Sonic: mistakes happen when you are teen okay?
Argus: And am I supposed to just accept it and get over it?
Sonic: listen i didn't call you here to argue, I am sorry but I was a stupid child of 12 or something at that time.
Caliburn: just forgive Argus, he grew up after all. You are literally the oldest of us eight.
Argus: You try forgiving after staying in a trash can for a week. He didn't even clean for years. I Argus the fallen angel of carnage thrown into trash.
Oberon: How about you make him do something of your wish to get back at him?
Sonic: I don't get a say in this do I?
Argus: No.. Do you agree to do one thing regardless of what it is?
Sonic: As long it doesn't involve pointless killing or torture.
Argus: Fine... Do you agree now?
Sonic: Don't try to create suspense, say it already.
Argus: You must.... Clean and polish me atleast 20 mins everyday as long as you can.
Sonic: That's all?
Argus: I ain't some boomer, i would forgive you easily if not for the fact that you didn't clean me for years, you even cleaned that simp lunalis some times.
Sonic: I just.. didn't know how to apologise, I feared you would just break away after I summon you.
Argus: listen here boy, while that lightbulb *points the edge towards caliburn* was asleep I was the one who guarded your stupid smooth butter brain for years. I am literally your caretaker at this point.
Oberon: Now we won't have to worry about that sword gathering hassle. Brother argus could just sever the bond itself.
Sonic: That indeed saves us a lot of hassle of carrying around 4 weapons.
Sonic and Argus reform their link after years and the first thing sonic did was to clean Argus.
Sonic: Lemme go to sleep, we can deal with other things Tommorow.
Sonic leaves to his dreams about killing cultists(again) totally unaware of the disaster that has just befell him.
Caliburn: Should we wake him?
Oberon: Nah let him have his good time.
Argus: Tell me about what is going on first, leave him be.
Sonic: Uwwargh.. that was... some much needed sleep.
He rolls to the side but felt something out of place, his pillow seems to have become better compared to the rock tough pillow he slept with.
Sonic: Probably just a illusion. I should just wake up and leave.
Sonic tried to leave the bed with almost closed eyes until he felt a tug, he fell backwards back onto the bed.
Sonic: The heck.. wh-
Sonic slowly opens his eyes and is meet with a face similar to his own, barely open eyes with no expression except annoyance.
Sonic: A mirror? I am still dreaming probably.
???: No your not.
The words pull Sonic out of his stupor, he looks at person in front him with loose sleeping pajamas, a sleeveless shirt and uncombed hair. It's Sonica. Sonic tries to back away only to get tugged back into her embrace. She hugged him, chuckles before cuddling nicely. She whispers into his ear.
Sonica: You ain't going anywhere husband.
Sonic: *panicking* Oi what the hell do you think-
She grabs Sonic's head and locks her lips with his, Sonic's mind blanks out as he just silently complies as Sonica has her fill of him.
Sonic finally regains his logic and pushed away Sonica,making her fall of the bed while he warps away to the other side of the room.
Sonica: oww, did you really had to push me off?
Sonic: The hell are you doing in my room?
Sonica: Come on don't be so overactive, you slept like a baby with your head on my chest the whole night.
Sonic blushes madly at her blunt words, his face burning red and steaming.
Sonica stands up and looks at Sonic weirdly, she draws a strange circle with symbols in air with her finger and next instant Sonic felt something grabbing him from behind. Sonica had arrived behind and has Sonic in a lock.
Sonica: I told you didn't I? I will have you as my husband. No negotiations.
Sonic: But I am already married technically.
Sonica: ... I can work with that honestly .
Sonic: But I won't.. *face palms* Why do I have to deal with the wierd ones?
Argus: You should consider yourself lucky that she ain't some spy sent by another king. Much better to have faithful partners than being stuck as a political tool.
Sonica: Kya*Screams at the arrival of the menacing sword and hides behind sonic* What is that?
Sonic: Argus... Help me get her away.
Argus: No.. I like this drama.
Sonica:sighs So he is another one of the swords... I was scared for a second.
Sonic: Will you get off me now?
Sonica: NO.. *hugs tighter* Not until you promise to marry me.
Sonic: Can you not understand denial?
Sonica: No, *pouts* Where were this excuses when you were sleeping in my embrace whole night? It's either you relent or stay like this.
A few minutes later, Sonic had to relent under the pressure of having a duel with Garith sometime later in the morning and sonica's constant threats to kill herself and blow up the kingdom.
Sonica: Yee, hehehehe.
Sonic: You are very annoying you know that?*pats her head* Why must I be surrounded by weirdos?
Sonica: Why are complaining when you got such a loving wife for good? We look like a couple from our very fur colour and face.
Sonic: Whatever.. But remember if you fail the challenge-
Sonica: You will reject me I know.*pouts*
Sonic leaves Sonica alone in the room and ventures out of the city after freshing up. He meet merlina along the way who looked like she was in a hurry.
Sonic: How are you doing? You look to be in a hurry.
Merlina: Tails and I are going to get his equipment from outside the barrier.. you should go on ahead, don't keep Garith waiting.
Sonic nods and ventures forward, eventually reaching a wide open area that seems to be artificially made, there are bits of ash everywhere. In the center of the plain area,a armored hedgehog sits while polishing his heavy lance.
Garith: So you truly came to fight.. *looks at the sun* the time feels about right. So you pass that as well.. let's get this done with, I have to go convince galahad as well.
Sonic: I was waiting for you to say that. ARGUS.
The emerald long blade forms in his arms while a slight dark green aura shrouds him.
Sonic: Let's get it down. Ready old man?
Argus: Old man you a** I am still in my youth. Let's just get this over with.