
A/n: Skip this chapter if you don't like reading sex scenes.

Episode 16

Jack Routh

"I need time alone, Jack." Zoe asked him after they left the doctor's clinic. The news was not good for his fiancé. She had a very slim chance of getting pregnant.

The doctor's test results came back, and it did not bode well for Zoe. He could see that she tried to put up a brave front to look like the news did not affect her, but he could see the trembling of her lips and the fake smile she gave to the doctor when they left.

"Of course." He replied.

He watched her walk down the block instead of heading for her car and he followed. He had known since living with her that she sometimes said things but didn't really mean them but somehow expected him to do what she really wanted like he was a mind reader. He guessed that this situation was one of them.

She spent walking for a few blocks, then realized he was following her. She stopped and narrowed her eyes at him, but he remained unfazed.

"I told you I want to be left alone." She snapped.

"I know." He replied. "I'm just walking in the same direction as you are."

Zoe looked irritated for a few long moments and then sighed. She looped her arm around his and they slowly resumed walking downtown. He was already feeling better, a week after he was discharged from the hospital. Determined to get back to fighting shape as soon as possible, he started exercising in his free time and found jogging on the beach every morning a good way to increase his overall stamina and leg strength.

"It doesn't change things, you know." He told her. "We're going to grow old together. I did not sing those lyrics just for show."

"Really? I thought you'd leave once I turn seventy." Zoe replied. Hearing her joke back made him feel better. He hated how closed off she could get sometimes.

"I can always rewrite the lyrics." He joked back. "They all rhyme easily since I just need to add one syllable, like eighty-three or ninety-three."

"I get it." Zoe led him to a bench outside a convenience store where they both sat. "I was just really looking forward to it. Seeing that house Taylor is going to sell to us… it just triggered something in me."

"She said we can move there as soon as the project is finished." He told her.

Zoe had started looking at furniture, and even looked up new outdoor furniture designs for a fire pit. He had a feeling Zoe was excited to express her creativity once more, since the apartment building they were living in had strict regulations for tenants.

They went back to the apartment building thirty minutes later. His bike was overdue for a tune-up up and he decided to take advantage of the auto shop's location with its close proximity to the beach.

"Where are you going?" Zoe asked him when she saw him in exercise clothes.

"I'm going to do some light jogging on the beach while the bike gets checked." He replied. "The parts I ordered for a better pillion seat arrived, and they're going to attach that too."

"Okay." Zoe gave him a gentle kiss that slowly turned into a full make-out session. She had pulled him back to the bedroom, seemingly determined to at least get a chance to get pregnant despite the odds. She cried after, and then laughed as he hugged her on the bed after they both reached their climax.

 He left later than he planned and arrived at the beach with more people than he expected.

Deciding to use the two lifeguard towers that were about 200 yards apart as his markers, he started his warm-up jog, and he was on his second lap and saw a man in a hood jogging in the same direction he was but at a much slower pace.

"On your left." He called out and ran past the man. He focused on maintaining his form and twenty minutes later he was about over take the man again who had the same idea about running around the two lifeguard stations.

"Don't say it!" A familiar voice called out once he reached closer to his fellow jogger and recognized Nolan as his fellow cop looked over his shoulder. Deciding to have fun on his final lap he increased his speed.

"On your left." He said again as he passed his fellow rookie.

"No!" Nolan called out and he could hear the man's heavy breathing as he tried to run after him. He soon left him behind and after he completed his cool down walk he saw Nolan sitting on the shade behind the lifeguard tower where had also left his tumbler.

"That was unfair." Nolan complained once he reached him and took a long drink of his tumbler to replace the liquids he lost when running.

"What's unfair?" He asked.

"You made running in the sand look so easy." Nolan replied.

"Try to run on the balls of your feet, and try to spread your weight as much as possible." He advised. "Avoid landing on your heels or running on your toes, since that will only make you sink deeper."

"That's it?" Nolan asked.

"Keep your back straight and look ahead and raise your knees higher when you run." He added. Seeing that Nolan remained silent he continued speaking. "I was surprised to see you here."

"I needed to blow off some steam." Nolan looked troubled.

"Something work-related?" He asked, sitting beside the older man.

"Home. Jessica… well we had a pregnancy scare earlier. Now she wants to be a mother, and I feel like I had my turn already." Nolan shared. "Grey told me he had her daughter when he was two years in as a cop and the only sleep he could get was back on his shop during lunch breaks."

He found it ironic at the stark contrast between John and Jessica compared to Zoe and his situation. Something in his face must have shown when Nolan pointed it out.

"What's amusing?" Nolan asked.

"We've been trying, and the doctor said it will be difficult for Zoe because of her condition." He shared.

"No, I see why you look amused." Nolan replied. "Why don't we swap?"

He could tell the older man was joking so he gave him a flat stare instead.

"Okay, bad joke." Nolan sighed. He stood up and dusted off the sand on his jogging pants and he did the same. "What are you doing now?"

"I'm getting my bike tuned up." He explained. "You?"

"Renovation. I'm finished with the drywall, so it's finishing and then I'll focus on the concrete and pour a new slab." Nolan explained. He remembered that Nolan had moved out of his friend's guest house and bought a rundown house in need of repair. "I could use some help. Pizza and beer are on me."

"Give me a date, and I'll drop by when I'm free." He promised. "How much do you charge? We're thinking of buying a house too, and I'd appreciate it if you take a look at the property."

"Sure." Nolan smiled. "How about burgers and beer?"

"Deal." He shook the man's hand and soon left for the bike shop as Nolan returned to his workout. His next schedule was to meet Wesley and the lawyer told him to drop by Angela's place.

A quick shower at the apartment and then he arrived at Angela's house. He was impressed to see how organized and clean it was, compared to when he first visited her house to help her clean it up.

"Jack!" Wesley seemed to have recovered from his injury as well, and he could see the healthy glow on the man's skin. "Thanks for coming by so quickly. I have contracts that Taylor's lawyers sent over for you to sign."

"Where's Angela?" He asked.

"She left earlier to visit her mother." Wesley explained. "I couldn't believe the terms she set when I read the contracts her team sent."

"How are the contracts?" He asked.

"They're more than fair. Aside for the charity we set up for majority of the sales, you still stand to make a significant amount of money with this deal. She set very generous terms. She must trust you a lot." Wesley explained.

Taylor planned her next album by including a few of his more popular songs in a duet with her. Then he got additional income as a writer for a few of her songs and a generous salary for his participation on preparations on her re-recording of masters of her old albums. Taylor also liked Call Me Maybe, a song he found out didn't exist in this world with Lost Stars, and decided to highlight the two in her upcoming album.

"I might not know more, but I can see where she's headed with these." Wesley shared. "What she's doing is revolutionary to the industry."

"I think it's about time artists have more control over their music." He replied. He heard her stories about her creative disagreements with the label and the underhanded tactics they used on uncooperative music artists under their brand.

He continued his routine, working out in the morning, recordings for the rest of the day and evenings with Zoe. She had bought a new set of Class As uniforms for the two of them and even steamed them to remove the wrinkles. He could see how meticulous she was with every detail, and guessed that it must have come from her military background.

She received word that the city and the department had decided to award him a Medal of Valor in the upcoming Above and Beyond Ceremony. Along with him are nine other officers to be awarded different awards and commendations. He was the only recipient of the Medal of Valor.

The next morning, he noticed something was different at the beach. There was a group of four men loitering around the area where he normally ran. He looked around, and saw another man with a camera near the water, taking pictures of the horizon.

"Hey, Jack." The pretty blonde lifeguard greeted him. She had talked to him on his third day, and he found out her father was one of the officers in the station, Jerry Mcgrady. She had generously offered to take his bag and store it in her lifeguard station while he exercised when she found out he was also a cop in the same station where her father worked.

"Good morning, Ashley." He greeted back and handed her a cup of hot chocolate.

"Thanks." The blonde lifeguard eagerly took a sip and sighed when she finished. "Thanks, Jack. I don't know what I'll do when you finally finish your medical leave."

"What's with that group?" He indicated the group of men in the distance.

Ashley frowned as she observed the group. "They arrived ten minutes ago, but they're just standing there doing nothing. I'm not sure what they're here for, but they're not doing anything illegal as far as I could see."

"Thanks, Ashley, I'll start my workout now." He started his stretching exercises, and once his body was loose, he set off for a light jog. On his third lap, he noticed the men were pointing at him and laughing. He ignored the group, until they moved to block his path when he reached the lifeguard station.

"Hey, dude. Heard you were some tough cop." One of the men told him. He looked around and spotted the man on the beach, pointing his camera in their direction. He instantly knew it was a setup and wondered who was planning to target him.

"He doesn't look that tough to me." Another replied. The group seemed to be on something as he noticed their eyes were bloodshot and their faces were sweaty despite the cool morning breeze.

He looked back to the man with the camera, who now positioned himself closer to the action.

He tried to run past them when he was hit in the back with an empty plastic bottle of water.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" The apparent leader of the group called out, annoyed that he had ignored them.

He turned around and stared at the four men.

"You've been waiting here for over ten minutes. Since there's literally nothing to do here aside from exercising, and you're not dressed for it, I got to assume you've been waiting for me." He noted the wary looks the men gave each other. "Let me guess, some rich guy with a fancy camera gave you a fifty to take care of me?"

"He gave us a hundred." The leader admitted with a smirk.

"Right. You picked the wrong target to piss off. I don't have time to humor your bullshit." He told them.

"You're about to get your ass kicked." The leader declared.

"No, I'm just going to break the arms of three drugged up assholes." He told them.

"There's four of us here." The leader looked amused at his reply.

"One of you has to drive to the hospital." He stated.

"Ohhh." They all mocked him as they laughed. He saw as the leader tensed and threw a punch.

He directed the punch to hit the wooden post of the life guard station, and heard a snap as the man's wrist broke. A second attacker threw a punch and he caught it with his left hand and twisted it while he met the third man's punch by meeting with his forehead. He followed up by breaking the wrist of the second man's wrist.

He kicked the third attacker who was now clutching his wrist, and he fell back and hit the man with the camera and they rolled down the surf. They all fell down one after the other, moaning with pain while the fourth hesitated, looking terrified with what he had done to his companions.

 "I… I know the way to the hospital." The fourth man said in a shaky voice.

"Then go. I'll have to talk to the man that paid you." He walked over to the man who was looking at his camera with disbelief.

"What's your angle here?" He asked.

"I… I don't know what you're talking about. You ruined my camera!" The man shouted.

"I'm about to ruin something else." He stated, walking closer to the man who stepped back until they were ankle deep on the water.

"But you're a cop…" The man looked terrified.

"Let me ask you something." He continued to step closer, forcing the man to walk backwards until the waves hit his knees. "What kind of man are you?"

"What?" The man looked terrified as he looked everywhere, looking for a way to escape.

"A stupid man? A bitter man? To just set me up like this?" He asked calmly.

The man visibly swallowed as he started to tremble. "My… my ex-wife. You've been seeing my ex-wife."

"So you decided to get back at her through me." He smiled, finally having an idea on what this is all about. "I'm here now. What are you going to do about it?"

"No…" The man's eyes widened in fear. "You can't hurt me. You're a just a cop."

"I don't have to." He replied. "I know your face now. And we're going to the station. You're under arrest."

"You can't! I haven't done anything wrong!" The man insisted.

"You paid four men to take out an off duty cop on medical leave." He replied. "Please, resist arrest."

The man tried to run, but he pulled him back by his jacket and the man landed in the knee deep water. Zoe's ex husband struggled in the surf and he pulled him by his leg back to the shore looking like a drowned cat as he couched and spat sea water.

"Jack! Are you okay?" Ashley asked, running towards him.

"Please call the police. This guy paid four men to take care of me." He informed the lifeguard.

"What did you do?" Ashley asked.

"He's a bitter man who wanted to get back at his ex wife by ruining the reputation of the man she's about to marry." He replied staring at zoe's ex husband who had his head bowed in shame.

Zoe was furious when she heard the incident when she came to the station after he gave his statement to the responding Officer. They were able to arrest the other three men when they went to the hospital for treatment.

He took a shower and wore his P.T. gear he had stored in his locker, while the man, Gerard Davis was interrogated by a detective. Zoe couldn't participate in the interrogation since she was too close to the investigation.

"Routh, a word?" Sergeant Grey asked while he was sitting in the break room. Zoe wanted to hear the interrogation and was watching her ex from the other side of the mirror.

"Yes Sergeant?" He asked. "First things first, glad to see you back. Second, I need you to calm down the captain. Take her home if you want, distract her."

He had seen some of the other officers jumped out of sight when they saw the Captain enter the station with a furious expression on her face. The way she walked was like a lioness on the prowl. He had to admit it was kind of hot.

"I'll see what I can do." He told Grey and followed him to the interrogation room.

He found the captain on the viewing room, her arms folded as she stared through the mirror at what he knew now to be her ex-husband. If glares could kill, the man on the other side of the mirror would have dropped dead several times over.

"Hey." He reached her side and placed a hand on the small of her back.

"He always does this before." Zoe muttered.

"Do what?" He asked.

"Ruin my life. He tried to make trouble for me when I was posted in the Pentagon. I didn't think he'd try anything now that I'm in the LAPD, but he must have seen our names on the news."

"Why would he do that?" He asked.

"Not here, come on, I need something to drink and get away from here before I'm charged with murder for strangling him." Zoe grabbed his arm and led him away from the room. She was walking fast but he had no trouble matching her pace.

They soon got into her car and they immediately left the station. They were driving on a road they rarely used until he realized she was driving to the outdoor gun range.

He took her hand and interlaced his finger with hers. She gripped her hand tightly until they arrived at the gravel packed parking lot. There were several cars parked and he noticed a group of gun enthusiasts at the pistol range. Zoe headed for the office first where he saw the former gunnery sergeant manning the desk.

"It's a little early for you Zoe." Martin greeted them.

"I need to shoot something." Her fiancé replied with a tight smile. Martin must have sensed something was bothering Zoe and didn't ask any further questions.

"Got a Remington ready for you." The older man handed a couple of cardboard targets to him, a pair of binoculars and a box of ammunition.

"Thanks." Zoe handed the man a couple of bills and headed out to the rifle range with their gear. Without word he started to walk to the 300 yard line and clipped on the targets for her, and made his walk back to where she had prepared her weapon.

She was on the ground, uncaring if her white blouse got dirty from the concrete floor while she dialed in her scope and loaded a three cartridges on the magazine. It seemed like she wanted to shoot fast instead of reloading after every shot.

"Ready?" He asked and put on the binoculars.

"I'm ready." Zoe looked through the scope and pulled the trigger.


A bullet hole struck near the center of the target.

"Three inches to the right, two inches up." He called out. He heard the tick as Zoe adjusted the scope and pulled the trigger.


"Hit!" He called out.



The black target was peppered with holes ten minutes later. Zoe stood up and dusted off her pants and blouse and offered the rifle to him. "Do you want to shoot?"

"No, I'm fine." He replied. "That was amazing display of marksmanship."

"Thanks." Zoe smiled. They left the shooting range after they handed back the Remington and the gear. Now behind the wheel, he had an idea and headed to the Spanish house they will be purchasing shortly, but not before they passed by a drive through for a quick lunch.

 "Are you sure no one's there?" Zoe asked when they arrived at the gate.

"There shouldn't be today." He replied, using the key Taylor gave him to unlock it. Once parked inside, it seemed more peaceful with just the two of them inside the property. The wind picked up a bit, and it made the tree in the yard to sway its branches and leaves.

"Mmmm" Zoe gave an approving sound. "This is just perfect."

"So do you want to tell me about it?" He asked.

"It's a long story." Zoe gave a bitter smile. "Where do I start? I met him in university. I was just a lonely university student with family problems. Vox clamantis in deserto."

"You went to Darthmouth." He replied, recognizing the motto from the college.

"Very good, Professor." Zoe smiled. "I thought I loved him, I really do, but things didn't work out."

"How did you end up marrying him?"

"He was always there, and my stepmother actually liked him. I thought I wouldn't have any other path." Zoe answered. "So I settled for it."

"But things went south right away. He's possessive, manipulative, controlling." He frowned when he noticed Zoe shiver, as if she was relieving a bad memory. "… and demanding."

"I just couldn't take it and after six months of that, I filed for divorce. You can only imagine the chaos that happened because of that. I didn't care, I wanted out. Used up all my money to hire a good attorney. Then I applied for the Marines, and then the Pentagon." Zoe continued. "He still kept tabs on me, and any potential date or romantic partner I had, he found a way to make them back off."

"He's that obsessed with you?" He asked. He couldn't believe a man like that would go to such lengths.

"Gerard's already married with his third or fourth wife, I think." Zoe answered. "No, I think he couldn't accept the fact that I was the one who left him, not the other way around. It's his damn ego that couldn't take the rejection."

"So why did you leave the military?" He asked.

"Attracted the attention of a general I rejected his advances." Zoe combed her wet hair with her fingers, showing off her natural beauty. He could see why a bunch of military men would go for his strong, hot in a 'I'll crush your balls' if you try anything fiancé. She was like the forbidden fruit. "You know how things are in the military, so I left that swamp. Gerard continuing his harassment didn't help."

"I thought he'd stop when I moved to the other side of the country. So far, he managed to drive away every potential suitor, until he met you." Zoe looked at him in the same way he remembered when they first had sex. He had a wicked idea and suddenly moved towards her chair and lifted her up in a princess carry in his arms. He felt a slight ache in his side but ignored it as he moved to the backyard.

Zoe seemed to have realized what he planned when he opened the door to the backyard and headed to the large Jacuzzi. He kicked off his shoes and reached the edge of the calm, still water, and readjusted his grip on his fiancé.

"Jack don't you dare, I don't have spare…" Zoe shrieked when he jumped into the waist-deep Jacuzzi that was suitable for at least four people. Smiling, he went down on his knees and submerged his fiancé underwater. He laughed when he saw her face submerged, giving him a scolding look as bubbles rose up to the surface from her mouth and nose.

"You idiot!" She broke the surface of the water and reached for him, revenge clearly in her eyes. He allowed himself to be pulled down, and this time it was his head that was submerged. Thankfully the Jacuzzi was well maintained and the water clean despite not being switched on. He broke the surface of the water laughing.

"Feeling better now?" He asked once they settled on the water, hugging each other by the waist.

"There's no one here right?" He saw Zoe look around, and he knew she was searching for cameras.

"We're all alone."

Zoe pushed off him and started unbuttoning her wet blouse and he quickly followed suit by removing his shirt, followed immediately by his pants. He could see the growing lust in her eyes.

"I think it's time we mark our future home." Zoe stated as she shrugged off her bra and slipped off her skirt. He watched her unbound breasts bounce as his eyes focused on her hardening nipples.

Her panties slipped down her legs, and he watched with excitement and lust as she threw away the soaking underwear to the grass. She smiled as she sat herself on the edge of the water and spread her legs, exposing her sex to him

"Come on baby, take your future wife." Zoe beckoned to him and he moved and started kissing her. Their kissing was frantic, both of them aggressive and he tried to be the more dominant partner but Zoe continued to fight back. Thoughts about her ex husband, another man enjoying her body ignited his own possessiveness and he soon over powered her and pushed her to the ground. He kissed her neck and kneaded her breast while his other hand played with her moist opening, causing her to cry out in pleasure.

He felt her grab him roughly by his hair and pulled him back and he could see the determination in her face.

"Come on Jack. Take me." Zoe gave him a fierce smile. "Show my ex-husband who my body belongs to now. Who gets to fuck me in any way he wants. Claim me, if you can."

He answered her challenge and pinned her arms above her head as he kissed her lips with as much passion and intensity he could muster. She tried to push him off, but he spread his legs to maintain his position on top of her.

He felt her bite his lips but pushed on and used his larger hand to hold her wrist while he used his free right arm to finger her cunt. She was extremely slick and he heard her whimper while he continued to slip his fingers inside her.

He stopped kissing her, passion and dominance overwhelming him as he forcefully spread her legs with his own legs and positioned his cock at her entrance. Her eyes burned with determination and arousal and he watched her face grimace as he thrust his cock inside her.

With his free hand, he groped her right breast, enjoying the feeling of her soft flesh in his fingers and the hard nipple that crowned it.

"You're mine." He growled. He had never felt such powerful emotions before, the primal urge to claim his mate.

"I'm yours." Zoe gave him an almost a savage grin. "Now take me, fuck me and use my body to do whatever you want. Prove to me that I belong to you now, and not Gerard."

Hearing her speak of her ex-husband's name made him feel an irrational sense of jealousy, and he began to thrust inside her with powerful strokes. He would fuck her until she forgot her memories of the other man until she could only remember the feeling of his cock in her cunt. Zoe gasped every time he bottomed out inside her and he grunted as he felt that he would come soon.

The slapping noises of their bodies meeting each other echoed around the isolated backyard, as his lust peaked and he started cumming inside her. He still fucked her as he spurted his seed, and she responded by groaning while she bit her lip, maintaining eye contact with him. He finally stopped and remained still, and he could only hear their deep breathing as they stared at one another.

"Fuck." Zoe gasped as she relaxed, while he finally let go of her wrists. She gave him a smile as she relaxed. "That was intense baby."

"We're not done yet love." He told her. He cock still felt hard and he felt like he could go another round. He felt his cock twitch inside her cunt.

"You're still hard?" Zoe looked surprised then she sighed and gave with a wry smile. "I did tell you to claim me. I've never seen you so dominant and possessive before. What do you want?"

"Turn around, and get on your hands and knees." He ordered as he pulled away from her. "I'll claim that other hole of your as well."

She gave him a heated gaze as his fiancé followed his instructions. Her ass looked stunning as she positioned herself in the backyard, her skin glowing from the sun.

"I did say you can use me however you like." She took a deep breath and spread her legs wider and lifted up her ass. He kneeled behind her and positioned his cock, still slick with her juices and his own cum, and pointed it at her tight puckered ring.

He pressed forward and heard Zoe gasp as he slowly entered her. He watched as she clenched her fists around the grass lawn, pulling individuals blades between her fingers. She felt hot, tighter than her cunt as he continually pressed forward.

"Fuck!" His fiancé screamed as she arched her back. "Oh God!"

"Nearly there love." He placed his hands on either side of her sexy waist and finally bottomed out, his balls slapping her cunt. "Good girl love."

"Mmmm Jack." Zoe gasped. She looked back at him, and he could see the tense expression on her face. She gave him a nod and turned back to stare ahead. "Fuck me Jack. Fuck me in the ass!"

He moved slowly at first, and then faster as Zoe started moaning. She screamed when he increased his thrusts, and collapsed on the ground, only using one arm to support her upper body. She used her free hand and started playing with her cunt as he continued to hammer his cock inside her ass.

Zoe reached her peak first as she wailed, collapsing on the lawn, and her tight asshole squeezed hard around his cock causing him to cum once more. He cock continued to throb as it spurted his cum inside her bowels.

They were silent for a few minutes, as they both tried to catch their breath. He wrapped his hands around Zoe's body and rolled them together, until she was on top of them as they stared up at the noon sky.

"Damn Jack… What has gotten into us?" Zoe asked, still trying to catch her breath.

"I think meeting you ex-husband triggered something in me." He replied. He felt a bit light headed, but was slowly recovering from their passionate sex.

"This reminds me of the day Russo flirted with you." Zoe mused, and he could hear the teasing tone in her voice as she wiggled her ass. "Who knew Officer Jack Routh can be so possessive of his woman."

"Damn right I am." He replied as he cupped her breasts with both hands and gently massaged them as he played with her still hard nipples between her fingers. Zoe let out a pleased moan from his gentle ministrations of her chest.

"You know what? I'm feeling rebellious this weekend." Zoe stated. "You proposed to me, with your cock still buried in my ass that day. How about I ask you to marry me this weekend in Vegas?"

He raised his head from licking the sweat from her neck and looked at her. "This weekend?"

"Yes, what do you say? Will you marry me?" Zoe asked again. Their noses were nearly touching, and he could see how serious she was.

"That was my plan anyway, but I haven't bought our rings yet." He replied. "But don't you want a nice, formal wedding?"

"I already had one, and I didn't enjoy it. Let's plan for a nice reception instead." She turned her head and kissed him on the cheek. "Are you in?"

He knew early on that they were both spontaneous people and he smiled when he thought about their relationship, from his initial attraction to her, to the first time they agreed to be exclusive, his proposal and finally to this. It seemed fitting that they complete their journey by a quick Vegas wedding.

"I'm in, but the Chief and Mayor wouldn't be happy." He warned.

"We can have a fancy reception instead." Zoe started to sit up and slowly his half erect cock left her asshole. He watched as both her holes leaked his cum, and she gave him a look when she saw him staring. He got her message and they collected their wet clothes and headed for the shower. They had a wedding to plan.

He was able to quickly book a flight to Vegas, and two hours later on a Friday late afternoon, they departed for Las Vegas, both traveling light. He had booked a regular room for Caesars Palace and arranged for a quick wedding the next day.

They toured the casinos and tried a slot machine just for the hell of it, but he wasn't interested in gambling and Zoe said the same.

The next morning they walked down the strip, looking for suitable wedding rings. Zoe spotted a pawnshop called Gold & Silver and decided to check it out.

There was a large selection of rings available in the pawnshop, and there was considerable foot traffic from tourists like themselves. They were lucky enough to find a matching pair that had a similar style to Zoe's engagement ring.

"It looks like it was meant for the two of you." The assistant told them when they tried on the rings, they were a perfect fit for the two of them. "Getting married?"

"Yes, later today." He replied. He looked at Zoe, who looked happy at their choice and gave the staff a nod, and handed back the rings. "We'll take them."

With their primary task done, they walked around the shop while the store staff processed their orders. The pawn shop had a wide variety of things to sell, that it almost looked like a museum. From swords, to firearms, books and even ancient tribal masks were displayed on the walls and shelves.

Zoe decided to take a closer look at the various rifles on display while he browsed the books on the shelves. He was surprised to see how varied the selections were until he overheard a conversation between a man trying to sell two books and the bald man behind the counter. Judging by the collared polo shirt the bald man wore with the logo of the pawnshop on the right breast, he figured he was the manager or owner of the shop.

The title of the book caught his attention, and he leaned in as he marveled at the condition of the dust jacket.

"Are you interested in buying this?" The bald man asked him.

"No, just curious." He replied. "That's the memoirs of Edward the Eighth, the only monarch that abdicated his throne, for an American divorcee, Wallis Simpson."

"That's right!" The man selling the books replied. "This other book is her memoirs, and both have their signatures."

"If they have lived today, they would have been in the tabloids. Much of what they did was scandalous for their time." He shared.

"Like what?" The man behind the counter asked.

"Edward led a playboy lifestyle, he had many lovers, but fell head over heels when he met an American socialite, who was still married at that time. That caused quite a scandal. And the prime minister even threatened to resign his entire government if Edward married her."

"Of course, when rumors of their affair broke out, Wallis left Britain to escape the press, but they followed her all the way to southern France. There, she was pressured and finally agreed to renounce Edward." He explained. "Edward was reported to be slavishly in love with Wallis Simpson, since she didn't treat him like a Royal. He abdicated his throne, and his brother George VI took his place."

"Slavishly in love, huh?"

He heard Zoe speak and turned around to see her grinning.

"I left for a second, and here I find you giving a history lecture." Her fiancé teased.

"Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I'm Rick Harrison." The man behind the counter shook his hand as he introduced himself.

"I'm Jack, and this is Zoe." He replied. "We're getting married later."

"Congratulations! Do you have a ring?" Rick Harrison asked.

"We just bought one from your inventory." Zoe replied.

"Are you a history expert?" Rick asked.

"I give lectures at a community college. I graduated with a degree in ancient and modern history." He explained.

He watched as the man with the book was able to sell his collection for $2000 when an expert arrived and gave her appraisal. During that time, Rick continued to ask him about various items he had in stock, and he tried to answer as best he could.

The man even invited them for lunch, which they happily accepted. Rick was a lover of American history and was an avid collector of Americana, and a self-proclaimed patriot. During their meal at a nearby restaurant, Rick even shared photos of rare letters and correspondence, a few even written by George Washington himself.

"Wait, your real job is a police officer?" Rick asked.

"Yes, I only give lectures at a local college once a week as part of a community outreach program." He explained. "The rest of the weekdays, I do patrol duty."

"He's on leave now, because he got wounded." Zoe added. "We decided to get married before he returns to duty."

He watched as Rick's eyes started to widen. "You're him, the cop in that school shooting that stopped the gunman in L.A."

"That's him." Zoe smiled. "We don't like to make a big deal out of it. Jack was doing his duty, even if it scared the life out of me."

"I didn't even realize I was peaking with a real-life hero!" Rick laughed. "So you're getting married, huh, need any help?"

"We're staying at Caesar's, and they said they're taking care of the simple ceremony."

"Do you have any witnesses yet?" Rick asked. "Because I'd love to volunteer, and I know my wife would be thrilled to come too."

"If that's alright with you…" He replied as he shared a look with Zoe.

"Of course it is." Rick insisted. "Here, give me your contact details. Does your fiancé have a wedding gown? Because I know of a good place you can buy or rent one."

"We're thinking of having a simple wedding, and we're planning to buy Zoe a dress for it." He explained, a bit overwhelmed by Rick's enthusiasm.

Deanna, Rick's wife, soon arrived, and quickly helped Zoe choose a short but elegant wedding dress from a nearby store. It felt like a roller coaster, and he couldn't help but thank his luck for meeting Rick and Deanna.

The two served as their witnesses in front of an ordained minister, and as a newlywed couple, they thanked the two by treating them to dinner. He had already changed the picture on his phone screen to their wedding photo.

He was excited about this new phase in his relationship, which was equally shared by Zoe. After a passionate round of sex, they lay on the bed admiring the rings on their fingers.

"Do you want me to change my surname?" Zoe asked. He was spooning his new wife as they lay on the bed. He still couldn't believe he could call her that now.

"It's up to you." He told her.

"Let's see, Zoe Andersen Routh." His wife practiced speaking. "It kind of rolls off the tongue easily. Zoe Routh."

"I like hearing both." He admitted.

"I'll use my former name in the station to avoid confusion." Zoe stated. "But I'll use my new name and update my records, husband."

He felt pleasure when she addressed him with that, and his cock hardened once more from its semi-rigid state while buried in her cunt.

"Someone likes to hear me use that term." Zoe giggled.

"It's more intimate, my wife." He whispered in her ear. He felt her shiver and noticed the goose bumps that appeared on her skin.

The next day, they prepared for their flight, debating about the best honeymoon spots. Since their flight back to LA was still in the early evening, they decided to wander the convention halls to pass the time.

"Paris?" Zoe suggested. "No, too much of a hassle."

"How about Maui?" He suggested.

They had stumbled upon a gun convention called the Shot Show in one of the exhibition halls and were walking around looking at the firearms on display.

"You just want me to spend the rest of the time in a bikini." Zoe teased. "Don't worry, honey, I'll still wear one for you no matter where we go. A really skimpy one. Wait, I have it! Napa!"

"Napa Valley?" He asked.

"Wine tasting, orchards, nature." Zoe stated. "It's ideal for us. We can take a leisurely six-hour drive or fly."

A road trip did sound nice, and he quickly agreed with her idea.

They arrived in LA in the early evening, and decided to eat out. He was still getting used to the ring on his finger, but he liked the feeling of it on his finger.

"Who do you think will notice first?" Zoe asked while they ate at a food truck. Feeling bloated from all the food they ate during their weekend trip, she suggested he try the Korean food truck. He had to admit the kimbap was good.

"Angela, definitely." He replied.

"Chen will." His wife stated.

"I still have a week left before I report for duty." He explained. "People will immediately notice the ring, but they won't look at your hand that closely since they know you're already engaged."

"So just me then." She replied. "I think your friend Lucy will be able to see it tomorrow morning on roll call."

"Angela will spot it first, and since Lucy's too shy around you, she will be the first to ask you directly." He answered.

"Hmmm, good point."

Zoe had decided to wear her engagement ring like a necklace once again, reminding him of the time when they still hid their relationship and only met in secret. Now, they were eating out in the open near the station, sitting together and wearing their marriage rings.

His phone suddenly vibrated as he received a text message.

"Who is it from?" Zoe asked.

He stared at the message, growing embarrassed as he realized they had left evidence on their future home of their tryst.

"Taylor." He finally replied. "She's asking if we visited the house. Her cleaning staff found a wet bra on the lawn."

Jessica Russo

She was worried. The investigation into Gerard Davis' case had opened a can of worms that threatened the safety of the country. Foreign agents had attempted to use Zoe Andersen's ex-husband to blackmail her.

Her former position as a Major of the military police meant she knew a lot of dirt on the top brass in the Pentagon. If it were not for her fiancé heading off the first attempt, she knew things would get much worse.

At least now, they have an idea about the strategies foreign agents are willing to use to accomplish their goals, even targeting retired military officers in various branches.

"Hey." She greeted her boyfriend. They had agreed to meet at the food truck after John's weekend shift.

"Hey, yourself. So what are you craving for?" He asked.

"I'm thinking of something light and healthy." She replied as she scanned the array of food trucks parked. She needed something nutritious to increase her chances of conceiving. "How about that?"

She pointed at the Asian cuisine food trucks. She looked at the food offered, when she spotted the subject of their investigation speaking with her fiancé, who was on medical leave.

"Look, there's your friend Jack." She pointed at the couple sitting at a table. They seemed oblivious to the world, as they gazed at each other's eyes while they ate. The food they shared between them looked appetizing.

"Let's go and say hi." John headed to the table. The couple still hadn't noticed their presence, as they held hands under the table.

"Jack! Captain!" John greeted the two, and she hurried her walk to join them.

"Officer Nolan." The captain greeted. "Just finished your shift?"

"Yes, Ma'am." John replied as she finally reached their table. "Jessica and I are actually looking for something suitable for dinner."

"Hi." She greeted the couple. "What's that you're eating?"

"Korean Kimbap." Jack answered.

"I think I'm getting that." She nodded. She looked at Andersen and resisted the urge to share her discovery. Parabolic microphones are easily obtained, and she wanted to inform her in a more secure location.

John stood in line to order their dinner and a glint caught her eye when Jack moved to drink his water. She immediately noticed the ring on his finger.

"We were both wrong." Andersen nudged Jack.

"You're married?" She asked. She smiled when Jack and Andersen nodded in unison. "When?"

"Yesterday." The new Mrs. Routh answered. "We flew to Vegas last Friday afternoon."

"Congratulations, you two." She told them and she meant it. Zoe Andersen needed something wonderful in her life after what she suffered from after she read her classified file. She finally understood why she snapped up Jack when she first laid eyes on him.

"We're still keeping it a secret until Jack reports for duty a week from now." Zoe Routh explained.

"What secret?" John arrived carrying their dinner.

"We got married." Jack answered, looking proud as he showed the ring on his left hand.

"What?" John looked shocked. She laughed and pulled her boyfriend to sit beside her across from the newlywed couple.

"We got married yesterday." Jack repeated.

"That's… that's big news!" Her boyfriend exclaimed.

"Please keep it a secret for now." Jack asked. "We're still enjoying this week of peace and quiet before I report back for duty."

"Of course." John immediately agreed. "When's the honeymoon? And where?"

"Napa Valley, we're planning a road trip after I received the award." Jack replied.

She read the briefs about Jack and his heroic actions that day. His quick thinking and decisiveness had certainly saved dozens of lives as a result. He really deserved that Medal of Valor.

While she was happy for the couple, watching their closeness left a slight bitter taste in her mouth when she compared it to her relationship with John. He still didn't give her an answer regarding her request. The longer she waited, the larger her doubt grew on whether John was serious about their relationship.

She didn't have much time left. Her biological clock was ticking, and she couldn't afford to waste any more time.