
Sonic: You know you could have waited a little right?

Infinite: Letting a stronger enemy recover is the worst taboo in a hunter's handbook, while exploiting opportunities is the the first rule.

A wave of energy ripples out of infinite and the surrounding begins changing. The broken and destroyed area of the mountain is replaced by a layers of scorching lava, Sonic jumps up and uses his own ruby to create a safe zone for himself while he stands in air using his path ability.

Infinite: Let's begin shall we? *Smirks* The hunt.

Sonic warps behind Infinite and cuts him apart, infinite fades away and bursts into a bunch of Illusions. Sonic again experienced the punch of Solaris to the face and crashes on the floor of lava but instantly heals himself with the scabbard and reappears where he initially was.

Sonic: One can play this game of illusions.

This time Sonic released a pulse of energy at the same time as Infinite causing a clash that resulted in Sonic's wave winning. The land turns into a ocean.

Infinite uses his power to bend air to form a shield around himself before a bunch of high pressure water jets hits and gets reflected. A single jet makes through living a small cut of infinite's cheek.

Infinite: I didn't expect my pulse to lose... But that just means I will have to use more.

Sonic maximized his safe zone while lowering it's area. Infinite begins spamming his power like crazy, like a engine each second a bunch of waves came at Sonic.

Sonic dodged a bullet like giant blocks shooting his way, he used argus to cut open a literal meteor which just fell on him out of nowhere, the meteor dispersed into void energy and reconstructed itself into clones of Knuckles,Amy,Tails and Shadow(not ogs)

. Sonic condensed his wave to a small area instead of just releasing it and hit infinite straight on. Transparent chains bind him down and Sonic weaves through the clones before cleanly beheading infinite.

Sonic: You should know better than to confuse me with fakes.

The cut head turns into energy and returns to the ruby before reappearing same as before.

Infinite: Worth a try atleast. I should try that stunt you just pulled after I win.

Sonic: Or should I say after you become my servant that is.

Infinite: Now that I look at it... I can't defeat you... But you can.

Sonic watches as Infinite changes into a complete replica of himself, his vigilance doubles as activates Overdrive and dives in.

What followed was a show of constant clashes between the blades, infinite's version of argus constantly got cut but kept regenerating.

Argus: This must not go on.. kid bring out that Talos.

Sonic: You sure?

Infinite: distracted. *Goes for a quick slash but missed* Getting distracted in middle of the fight?

Sonic: Just thinking of how to beat you up.*kicks infinite down into the ocean* Talos.

The necklace released a bunch of dark energy that turns into two short swords.

Talos: This fast? Don't tell me you are struggling already?

Sonic: Shut up and form it.

Talos: Fine.

Argus recalls back into the necklace while a pendant in shape of Talos appears on it. Sonic swoops in.

Infinite: You think a new weapon will do anything. I will jus-

Infinite watched in horror as it felt something weakening his connection, he lost his senses of space and direction for a second and couldn't dodge. Sonic leaves two gaping wounds on infinite's torso and two cuts on the ruby.

Sonic: *inspects Talos* Sense control. Quite good I would say, no wonder I couldn't think of using the ruby in our fight.

Talos: Fight if you have time to brag.

Infinite retreats but couldn't escape, Sonic catches up and left hundreds of slashes on his body. He grabs the ruby in infinite's chest.

Sonic: You lose.

Sonic Rips apart the ruby and throws his blades, impaling Infinite's arms and pulled him back.

Infinite: I should have been less cocky, those abyssals's ego infected me. You win.

Sonic watches as Infinite's body deformed and returned to the ruby. The world returns back to normal, Sonic lands and inspects the Ruby.

Sonic: Well, let's leave this place.* Armor and Talos returns to necklace, he walks while staggering* I am almost empty even with the Gem's reserves.

???: I guess this will easier then.

Sonic felt a burst of hostility from the side and watched as a figure blurs, it passes beside him and for some reason he suddenly felt Lighter in his left side.

Caliburn,Oberon,Argus: SONIC.

Sonic slowly turns back, to watch what appears as a similar version of himself but with black eyes, red pupils and blood coming out of them with a demonic expression on his face. The figure inspects the Ruby.

???: I guess this trip was worth it, a Phantom ruby is well worth some minutes of this lord Exenium's time.*turns to Sonic* Sorry about this.

Exenium throws a ripped apart arm of Sonic in front of him.

Exenium: Well I should just reset this world to make sure Nothing goes Wrong.

Sonic: Boundless.

The entire world fades away into the darkness of the space, only leaving behind Exenium standing on space with the ruby in his hand.

Exenium: No wonder those punks love doing resets, that expression of terror was something gegege. Well let's le-

???: Leave?

An deep voice that should have been impossible in the emptiness of space enters, exenium's ears. He hurriedly turns back, what is saw was being that appeared to be mirror of stars shaped like a hedgehog, with white pupilless eyes and nothing except it. His expression turns into pure horror.

Exenium: Ww-what? What is this? They didn't say anything about this.

???: You think you damn highest devils are kings of this world?* Tilts his neck* i will make sure today that non of you bastards who planned this live past the next 30 mins.

??? Grabbed exenium's neck and dragged it's soul out of its body and ate it like food. He turns around and looks at where his kingdom that the scum just erased was supposed to be.

Sonic: I will make sure nothing else can hurt them while I am away.

Sonic snaps his fingers and the world rewinds back to what it was. he crushed Exenium's corpse, took the ruby,absorbed it and opened a portal in space and went through.

Sonic: I should plant a back-up in the ruby.

???: urgh, Overtime really is the worst... And this pain just won't leave my damn head.

A blue hedgehog says as he sits on his chair while going through a bunch of financial ledgers of the company. A yellow vulture comes behind him and pats his shoulders.

???: Suffering from those voices again? Just take the medicine pills nizo. That incident really caused you some problems.

Nizo: I know lupin. But I forgot to buy the another pack and my current one got empty.. and they just had to give me more work.*furiously stares at the stack of messages on the computer screen*

Lupin: Need help?

Nizo: Nah, you go have fun on your date, Vanessa will kill me if she learnt that you missed it because of me.

Lupin: Fine fine. Just don't hurt yourself in work. Bye.

Nizo: Bye.

The vulture leaves and Nizo spent next 3 hours sitting in his office working overtime before completing his work.

Nizo: I should go buy the medicine. These voices- argh..

??? Wa..ak..e..up.