Sonic: When will he return? *Points towards the gate*.
Tails: We can proceed without him, it's not like he can run away from his fiance.
Sonic: who is she anyway? The emerald palace sounds a little excessive.
Amy: Knucles is the only son of the current leader of echindas and the future chief.
The echindas are given the duty to guard the master emerald by the council of federation and in return they get support of the council.
Tails: Rouge is apparently his childhood friend and her future fiance because of his father's promise.* Walks to door and closes it* He avoids her because her love for expensive gems and jewellery is bigger than the love she has for him.
Sonic: I think I had learnt enough, let's proceed to how we are gonna train?
Amy: can't we train wherever we want?
Sonic: *sighs* we can't.. if somebody else saw me in training, there is a high chance we have the whole camalot hunting us down.
Tails narrow his eyes and stares while Amy is dumb founded.
Amy: eh?? What do you mean by that? It's not like your a criminal or something.
Tails: No wonder... You are hiding something from us aren't you?
Amy feels nervous at tails's words, her bloodline activates as she feels weak and vulnerable.
Amy: Sonic...* Her voice shaking* Can't you tell us?
Sonic: I can't.
The simple words almost sends Amy into a shock. From the time Sonic agreed to a relationship with her, She had put utmost trust in Sonic but the thought that sonic didn't trust her enough to reveal even his background was enough to activate the backlash.
Amy: w-why? Why won't you tell me?*tightly clutches sonic's hand* D-Do you no-ot trust me?
Sonic looks into the horror striken eyes of Amy and even he could barely control himself from just comforting her that instant.
Sonic:*puts his other hand on her shoulder* I trust you but we can't trust the walls of this city.. Maybe after we find a good spot.* He gives her the most genuine smile he had mustered after the incident*
Amy:* creates some distance* thanks.
Tails: So, you got any spots? Or should we search for one?
Sonic: There is a huge number empty abandoned mineshafts in green hills.. I spent a huge amount of time in my early teens converting a portion the size of a stadium into a well supported open field.
Tails: *visible awe* You created a stadium field underground alone and secretly!? We could make a base of our team down there.
Sonic: We will go there Tommorow.. How about you go do something to help me give my exams early?
Tails nodded and left to deal with the matter of sonic's graduation, Amy realising they were alone lunged on sonic. through taken aback Sonic didn't resist and let her hug him like a teddy until she had her fill.
Sonic: You worry too much Amy* ruffles her back fur* I would never betray you okay?
Amy:*huffs at him* Then choose better words.. I don't know if I can handle these shocks again and again.*makes a innocent begging face*
Sonic:*laughs lightly* then what do you want ?
Amy:*leans closer to his eats and whispers* prove to me your trust.. give me a kiss.
Sonic instantly shrudders under the obsessive stare and almost succumbed to the pressure from his 'innocent' girlfriend.
Sonic:*stuttering* b-but w-we just-
Amy:*stares directly into his eyes* no but. Either you do it or I will.
Sonic: Aren't we moving a little too fast? We just agreed to it at evening the day before yesterday!
Amy gives him no answer but the increasing obsession in her eyes forced Sonic to agree.
Their lips joined as the both kissed. About a min later, Sonic retreated first, his face flustered and blushing while Amy looked at him and licked her lips.Sonic stood up and went to the other sofa.
Amy:Sonic... *Winks at him* Tell me how I tasted like!*stands up*
Sonic:*gestures her* sit back down..*his face burns in heat while talking to her* No More...
Amy realises that she has been too blunt and forceful due to her bloodline and sits down but her internal thoughts screamed at her in her mind. Sonic calms down after a min or two.
Sonic: I will be blunt Amy.. You tasted like a sweet bait that a hunter makes for his prey.
Amy:* blushes internally* What do you mean?
Sonic: Don't joke around Amy.* stares at her* The obsession in those eyes, that's not from your bloodline, is it? *Shrudders* You looked like you will break my legs if I tried to run or anything else.
Amy:* nervously* I just... Want to be seperated from you. I will do anything to make sure you love me, no matter the method.
Sonic sighs as he remembers how he promised to be her partner and that he would have to deal with it. He goes and sits beside Amy, their hands interlocked and they started at each other.
Sonic: Not in front of others, Okay?
Amy:* the obsessive stare turns to pure happiness as she buries herself in his arms* hehe, I got no problem with that... How about I sleepover here tonight?
Sonic: hell no.
Sonic kicks out the yandere out of his house and locks the door. He proceeds to his room and brings out caliburn.
Sonic: oi caliburn, what do you know about the rose family?
Caliburn: Rose family is one of the noble families of camalot who are in charge to guarding knowledge and education of the heirs. The Rose are famous for their bloodlines that change effects depending on emotions.
Sonic: the echindas and the prowler?
Caliburn: the echindas are a honourable bunch and can be trusted and Prowler are master of crafts funded by the royals. The current team is a perfect start for gathering trusted allies.
Sonic: So, we should tell them about you and my origins?
Caliburn: We don't have a choice. the Rose value trust to the level of insanity, if you have promised then you must fulfill it or they will come at you regardless of what you are.
Sonic and caliburn chat for a few minutes before going to sleep.