caliburn, sonic's fury

Dashing by buildings at the speed of sound, sonic converses with caliburn, the weapon spirit that was bond to him on birth.

Caliburn: You can always take your time My king, if destroying the order can help you rule in peace of mind, then I shall help you to my best.

Sonic: *annoyed* Drop the my king,that king bs, I don't want to take throne that makes family turn on each other for a mere title and authority.

Caliburn: The last king was foolish and encouraged the princes to be a king rather then the what they wanted to be. The Greed and hostility between the Queens corrupted the princes as well.

Sonic: ENOUGH, We got work to do.

As sonic reaches the entrance of the 3rd residential block, he grabs the pendant and it begins transforming into a golden light and expands to a one handed sword.

Sonic:*grabs the sword hilt and orders* Change to blades tonfas, we need speed and flexibility now not strength.

Caliburn: You make a fair point, King.

The sword again transforms into light and changes to two blades tonfas, the handle is golden with the blades being silver in colour.

A silvery light armor with some strips of gold appears on sonic's body and he charges into the block.

Only a few seconds have passed before he found a group of armed fanatics with guns , machine hammers and a floating lantern.

Sonic charges straight through and before they could react, Sonic cleanly severed necks of everyone except the mage wielding the lantern. Sonic grabs the mage by the neck,throws him into a fire hydrant and hits him with a knee to the chest. Sonic grabs his barely awake eyes and stares into them.

Sonic: flux art: memory drill.

Sonic used one of three abilities( he can store one for each tier of his unique bloodline it's 3rd tier right now) he has stored and memories he desired were extracted forcefully from the mage. The mage falls dead, his eyes blank and foam in his mouth. Sonic instantly rushes to the park.

In about 40 seconds, sonic reaches the park to find a bunch of fanatics harassing multiple childs in the park. From the corner of his eyes he views Cream on the ground with a her face swollen and a fanatic laughing to her side.

The next few minutes were more brutal than a traditional duel of orcs, Sonic killed Every single one of them, bodies lay in the park like flowers. broken limbs,shredded and cut corpses sprinkled like leaves. One by one he killed, those who came first died to painful death from hundreds of cuts, those who defended their ground were crushed and trashed by flying corpses before getting beheaded, those who ran in fear... Were minced to pieces. Sonic looks at the team of order executives who were sent on this mission, looking at him like a messenger of death.

Sonic: you bastards... Will die a even more horrifying death then your goons.

A giant person with a shield and mace in hand leaps at him and swipes with his shield. Sonic sidesteps to find a executive with a spear doing a pincer attack.

Sonic:flux art: time field

The surrounding area slows down to a halt, the gunner in back realising the situation instantly tries to provide cover fire but the bullets couldn't pierce the field. Sonic instantly cut both arms of the spearman and used the spear to impale tank right in the heart. He then proceeds to use the impaled tank as a hammer and slammed it into the spearman.

Mage: 4th circle: magic shield

The mage of the squad used a shield spell on itself and the gunner. Sonic annoyed by the mage used the tank as a shield from any possible attack and ordered.

Sonic: caliburn, Greatsword mode.

Caliburn switches to a 6 feet Greatsword with golden lion hilt and a dragon skull symbol on the silver Blade. Sonic lines the sword in a horizontal line straight to the gunner and dashes, the sword pierces through the gunner's chest but doesn't kill him, then with a twist the gunner is split horizontally at the chest. The tank stands up and ripes out the spear and dashes at sonic in fury.

Tank: I will kill you little trash.

Tank punches at sonic but instead gets his hand severed, he turns and tries to stomp him but cuts his both legs as well. The tank falls to the ground and sonic reverts caliburn to its pendant form. He axekicks the tank's face into the ground and rushes towards the mage. The mage's shield get decimated under a series of kicks before a high kick sends him into the air. Sonic dashes leaps to him and using the pathway as a support hits him with a knee to back sending him wooshing like a arrow straight in the ground, leaving behind a jumbled corpse.

Sonic takes Cream and other children to the hospital and killed any threats with no hesitation. just as he was leaving, a call comes on his phone from tails.

Tails: Sonic are you alright?

Sonic: I am.. What was their main goal?

Tails: those scums wanted to rob a artifact storage of the GUN... We hit him strong during it, a 5th tier executive got pinned and killed.

Sonic: that's good... Send some people to handle the aftermath here, I will make sure none of those f****rs leave this place alive.

The rest of the evening sonic hunted over 200 fanatics and 5 4th tier executives.

Cream drowzly wakes up in a hospital bed to find her brother and the sister pink hedgehog chatting about aftermath.

Cream:*weakly* brother?

Sonic:*comes closer and pats her* Don't worry, brother is here now.

Cream:* in a pained voice* It hurts..*hugs Sonic and cries*

Sonic: Now now, big girls don't cry you know... It's just some bruising, doctor said you can leave Tommorow.

Cream: Really?

Sonic: yes.

Amy: Sonic how about you leave her to me and go meet tails... *Pats Cream* I will take care of her.

Sonic nods and leaves Amy behind to take care of Cream.