Sonic: So.. Where are we starting?
Tails: This place is divided into storage section, data center, power supply, personal quarters and barracks.
Knuckles: I doubt Rogue will come here and go away without checking the storage and the data center and power supply is also nearby. I say me, tails and Amy go this side and check for Rogue and Omega.
Amy: I checked Shadow's profile and she has on basic skills in electronical and computer skills, also storage may not have any info she needs. It is good to say that Rogue and Omega will be the ones there while she will be searching for physical clues in personal quarters.
Sonic: So it's me and Mr.Graham searching for shadow while you three will be dealing with Rogue and Omega.
Graham: let's get it done quickly, i wanna go back to vacation.
Everyone nods and splits in 2 teams.
Sonic and Graham are running through the tunnels. As long as Sonic doesn't go very fast Graham had no problem keeping up, as a 6th tier B grade in strength, his speed is still good enough to reach mid 5th. After about 10 mins of running the duo reached a extended section much larger than tunnels.
Graham:*whispers* is this the place?
Sonic:*whispers* Staff personal quarters, the power got cut,we need to wait for tails and others to reroute the power and give us a clearance if we want those giant metal doors open.
Graham: Get aside kiddo, I have cut bigger things then these. Flux art: warlord
Graham steps forward, his body and clothes expanded increasing his size to 10 feet,his arms and legs as thick as a pillar, a living giant of a creature. Graham steadily pierced the giant metal gate and ripped it out of the sockets.
Graham: Get going kiddo.
Sonic nods and enters, roaming from room to room for any clues.
???: would have to be quite cautious I guess.
Meanwhile, the trio arrives at the data center, Amy is at the front, a metallic hammer twice her size in hands and a medium armor of red and pink colours with metal strips and flexible metal-leather mixture cloth. Tails is fully covered in a yellow suit with mechanical gauntlet. And Knucles is being knuckles as he knows the da way.
Amy: tails you go ahead and do you stuff. Knuckles you sensed it didn't you?
Knuckles: the unpleasant smell of those damn cultists. *Spins and punches through a wall* these bastards turned this into a base.
Blood falls from the broken wall as a human corpse falls out, knuckles sidesteps and corpse falls down in front of him.
Knuckles: You two deal with the data problem, I will go deal with these punks.
Amy: go on ahead, make sure to say hi to rogue for me.*swings her hammer and crushes a bunch of cultists plotting ambush behind the door(along with the door ofcourse)* I doubt Sonic will fail to notice the scums he trained to hunt for years.
Tails: *sighs* Seriously Amy? why are you acting Brute now?*releases a bunch of spider drones* We could have lured a bunch before we started.
The spiders entered the vents and roamed the hallways and within seconds a expanding holographic map appeared on Tails's gauntlet. The trio nods and each begins their work.
Somewhere at the personal quarters, Sonic is going around room to room before he arrived at a room labelled 'Dr. Gerald Robotnik'. Inside are a table with drawers, a board with a bunch of schematics and diagrams drawn on it, a bed and a computer.
Sonic: *taps on his communicator* found the place, room no.258 2nd floor last 3rd corridor.
Sonic enters and begin searching for any clues and soon finds a dairy containing the personal password and clearance password for the arc. He also foundout that a teleporter to ARC was made in the lowest floor of the barracks that connects to ARC. Graham's voice comes from the door.
Graham: Found anything kiddo?
Sonic: A bunch of research notes with a diary of Gerald Robotnik-
A figure appears behind Sonic and attempted to kick him in the face, Sonic dodged but the figure threw out a bunch of grenades, Sonic warped away but the figure grabbed his shoulder and warped with him. The figure tried to twist Sonic's arm but Graham arrived and punched full force while Sonic spinned mid-air and retaliates with with axe kick.
The figure took the full force of the impact and flew away right into a nearby wall. Sonic and Graham followed for a continuation but the figure vanished into air.
Sonic: warp.
Sonic followed the figure who teleported into a nearby room. The grenades explodes and the floor caves in.
Sonic: You ain't getting away this time Shadow.
Shadow: Like you could stop me with those inferior warps, faker.
Sonic: flux technique: time field targetting(targeting only effects one person in range, less aoe for higher duration)
Shadow: time stop.
Both got hit by eachother and got frozen in time for 10 whole seconds meanwhile Graham was about to climb out of the pit but below finds a bunch of people with symbols on their body looking at a statue of a deformed figure and instantly recognised them.
Graham: Soul order? At this place? *Transforms* I can't catch up with those flashy brats anyway. SO WHY DON'T I CLEAN UP YOU LOT. *charges forward with claws raised and laughs*
Graham slashes,stabs,bashes and smashes anything he sees of the order while thanking his luck.
Sonic and Shadow both come back at the same time and the chase begins again. Sonic grabs Shadow by her neck as she warps away in disbelief at the randomness of Sonic's ability.
Shadow: This feeling!! You Copied my ability to this level faker.
Sonic: Guess that's a compliment.
Shadow spins at kicks vertically at Sonic, making him to remove his hold and block. He flies up to the ceiling but stabalized himself with the paths combo and shot back.
Shadow: amplification 80%: speed, unleash 40%.
Shadow's speed rises while gaining the upperhand with strength and defence but Sonic also amplified
Sonic: amplification max: speed ( note: Sonic's max is 50% Shadow's is 5x)
Sonic dashes and launches a flurry of attacks but is unable to find a good spots in her defence. Shadow charges and warps while Sonic follows behind dodging attacks, blocking and sometimes attacking.. their destination? The teleporter at the lowest floor.
Somewhere at the storage, Knucles walks in with his head held high, his gloves stained red.
Knuckles: these earth human cultists are pathetic even after gaining bloodlines they would rather pray then train to change their lives.
???: You can't blame them Knucles, Earth only regained it's chaos energy 50 years ago. Eons have passed since the titans harvested most of it retention capacity to ensure their superiority.
Knuckles turns to see a bat women sitting on crate with a bunch of expensive astroid metals and gems in her hands.
Knucles: You are pretty predictable Rogue atleast try to not be obvious.*sighs*
Rogue: These babies will be better in my hands then this stupid bunker atleast.*flexs her riches*
Knuckles: Obsessive as always. Come back with me and we won't have to fight.
Rogue: Missing me aren't you? What if I refuse?
Knucles: I will to punch you and drag you back.
Rogue: Does this count as domestic violence? Would you hurt your wife?
Knucles: If you had cared about me half of what you cared about riches, i wouldn't have minded marrying you but you just want to lay your hands on the Master emerald.*cracks his fingers*
Rogue:*stands up* Come at me then.
Rogue flies into the storage and knuckles dashes for her. With a great leap Knucles shot towards Rogue but she paused and Knucles crashed onto the walls but instantly leaped again and again as a game of dodge begins.
Knuckles: You know escape is impossible in this small tunnels*grabs a broken boulder and throws at Rogue* I will get you eventually.
Rogue: You will have to work for it if you want me in your arms *winks at knuckles and brings out a whip with chainsaw like blade* I had to spent alot of money to buy this baby, so you better try harder.
Knucles clicks his tongue and begins throwing everything he sees like crazy.
Somewhere at the power room, Omega looks around to find a console to reroute power.
Omega: this must be the power console,*inserts a wire from his hand* gaining access. Activating generators. Reroute power to Lower floors.
???: Not so fast
Tails and Amy arrived behind him.
Tails: forgive me Omega...*gauntlet turns into a blaster* I can't let you help Shadow.
Omega: Even if to buy sometime, I will fight as I was programmed.
Omega activates his combat mode and begins a defensive battle.