Amy's breakdown,GUN base, ???

It's the next day, sonic is in the commercial district of city, Amy has told him to wait for her at a cafe but she is running 30 mins late.

Sonic was about to call her when the pink hedgehog arrived. Sonic was about to say something when he noticed Amy's clothes.

She is wearing a red shirt with a light pink jacket and pink shorts and yellow shoes.

Sonic was almost stunned but managed to keep his stoic face, but Amy managed to notice the slight reaction.

Amy: *waves her hand* Hello there..*approaches and sits opposite him* hope I am not too late.

Sonic: 30 mins late but I guess it's fine... So where is the branch in metropolis?

Amy: *makes a smug face* you are already in it, welcome to GUN metropolis branch.

Sonic: let me guess, it is beneath us ain't it?

Amy: no..*gives him a pair of glasses and points up* look above us.

Sonic looks up to see a floating bunch of random metal circles coming to them.

Amy:*stands up* let us get to a alley, it would be weird if we vanished in air.

Sonic nods and follows her to a nearby alley, the metal rings descend and line up in a vertical row.

Amy: We call it the waypoints, agents can call for them to visit the fortress from anywhere in the city.

Sonic: Quiet convincing I will say...*looks at her* if you could call them anywhere then they would have come to the cafe not in this alley. You wanted me to come here didn't you Amy.

Amy:*loses her composure and sweats drop from her forehead* I-I-

Sonic:*pats her head* you are wearing completely different clothes compared to yesterday and even choose a cafe as the meeting spot, even a child will find something wrong... Say what you want.

Amy:* musters her strength and grabs sonic's hands* please be my boyfriend.

Sonic:*confused* eh? Seriously?*moves away from her and laughs*

Amy's eyes go blank, she looks like someone she has trusted betrayed her, her heart feels heavy and she almost breaks down.

Sonic:*pats her head* you didn't have to do all this fancy planning to ask me... How about we get to know eachother before you ask me again okay.

Sonic's words brings her back from a abyss of despair just before she could completely sink in it, her legs give out as she breaths heavily. Sonic looks at her and notices her fall to her knees, he helps her get back to her feet before asking with worry.

Sonic: what happened to you, Amy?

Amy:*grabs sonic's hand hardly as if scared* I, um..* looks around* how about I tell you later okay?* Tries to give convincing smile* how about we move on?

Amy and sonic stands below the rings before the runes on them light up and teleports them to the GUN HQ base of metropolis. Amy shows him around the base, the base has twelve floors including the waypoint station, a lobby, a cafeteria, residential housing for members,5 floors having different training equipments, a mission briefing floor, an server room and the archives and the last floor being the detainment area for criminal captives.

Amy introduced sonic to other members of their generation like the trio of victory, espio and charmy who specialize in info gathering and detective work, the duo of tangle and whisper and many others.

In the evening,Amy and Sonic are sitting on a park bench.

Amy:*nervously* Sonic... About what happened in the alley.. it's my...

Sonic:*puts his hand on her shoulder and ensures her* your secret is safe with me, whatever it is I won't judge you.

Amy: thanks..*resets her head on his shoulder* my bloodline makes me extremely sensitive to the emotions like love,trust,etc... Even a simple rejection can cause fatal mental damage depending on how much love I have for someone.. *remembers the feeling of despair and clutches sonic's hand* Me and whoever is alongside me gets more power and training benefits depending on our bond.

Sonic: * stays still* so if I had not given you a that bit of hope you would have-

Amy: ye.. a mental breakdown straight into a something like a temporary coma and a fear of ever trusting someone... I just...*looks at sonic with a weak smile* I hope you give me a chance atleast.

Sonic:*sighs* I won't mind a relationship but how about we let it progress slowly? My past is quite complicated you see... Maybe even more than I can handle right now.

Amy's sad expression fades as genuine happiness fills her heart just as she was about to hug him, a siren rings in the city and a masked figure replaces the giant advertisement and news screens.

Masked figure: You people are quite happy aren't you? Do you really think that the soul order is a weakling... Right now the e

3rd residential block is overtaken by us, you better try your best GUN, or their will be hundreds of corpses in the city Tommorow.

The screen changes back. Sonic stands up his eyes filled with anger and pure fury, those soul order scums have invaded his hometown and they won't be leaving with a intact head over their body sonic vowed to himself.

Sonic: Amy call for the others . I will go ahead first and help the people you make sure that other areas of the city are safe, knowing those bastards, this is just a distraction.

Sonic dashes at full speed towards his home, a golden sword pendant in his neck humsnon light before a voice enters his mind.

Voice: guess you are finally using me for battle... My king.

Sonic: I will say it again caliburn, I am no king but a avenger.

Caliburn: you care more about your people and you can't hide it my king and you will have to go take the throne from those unworthy backstabbing bastards.