3 Days later in a giant colosseum type place under the exhausted mines of green hills. Tails has renewed the cavern into a bunker and created a bunch of security measures to ensure full secrecy. Vanilla and Cream have been discharged from the hospital and are currently living in 8th residential block which is the HQ destrict of the police and GUN base runs it from shadows.
Sonic and the others are currently standing in the lobby area of the colosseum.
Amy: Tell us already!*pouts* the suspense is killing me.
Sonic nods and brings out the caliburn pendant, he puts it on the table and walks out of the room.
Sonic: he will explain it to you.*leaves for the training grounds*
Amy: HEY , WHAT DO -
Amy is interrupted as the pendant begins floating and expands into a sword with a burst of light.
Caliburn: Hello there... I am caliburn th-
Tails:*interrupts* CALIBURN! YOU ARE CALIBURN?
Caliburn: Calm yourself young prowler, we have time.
Tails takes a min while knuckles and Amy look at the sword with questions.
Tails: you are the caliburn? The sword that chooses the king?
Amy: King?*confused* king of what?
Knuckles: probably fighting, what else can it be?
Caliburn: It looks like miss Rose here didn't study in her family estate...*sighs" I am Caliburn, the weapon of the first king of camalot and the one who chooses the worthy king for camalot from the princes.
Knucles: But ain't that the excalibur? The story say that the excalibur was a great sword the size of person and as wide as two long swords with golden coloured blade.
Amy: wait wait* puts her hand on her forehead and thinks* isn't the excalibur supposed to be in the Royal garden?
Tails: No... *Turns to both of them* Our family is the one who forged the Caliburn, the excalibur is merely one of its forms... But why are you with Sonic instead of the 3rd prince.
Caliburn: Your knowledge deserves praise young Prowler and it is also because of that reason, we are here.
The trio's concentration peaks as the silence fills the room.
Caliburn: Sonic is the child of jules pendragon, the younger brother of the previous king and also the Grandson of general attris. He was chosen as the next king at his birth ceremony.
The words blew up like a missile, the trio are flabbergasted, shocked and dumbfounded.
Amy: He is a prince?
Knuckles: Grandson of General attris of camalot?
Tails: The next king?
Caliburn proceeds to tell them about the death of his father by the queens, the battle at the village, the death of his mother and the order's involment.
Amy: That's way worse than I thought, I thought it will be like I will avenger my family or something... But a whole royal family internal conflict does sound horrific.
Tails: this explains the warning sonic gived us at his house, he isn't strong enough to challenge the royal yet.
Caliburn: some corrections young prowler, he refuses to fight for the throne.
Knucles: Why? *Becomes furious* Why do he refuse to fight those arrogant and fat p* o* s*.
Caliburn: He believes that the throne is the reason for internal conflicts and that he will rather die then make his family fight eachother to death for something like authority. I tried to convince him that it was due to the king's foolishness that the conflicts arose but -
Sonic:*enters* You are trying to recruit them now, caliburn?*grabs the sword hilt* you know well enough to not force me.
Tails: Why?*tails unleashed his inner frustration* DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS LIKE? PEOPLE ARE DYING BECAUSE OF THAT TRASH BASTARD.
The outburst silences the room, Amy and knuckles calm tails down.
Sonic:*curious* what do you mean?
Amy: the bastard 3rd prince is the only prince alive after the conflicts, he appointed new nobles that support him. They have been oppressing the original houses, my and tails family had many people given sentences that are false just because they refused to co-operate with the unworthy prince.
Knuckles: We went to camalot once, the prince is a fat and lazy bastard who knows nothing but greed, he can't even run for 5 mins without tiring.. Tails's family was asked to forge another sword with spirit but they refused.
Tails: We were ambushed in our own manor, adults killed and children sent to orphanages.*wipes a rear from his eyes* Do you have any idea the torture the righteous people get now in camalot?
Sonic: It is not like I hate the people but the thron-
Tails: THEN BECOME A BETTER KING!*huffs* if you can save more people by changing to kingdom then why do you refuse?
Sonic couldn't find a answer, he strode to tails and give the little 15 year old a hug.
Tails: If you need help we are here for you but... can't you make a little sacrifice for us.
Sonic looks at the sniffing teen and remembers how much trust they put in him.
Caliburn: Sonic, you are much better than even the founder.. even he could not fit all the abilities you have. You should atleast try for the suffering.
Sonic: I don't know. *Turns to the others* I can risk my life for y'all but the throne is sickening to me.
Knuckles: Sonic, let me tell you something... The camalot is already broken, the rebels are waiting for the true king and with your strength and potential there can't be a better candidate. Master at everything from knowledge to leadership from fighting to guiding, also If you want a driving force for this... Your grandfather is alive.
The words drop a bombshell on sonic, his grandfather who he presumed dead is alive.
Amy: General Attris and other people who supported your father were imprisoned and only the chosen king has the authority to free them. I have heard how they revolted but got defeated when the royal guard had to step up.
Sonic breaths in silence before raising his head.
Sonic: Do you really want me to be a king?
Everyone: YES.
Sonic: I guess I don't have choice then
Amy and knuckles also join in on the hug. Caliburn interrupts.
Caliburn: My king, I suggest you reach atleast 6th tier before we march for camalot.
We can train and exterminate the order in the process.
Sonic: You heard him tails, show us the facilities.
Tails:* enthusiastically* Yes.
Sonic and the gang leaves to start their training for the next 2 months but sometimes things don't go accordingly to plan.
1 month later.
Sonic: So this is the warp gate eh?
Sonic says as they look at a huge circular ring of metal engraved with runes and computers.
Tails: Yes, it will take us straight to Egypt on earth.
Amy: Finally we can go to earth again, those foods are too good to leave for long.
Knuckles: Maybe we can even visit the corps for some good items.
The circular ring lights up as a space distorted to create a portal the size of building.