All the survivors have been gathered and blaze is currently standing on a makeshift stage alongside Sonic who had put on his mask.
Blaze: Everyone I know this is sudden but we have no other option, the part of Iblis in our city may have been vanished but the rest of world is already dead and the planet has gone beyond redemption. I meet the proxy of the planet and was told that we are the only survivors.
(Author's words- You didn't think a planetary threat slime will be only a city big did you?)
Sonic: So, we are gonna leave this world behind.
Some screams.
Sonic: you could call me a pilot because I will be the one to take you off this place. We will go to the a world that is 12 years behind us and change its future. There may be another version of you there, so try to adjust..And if any of you cause pointless trouble... Then I will send you back here.
Sonic warned them but most of them ignored it and focused on the main part. Loud cheers rang as people thanked their gods and luck.
Sonic: Calm down everyone. Go get your stuff or anything of value , we will leave 5 hours from now. *Warps away*
People gasp at Sonic's warp while blaze faceplants.
Sonic: Everyone Here?
Blaze: Yes.
Sonic: make sure to keep you distance after I am done.. we don't want that happening again.
Blaze: technically I am already your wife.. so I wouldn't mind. *Smirks*
Sonic blushes at blaze's boldness before bringing out the gems. The emeralds and the ruby float together as a burst of energy shots out and the space shatters like glass. The space then crack expends from the middle until a view comes. A giant green Gem the shape of the emerald comes in view.
Sonic: Follow behind me.
Sonic enters to find himself in a giant hall, each steps creates a echo as people slowly enter behind him.
???: HALT.
Sonic turns to the right to find a red echidna looking at him with hostility.
Knuckles: Who are you? How did you enter this place?
Sonic: So you are knuckles of this world? Gotta say still looks the same.
Knucles:*cracks his fingers* I won't ask again. Who are you?
The ruby's effects returns in full force as Sonic's sense of prides rises.Sonic doesn't answer. Knuckles lunges towards Sonic his fists swinging. Sonic partially activates oberon's power and gauntlets manifest on his arms. He grabs knuckles's punch like a adult stopping a child.
Knucles: *in a shaky voice* hhow??
Sonic: Decent strength but nowhere near enough. *Slams his fist in knuckles chest* Pathetic.
Knuckles launches and crashes into a pillar but he stands up without a injury and some golden energy begins leaving his body.
Knuckles: 30 rings from 1 punch... Even a grenade will not do that much damage.
Sonic: Are you just gonna stand there? Then I will come to you. *Walks menacingly*
Knucles puts up his guard as Sonic slowly approaches until he sees Sonic vanish and the next instant he feels a strong grip on his neck.
Sonic: No wonder this world does, the guardian can't even guard the master emerald.*throws him at the wall* Come at m-
Blaze comes behind him and smacks the back of his head.
Blaze: Come back to your senses you idiot.
Sonic:*returns to normal* eh? Why are you on the ground knuckles?
Blaze: *sighs* you go bring refugees, I will talk.
Sonic nods and leaves to herd the survivors while blaze approaches Knucles.
Blaze: Sorry about that.. He gets personality shifts from power overuse... We are refugees who travelled to this world.
Knuckles: *stands and walks to the master emerald* why here?
Sonic: He will answer that *brings out the smaller chaos*.
Knuckles looks flabergasted at the sight of chaos, he watches in doubt as the smaller chaos comes closer and touched the master emerald.
Sonic: *removes the mask* We have some serious business to deal with.
Knuckles: Sonic? Is that you?
Sonic: Kind of... *Points at the crowd* How about we help the refugees find some place before we start business talk.
It takes about an hour before every survivor found a decent spot outside of the sanctuary.
The trio meets again in the hall and Blaze talks about the future and them arriving here.
Sonic: So you are the only enchinda here? Where are the others?
Knucles: either dead or roaming around, we had a civil conflict between those who wanted to conquer and those who wanted to guard.
Sonic: Wait a sec... Can I get a map?
Knuckles: Fine.
Sonic opens a world map and is shocked at it.
Sonic: THE HELL. Why is the federation and republic on earth, avalon is supposed to be on tulez and republic on evergreen.
Knuckles: Evergreen?tulez? What's that?
Sonic: apparently in my world we had the planet name change to evergreen after a peace treaty with the tulez which had the kingdom of avalon.
Knuckles: i see.. it was the same here until few years ago we had a problem, robotnik had tried to harness the chaos gems to make a space distorted but we broke the machine merged mobius, earth and the so called tulez along with many rock planets into a mega planet and all their master emeralds combined into the one on angel island. The so called avalon was declared a forbidden zone as the so called King Arthur refused the peace treaty.
Sonic: Now this is just annoying, the planet is overflowing with chaos energy and since the planet shifted, their was no catastrophe.
Caliburn:*pops out of coat* It looks like you have another kingdom to manage now Sonic.
Knuckles: A living weapon!!!... *Sits back, Embarrassed at his impulses* What do you mean another kingdom?
Caliburn: The one in front of you is the chosen king of camalot or Avalon as you call it in our world.
Knuckles: A version of Sonic as the king? That kingdom is crumbling.
Sonic: The hell is that supposed to mean?
Knucles tells about how their Sonic is like a rebellious teenager who avoids work like a plague.
Sonic: Guess I will have to meet that 'me'.*faceplants* I hope I can prevent myself from beating him to a hospital.
Knuckles: How are we like in your world? Me, Amy, tails and others.*shows him a photo of the ogs *
Knuckles: Well the echindas are alive and you are their next chief, Amy is from a noble house in tulez and now works at GUN, also a yandere by the way. Tails is the adoptive son of robotnik and shadow is well uh. How do I say it?.. a girl and adoptive daughter of robotnik.
Knuckles: Hahahaha. Shadow? As a girl? *Laughs harder* That's crazy.
Sonic: Is that cream? *Looks at a little rabbit with a chao* How did that little girl tangle up with you lot.
Knuckles: You know her?
Sonic: She is my sister, I was adopted after my mother left the kingdom and died in a...
Knuckles: You don't have to say it.
Sonic: thanks.. do you any tv or computer here?
Knuckles: Uh. No.
Sonic: Seriously? Do you even meet the others? maybe when we link it you could just have echindas guard it regularly.
Knuckles: *confused* link? Link what?