Caliburn°: where are we going?
Sonic: to get you sharper, you atleast have to look like a sword.
Caliburn°: Oi
Sonic and sword trio make make their way to the capital after a exhausting fight with Arthur.
Caliburn: Why don't you do the link while we are travelling to the capital.
Sonic: Great idea.
Caliburn°: But he hasn't finished my trials yet.
Oberon: Just send the memories of our trials to him, we won't have to waste our time doing that bs again.
Caliburn: You fine with it, Sonic?
Sonic: *annoyed* Do it, it's not like he will not know after you leak the info.
Caliburn: Fair point.
While caliburn convinces Caliburn°, Sonic and Oberon interact in a rare occasion of talk.
Sonic: It would have been easier to defeat him if we had argus, We could have severed the soul away from the body.
Oberon: Rare for you to remember my brother.
Sonic: He would have been a much better choice but he is still angry.
Oberon: What can I say,your teen brain couldn't differentiate between a enemy and a friend back then. I remember how much you insulted him after he saved you from that backstabbing senior of yours.
Sonic: Sighs I should have known better back then. It is not like we can change the past anyway.
Oberon: How about you apologise to him? I am sure he will forgive you.
Sonic: You make a decent point... Can you connect us when we reach the capital.
Oberon: No problem. You now have much better personality compared to your emo always angry and self-centred teen phase.
Sonic: Don't make me remember that.
3 hours later, Sonic arrived at City gates. The city gives a mediaeval feel and looks pretty good but the streets also have people with tattered clothes going around looking for jobs.
As he walks through the streets in his armor, the people sometimes greet him, sometimes they back away with fear.
Caliburn: 'looks like the city doesn't have the best impression of knights.'
Sonic: they seem to be afraid of knights. It gonna be a headache to fix the reputation and views.
Sonic jumps onto a rooftop and begins exploring the city, he removes his wrist armor and activates his wristband. A call connects and tails°'s voice comes through.
Tails°: Sonic I was calling you again and again, what happened?
Sonic: I fought... It was exhausting to spam my abilities nonstop during the fight.
Tails°: Thank God, are you safe?
Sonic: Pretty much, I just arrived at the capital. Where are you and augus?
Tails°: Find a place called golden blacksmith near the city square. Where are you?
Sonic:*looks around and finds a sign* Battos Alchemists, outer layer.
Tails°: okay... Augus said he will come get you.
Sonic: Fine.
Sonic waited another 20 mins for augus to get to his location and then together went to his smithy, he saw tails and some human girl sitting on the table alongside with a knight with a heavy lance on his back.
Sonic: Hel-
Sonica ambushed Sonic and clutches onto him from the back again.
Sonica: You ain't leaving this time husband.
History repeats as the group had to help seperate the two. Sonica was again dragged to her room while sobbing and complaining.
Sonica: Leave me ALONE, He will be my husband sobs Atleast you help me merlina.
Merlina: Would have if you had not blackmailed me with my past.
Sonica: Nooooo-*gets locked behind the door*
Sonic: when will she stop this.
Augus: Probably until she dies or you accept her. She is quite psychotic when it comes to relationships.
Sonic: Now this is annoying, i already have 2 girls waiting for me to marry them and now their is another.
Garith: *slams his hand on table* Can we get to main topic? We had already endured her outbursts all these years, ignore them.
Sonic: As you wish mr.-
Garith: Garith. Sir Garith the knight of defence.
Sonic: Sonic. Is the surname necessary?
Garith: No.. Tell us when you are ready. Tails already informed me, who were you fighting on the way?
Sonic: King Arthur.
Garith: and you won?.... You expect me to believe you?
Sonic: Will talking to the excalibur be convincing?
Both caliburn and Oberon came out of their pendant forms.
Sonic: Augus, can you do something about this? *Shows him Caliburn°*
Augus: *stunned* What happened to this one? It is literally worse than a butter knife.*takes Caliburn and inspects it*
Caliburn°: stuck in a rock after Arthur used me to cut Golems.
Merlina: *curiously looks at caliburn* What is that sword?
Caliburn°: I am Caliburn, the one who chooses the worthy king.. also consider me a unawakened excalibur.
Caliburn: Did you had to add that part? Do you have any reputation except being excalibur?
Caliburn°: Arthur never said my name to others except saying I am excalibur. Nobody except lady nimue know my first name.
Oberon: That's just sad at this point... Jk I don't care.
Augus takes Caliburn away for repairs, Sonic sits on the table and begins his meeting(interrogation).
Garith: So this is excalibur eh? But words are not enough.. A duel shall decide what I would choice.
Sonic: How about tomorrow? Arthur will probably not comeback for 3 days or more.
Garith: I don't see a problem.. Can you prepare a location merlina?
Merlina: You can leave it to me.
Tails°: Good. Are you sure you can win again Sonic?
Sonic: Absolutely. He was strong but not stronger than Solaris. But the main problem is still his immortality.
Merlina: That's true. We can't win if he keeps coming back.
Sonic: Apparently 4 of the knights themselves or just their blades will be needed if we want to deactivate it.
They look towards Garith.
Garith: Defeat me and you will have my support, through it will be hard to negotiate with that rock brain gawain. Percieval and Lancelot are quite smart and understanding, through you will have to convince them yourself. Galahad through... He is most rigid of us all. Unless you prove to him that king has been turned into a puppet,you can forget his support.
Sonic: I guess that is a problem.. Tails can you do something about it?
Tails°: I can try making a device that forces him to show his true form if I have enough things. But the barrier-
Merlina: I can help with that. Teleporting in and out of the barrier is a piece of cake for me.
Sonic: So it is decided, tails and merlina will try to find proof to convince galahad. I will go gather the other knights after the duel Tommorow.
The group leaves for their own places.
Somewhere in a room in Augus's house.
Oberon: You ready?
Sonic: deep breath Yes.
Oberon: Here goes nothing.
Oberon resonates with the necklace and runes shot out.a one-edge long sword with a green blade forms after dark green light shines in the room.
Sonic: How have you been Argus?
Argus: I didn't think you will ever summon me again. Called me to brag that you grew up?
Sonic: Still angry. It was a mistake ok.