Side effects of the ruby, "Do you accept?"

Sonic looks dumbfounded as he curses mephiles for ruining his reputation before it even begins.

Sonic: That cultist piece of dogs**t, I will break his damn spine.

Caliburn: * materialized in front of him* Sonic.. Your personality seems to be changing.

Sonic: Did I always act l- * realisation hits* This... CHAOS.

Chaos: *seeps through his arm* You called?

Sonic: What is happening to me? * Gives a cold stare* did you do this?

Chaos: it's because you overused the Ruby when you just got it. Do you expect the ability to temporarily change reality itself or to create a fake reality to come with no cost or side effects? It will amplify random emotions at random depending on how much energy it has, the lower the energy the higher the effects. I suggest you control your consumption.

Sonic: *ponders the logic in Chaos's words* When will it end?

Chaos:your will experience few shifts in personality randomly but it will end when your body adapts to the ruby's energy, it can take from 4 days to 3 weeks.*slowly begins to slither back into his skin* I am a symbiote, not a god or manifestation of gaia. Perfection is something that depends on your view and I am no artist.

Blaze: Guite a wierd guy you are. *Mocks Sonic* A floating sword, a symbiote, travelling through universes... anything else you got.

Sonic: As if someone who has time to brush her fur despite fighting a lava monster everyday could say that.

Blaze: *blushes* I like it Ok? Who are you to judge me?

Sonic: *makes a smug face* This scent also feels familiar to perfume, how do you even get time to find that stuff?

Blaze: *blushes even more and tries to stand up* You per- urgh. *Falls down on the ground*

Sonic: Idiot *walks up to her* better try to heal first before doing something like this.

Blaze:*grunts* Help me if you got the time to give advice.

Sonic crouches and tries to use the ruby to mimic one of those healing spells the medics at GUN use. The imagination works but the lack of knowledge increased the cost of energy,leaving the ruby at almost 10% full.

Sonic: Try to stand up now * grabs her neck and shoulder to give support*.

Blaze: *tries to stand up but her limbs feel weak* whatever that spell was it messed up my movement reflex.

Sonic: *sighs* Your pathetic for a princess I will say.

Blaze pouts as Sonic lifts her up in a princess carry before wisps ruby's energy begins comes in full power. He realises his mistake and was about to back away.

Sonic: MOVE AWAY. *Tries to quickly move but the charred ground gave way as his feet sank* SH*T!!

Sonic fell with Blaze still in his arms, she lay above him and realises that something is wrong. Sonic's sense of logic collapses before only a random throught "what does she smell like?" Remains

Blaze: wait Wait!!! *Tries to move but her body feels unresponsive*

Sonic grabs her waist and pulls her close into his embrace before he begins sniffing her scent.

Sonic: Smells like Lavender.. *looks at her tomato red face* Cute.

Blaze was about to talk some sense into him but he circles around her neck with both arms and brings their faces closer as he kisses her. Blaze's brain short circuits as she practically melts in his embrace because of her embarrassment and weakness.

10 mins later, Sonic slowly comes back to his senses and tries to think of what just happened when he realised that He and blaze are kissing. He hurriedly moves away as the memories of last 10 mins come barging into his mind.

Sonic: *literally steam rising out of his face* I-I did-dn't mmmean too...

Blaze: *puts some effort as she sits on her knees* Don't you dare move.

Sonic doesn't oppose and just sits in the corner waiting for blaze to calm down.

Sonic: I am sorry.. its was a sid-

Blaze: How would you feel if someone you just barely begin trusting just forcefully kisses you when you can't even move?

Sonic: *drops his head* I will take any punishment you say... *Scratches his head* should have thought about the side-effects first.

Blaze: stay in that corner until I recover or*glares at Sonic* I will fight... Even if it means death.

About another 30 mins of awkward silence before Blaze recovered back to normal. She stands up and walks to the chair and sits. She gestures for Sonic to sit which he follows.

Blaze: Do you know how I felt? It was despair, the feeling of having no control over my body and being completely at someone's whim.

Sonic: I am sorry.

Blaze: *slams her hand on the table, breaking it* Do you think a sorry will be enough?... I never even had a bit of romance in my life and you just barge in, help me, then make me trust you slightly before taking advantage of my weakness... *Walks to him and grabs his collar* DO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST WALK AWAY WITH A SORRY?

Sonic: I can't rewind time*lifts his hands in surrender* Beat me up if it cools you down. I won't fight back.

Blaze: *lets the collar go* Tell me everything about yourself and I will tell your punishment.

Sonic: *makes a joking smile* Is the background story necessary?

Blaze just glare at Sonic who accepts his defeat. He tells her about his background, his life till now and even his powers.

Blaze: A king training to fight his own family. You have it rough... I will give you a chance.

Sonic: A chance??.. of what?

Blaze: To take responsibility of your actions. *Circles and puts her hand on his shoulder from behind* If you dare let me down, I will make you regret it your whole life.

Sonic:*panicking and tries to negotiate* wait wait, aren't you and that silver guy a couple?

Blaze: He is a idiotic and naive boy, our relationship is more like siblings. Even if he grows up he will still be a brat in my eyes.... Now tell me, do you accept ?

Sonic:*shrugs* I don't think I have a choice in this one... Alright. I pledge on my soul, that I won't ever make you regret it.

Blaze sits on her chair ,

Blaze: We got too distracted, but let's get back to business.. why did you call mephiles a cultist?

Sonic: *annoyed* That bastard worships that damn lava slime, 90% sure it was his plan to release it.

Blaze: *confused* Why would somebody even worship that thing... S**t *realises something and stands up* WE NEED TO MOVE.

Sonic: Calm down... Tell me what happened.

Blaze: That scum took silver to past with something called a emerald to kill someone that looks like you.

Chaos: That is no problem for us, * the bigger original chaos appears* We are supposed to leave this world too.

Blaze: leave? And abandon all these people? NEVER.

Sonic: *stands up and pats her shoulder* We are not abandoning them.. the world is already over, the core will soon die and it will become some lifeless stone planet.

Chaos: I as a proxy of master emerald made a deal with sonic. We will bring all the remaining survivors which amounts about 3 thousands to the past which will lead to a seperate timeline. The thought of changing your past is useless as time travel creates a seperate path and even if he changed the world from the past it will just be another branch of reality and yours will stay the same.

Blaze drops down to her knees. Sonic comes closer and comforts her.

Sonic: I know the pain having hope before losing it, Chaos told me that Iblis was released 12 years ago so even if you can't bring back your people, you can still meet them in the past.

Blaze: *she looks at Sonic as hope returns to her eyes* YOUR RIGHT!!!