calling to me.

I followed my senses as they led me to a plain wall in the back of the library, "A wall of course!" I let out a yell as I punch the wall in frustration, then ancient symbols appear out of nowhere together with an ominous dark fog it sent chills down my spine. I stepped back in confusion and tried to wrap my mind around what was happening. Then suddenly the wall splits open and reveals a pathway, I was skeptical about whether or not I should venture in.

But then I remembered why I sought out the source of the voice, I need strength, enough strength to make sure Hazel is safe, enough strength to make sure I can protect her. I stilled myself and steadied my resolve then stepped forward into the unknown, I will get stronger no matter what even if it's the last thing I do.