Rouge's outburst, teleporter over the chasm.

Amy lunged,her hammer in full swing. Omega planted his feet in the ground and blocked with his right arm and used the force to spin his entire torso before his left arm turned into a mace and bashes at Amy. Amy uses the same technique and used the force to spin the hammer and does a downward vertical swing. Tails arrived from the side and used his ability to make sure Omega couldn't dodge. Recieving a strong hit to his torso Omega staggers but keeps himself planted. His shoulder pads lift to reveal a bunch of mini cannons and fires a volley of bullets at tails.

Tails: I was the one to attach those.*deployes a sphere shield*

Amy arrives swinging, her expression as serious as a lawyers and planted two more hits to legs. Omega loses his left leg while his right one becomes a liability so he detached it aswell. He activates his jetpack and dashes towards tails. Tails winces at the random attacks and activates his shield at full force for a explosive attack but he was wrong. Omega arrives near tails and opens his chest to show a randomly shaped blue gem.


Omega: warp.

Tails's warning was too late Amy was already behind and hit Omega straight in the back. Omega turned off from damage to energy cells but the warp continues and the next second all three of them teleports to the base entrance.

Amy: Huh? *Completely confused* How? Why?

Tails: He succeeded *looks at the shut downed Omega* he succeeded in buying time.

Somewhere in the storage section, the area has turned into a demolition field with barely any intact structure.

Knucles: I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS BS.*huffs and turns around* I am going back.*leaves*

Rogue: HEY STOP*pouts and flies down* seriously!? You never spend time with me and now you are leaving mid battle? Just go marry that master emerald then... And he calls me a obsessive thief.

Knucles:*peeks back from the door and roars* YOU ARE THE MOST PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE PERSON I EVER SAW!! *Comes back to points at Rogue* Who else goes around stealing things to get her fiance's attention? You will rather get arrested then give me a call, you stupid thief.

Rogue:*talks back* Where is the fun in that?

If your fiance don't even talk to you for a month and you are the only one looking for the other's attention? You don't even come out of that STUPID training ground for god's sake.

Knucles: *at lose of words* I-I just li-

Rogue: *lunges and grabs his jacket* just what?? Am I your fiance and friend or a Simp? Why the hell you avoid me like a plague? If don't go around doing to something like stealing you won't even meet me!! * Furiously Turns and Flies back into the storage* only find me when you have a answer you piece of s**t.

Knuckles looks at himself in a nearby broken mirror and thinks.

Meanwhile somewhere in the tunnels, Sonic and Shadow are still in a chase with Shadow being visibly exhausted and Sonic bruised around with a few cut and bullet wounds.

Shadow: LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE *warps a nearby boulder and kicks it at Sonic* YOU CAN'T STOP ME YOU COPYCAT.

Sonic:*warps through the boulder and arrives near shadow* I HAVE A MISSION AND IT IS TO STOP A EGOISTIC PUNK FROM GOING KAMIKAZE. *Kicks*


Suddenly the tunnel lights turn on and vents begins working, Shadow sighs in relief and abandons her debate. She zooms towards the teleporter at full speed and Sonic gives chase.

In a chamber with high metal walls, a metal bridge and floor build above a pitch black cavern. Shadow barges in hurry,warps towards a panel, activates it and turns around to see Sonic blast towards her at max speed.

Shadow: I warned you..*smirks* i win. *Warps Sonic straight into a valley*

Sonic falls down into the abyss, the walls are way out his warp range,the amplification has ended,his reserves are not enough to activate light speed and without lightspeed just the paths and his injured body is not fast enough in terms of speed to catch up. He sees Shadow brings out her gem and charge the teleporter(the power Omega diverted is for the support systems), by the speed it is going at, He will not be able to make it back in time. BUT, Graham rips through the ceiling and falls straight towards Shadow, the rubble damages the stabilizer systems and the raw Chaos energy bursts out in a explosion.

Sonic uses the diversion to warp multiple times and reached the top to see Graham flying straight towards the entrance and Shadow using the Emerald to charge the teleporter herself. He dashes and pins her on the ground with a ambush.

Sonic: it's over Shadow. I am taking you bac- *Looks at her and blanks out, their faces were to close to eachother*

Shadow slightly blushs, Sonic had pinned her down and had both her arms in a lock and their faces were so close they could feel the breath of each other. Taking the gap,she breaks free and punches sonic in the face, making him stagger back a little.


Sonic comes back to his senses and was about to subconsciously apologise when the teleporter activated and with a burst of flash both were teleported to ARC, the underground base begins collapsing because of lack of power for all the other parts. Graham turns around and braces himself as huge boulders falls on him as flees for the top.

Rouge is sitting in the storage, her expression nervous.

Rouge:*talks to herself* did I go too far? He wouldn't break off the engagement right? He cares about me right.. right?

The ground shakes as the beams and pillars begin breaking, she looks up at the falling ceiling while she curses herself for her bad luck. Knucles barges in panic, he looks around for rouge just to witness as she gets buried in a mountain of rubble. He lunges, destroying everything in his path as his 'protector' activates, he throws around anything in his way like paper while being unaware of all injuries he piled up from the falling rubble. He finds her, half conscious, picks her up and dashes for exit. Rouge is specialised in spying and espionage. her weaker body sustained heavy damage from the blunt force, her tight wing is folded on itself, her head and arms are bleeding and she looks barely conscious.

Rouge: *weakly says* Guess you do care about me then. *chuckles*

Knuckles: it will fine. Leave it to me.

Rouge faints assured ,leaving Knucles to run towards the exit.