Episode 17
Jack Routh
"This is wonderful!"
He watched John Nolan look around the house they purchased from Taylor.
He had spent the entire day helping his fellow cop by sanding and painting the drywall and the ceiling in Nolan's newly purchased property in return for some burgers and beer. Nolan had expressed interest in taking a look at the property he and Zoe bought, and so he took him to the Spanish-style home after their renovation work was done for the day.
John looked around, sometimes running his hands on the concrete wall, checking the power sockets, or knocking on the few wooden furniture that Taylor left with them. The rest, the couch, chairs, beds, and tables were loaded into a truck once their secret recording sessions were completed.
"I know it's not as modern looking as yours." The Spanish-style bungalow had an old-world charm to it. Meanwhile, John's renovation had turned his newly purchased house into an open concept by knocking down a few interior walls.
"Not every house has to be designed like an open concept. And I can clearly see the work done to modernize this property." John stared up at the ceiling and let out a whistle. "High ceilings with exposed wooden beams, you can't find that feature on the market these days. They looked authentic."
"Taylor said that it was one of the older properties in the area when she purchased it." He shared. "She didn't want to change the look too much, just modernize the utilities and insulation. Let's go see the backyard. I think you'll like it."
"Now this is nice." John turned around as they stepped out into the small yard. "You have complete privacy here. It's like I'm not even in the city."
"That's one of the reasons why we jumped at Taylor's offer." He replied. "Zoe fell in love with the house as soon as she stepped in."
The older cop looked closer at the large built-in Jacuzzi that could comfortably seat four people. "The parties you could throw for your guests here will be amazing!"
"I'm planning to have one when we finish moving in, you're invited of course." He replied. "So, any upgrades I need to make?"
"A few things here and there, like adding more sockets, but it's a matter of personal preference. I'll upgrade the security system and install better cameras at the front door and the gate. Overall the basics are good, especially the recording room. The soundproofing materials required for that are expensive. Are you going to keep it?"
"Maybe change a few things. Zoe wants to use it as an office." His wife really liked the fact that there was no chance to hear vehicles when she was inside. "What I want to ask about is where I can put a weapons locker, but it shouldn't stand out."
"We could go look for damaged antiques that fit the style of this house." John suggested. "Use it to cover a modern gun safe. As for, the location, the closet in the main bedroom is a good choice."
"You'd do that?" He asked.
"Well yeah." John smiled. "I need help for a few more weekends. I just found out that this fellow rookie cop in my batch is handy with prep work and painting."
"Of course, I'll help out." He laughed as he led John back to the house and out into the front yard.
"There's a reason I maximized the space in my own property by turning it into an open concept." John stated, looking around once more. "You don't need that with this place."
The older cop indicated the wooden chairs and tables, the benches, the large tree in the middle, and enough parking for two vehicles. Nolan also suggested locations where the modern cameras should be placed to replace the old ones currently installed.
He thanked Nolan for his advice and walked with him to his truck parked outside.
"Can't wait for the party, and see you tomorrow." John waved to him and soon left the house. A few minutes later after locking the gate he hopped on his bike and headed to the apartment building where his wife waited for him.
The next morning he went on ahead of Zoe while she was still doing her stretching exercises and arrived at the station half an hour before roll call. He brought out new spare clothes for his locker and quickly dressed in his uniform.
"Look who's back." Nolan greeted him. "Good to see you back in uniform."
"Thanks, it's great to be back." He replied. He was fully healed, and he was eager to resume his duties and training. He actually felt healthier than before, his jogging on the beach helping him increase his stamina and the strength training at the gym with the weights helped tone down his body. He wanted to be ready when he reported to Metro.
"Routh." Angela was smiling when she approached him outside the locker room. She looked at him from head to toe, and he put his hands behind his back, pretending that he was under inspection.
"You look healthier than ever." Angela observed as they headed to the briefing room. She poked his arm and looked confused. "Have you been working out?"
"Every morning. I even ran into Nolan when I was jogging at the beach." He replied. More officers started to trickle in the briefing room and he took his place at the front on his usual seat.
"Jack! You're back!" Lucy immediately rushed to his side to give him a quick hug which he returned with his own. "It's been ages since I saw you! I can't wait to tell you what you've missed!"
Before Lucy could continue speaking, Sergeant Grey entered the briefing room, followed by the Captain. Zoe hung back by the door, allowing Sergeant Grey to take the podium.
"Settle down. Before we begin, I'd like to welcome back Officer Routh who has been cleared for duty." Grey announced. The room erupted into applause and he turned around and gave a friendly wave to thank his fellow officers for the warm welcome.
"The department will be having the annual Above & Beyond awards ceremony later this afternoon, and three of our officers are receiving awards." Grey stated, earning another round of applause from the gathered officers. "Bradford, Lopez, Routh, are your class As ready?"
"Just steamed it this morning." Bradford replied. He and Angela merely nodded when Grey turned to each of them. "Good. Lopez, take Routh for patrol. Now stay safe out there… wait."
He noticed Grey was looking in his direction, more specifically his left hand.
"Officer Routh, is that a ring on your finger?" Grey asked. He could see the surprise on the sergeant's face with his eyebrows raised. Immediately whispers broke out among the officers in the briefing room and he heard Lucy gasp as she suddenly took hold of his hand.
"Oh my god, it is!" Lucy gaped and stared at his wedding ring.
"Officer Routh and I flew to Vegas on a weekend and got married. We'll update our records with the department." His wife stepped forward, smiling at the gathered officers.
"Congratulations Captain." Grey replied, and he saw the sergeant was smiling. Beside him, Lucy was still staring at his wedding ring and then looking over to see the ring on Zoe's hand. He told her it was a matching set.
He left roll call and received slaps on the back from his fellow patrol officers and even a few detectives. He was immediately cornered by the field training officers when he headed to the bay to prepare Angela's shop.
"You didn't tell me you got married!" Angela had her arms folded, and he saw the slight frown on her face. "When did this happen?"
"Last week." He answered. "We flew to Vegas on a Friday afternoon, got married on Saturday, and flew back Sunday evening. Here."
He took out his personal phone and showed the wallpaper of his lock screen, a picture of him and Zoe just after they got married. Angela wanted to see more photos, so he handed his phone to her. Nyla Harper and Lucy peered over Angela's shoulder as they looked at the photos.
"This is so romantic." Angela replied as she swiped the photos one by one. "The captain has a nice wedding dress, and you look dashing in your suit."
"We made a couple of friends over there that helped us." He replied.
"Okay, wow, I'm pretty sure that's not for me to see." Angela quickly handed back his phone. Her cheeks were flushed red, and Lucy was practically a tomato as they both avoided looking at him. Harper just looked amused, but she glanced at his crotch briefly.
He looked at his phone and remembered that he and Zoe decided to take some risqué photographs to commemorate their first night as a married couple. Oh no.
"I'll get the war bags." He muttered and hurried to collect their gear to avoid the stares from the three women.
Angela Lopez
She giggled as Jack practically ran across the bullpen to avoid the embarrassment. She knew he had an active sex life with the Captain, but to see the photo of Jack taking with his new wife in that position…. Wow. And about the captain, it explained a lot whenever she arrived at the station every morning. She just had that glow, while wearing a satisfied smile on her face.
The captain was a widely discussed topic in the women's locker room before her relationship with Jack became public. Now there were rumors that the reason the captain looked so relaxed and satisfied despite the stress of her position was because she was being taken care of every morning by her hot young stud she managed to snag before anyone else could.
Seeing that picture, she knew those rumors now had some truth to them. The photo also confirmed another gossip that the captain's man wielded a good-sized package between his legs. That explained the serene smile on Captain Andersen's face every morning, she was getting impaled by that massive thing before she got to work.
She never realized her former boot was so… adventurous in bed. And the captain, she had to admire the woman if she was willingly taking on that cock inside her regularly.
"What did you see?" Nolan asked, looking intrigued.
"It's none of your business." Harper answered immediately. "Let's go Nolan, get the gear."
She was still smiling while she stared at Jack ten minutes later. He was unable to look in her direction as they continued their patrol and she enjoyed the moment. Her eyes unintentionally dropped to his crotch as she remembered the photo. The captain must be the one that took the photo, with her hand wrapped around the base of Jack's cock while he lay back on the bed. Judging from Chen's reaction, she was pretty sure what the female rookie would use for inspiration the next time she needed some… release.
"You don't have to be embarrassed." He had nothing to be ashamed of, and she couldn't see the captain's face anyway, just her hand as she held his large and erect dick in her hand. She wondered if she would be able to fit something so large inside her.
Jack merely nodded and continued staring straight ahead.
"I mean, it was an accident." She continued. "In fact, you should be proud, for having an active and adventurous relationship."
"Thanks, I think." Jack finally spoke.
"So, when do you think you'll be able to let me see your new house?" She decided to give him a break and changed the subject. Wesley had kept sharing stories about his meetings with Taylor Swift's managers and legal team. It included details of the work Jack was up to and the property. The transfer of ownership had gone smoothly, with the pop star setting a generous payment plan for the newlyweds.
"We can pass by during our break if you're curious." Jack offered. "We still have to move our things to our new home."
"I'll help, and I'm sure the others can help you move." She offered. "Just throw a small party for those that helped."
"That's a good idea. Do you think the others will agree?"
"Don't be silly. Of course they will, even Tim." She knew of Tim's paranoia about moving companies and was confident he would help out Jack and the captain. Nolan had a pick-up truck, and between the three large men they could carry almost any normal-sized furniture with ease.
"Okay, if you're sure, I'll prepare for next Saturday." He answered.
Their first arrest for their morning shift was catching a man texting while driving, and he nearly hit a pedestrian crossing the street because he was distracted. Jack turned on the lights and pulled over the driver. She immediately spotted something was wrong when she approached the driver's side window and saw the broken dashboard.
"Jack, run his records." She told her partner once she got the driver's license and registration.
A minute later Jack came back and told her their driver by the name of Trevor Johnson was currently on searchable probation for 11-300, meaning narcotics. That meant they could check his car without requiring a warrant and she knew the dashboard was a commonly used area to hide illegal drugs and weapons.
"Sir, step out of the vehicle." She ordered. Seeing the man was reluctant to move she gave him a steely gaze. "Today."
"Step to the back of the vehicle. Put your arms on the trunk lid." She kept an eye on Trevor while Jack started searching the car.
"There's something here, a package filled with white powder." Jack reported. "It's wedged up tight behind the loose panel of the dashboard. It's big, at the very least a kilo."
"Sir, give me your hands." Trevor complied and she quickly cuffed him. That was enough to detain their distracted driver.
"I can't get it out, it's stuck on something and I don't want to damage the bag." Jack reported.
"Relax, they'll tear this car apart and find out what it is." She replied.
"What was that?" She asked.
"The seal on the bag broke." Jack stepped out and she saw his face and part of his uniform was covered in a white powder. "There's a mechanism in the dashboard that suddenly moved and squeezed the bag."
She looked away when Jack sneezed, kicking up a cloud of white powder around him.
"You got a little something on you." She tried hard not to laugh. Jack looked like one of those mimes she'd seen in an amusement park.
"I have wet wipes in the back." Jack coughed again and headed to the war bags to clean up and change while she pushed Trevor inside the shop to take him to the station for processing.
She didn't notice it at first, but Jack started acting strange after they processed their suspect and put him in the holding cell. Jack had finished the paperwork in record time and he did not take a break like he usually does. By now he should be in the break room eating a sandwich.
"Ready to go on patrol?" Her partner asked. He looked eager, looking like a rookie on his first day on the force. Strange.
"Did you know the patrol came from the French word patrouille? It means to paw in the mud." Jack continued speaking as they headed to the shop.
This change in behavior concerned her, and she took him to a rarely used utility room and used her flashlight to check for any symptoms. He was slightly sweating, but that can be attributed to the aftereffects of the recent heat wave.
"What are you doing?" Jack tried to look away from the flashlight but she grabbed his chin to make him stay still. His eyes were dilated. Shit. It was just as she feared.
"Just stay put. I think that white powder that exploded in your face is affecting you. We have to know what it is and we need help."
"Alright." Jack replied. He narrowed his eyes and stared at his hands, flexing them, and started testing his movements. "I feel… tingly."
She had no choice and used her phone to call his wife.
"Ma'am, I need you at the utility room near the interrogation rooms. I'm afraid it's got something to do with Jack." She reported.
"I'll be there." The captain immediately replied and hung up.
A few minutes later where Jack spent the time stretching his neck and arms, she heard a knock on the door. She quickly opened it and the captain immediately entered, looking worried.
"What happened?" The captain asked, her eyes immediately focused on Jack.
"Zoe." Jack's eyes lit up when he saw the captain and he greeted his wife by giving her a rather long hug. "I think I might have accidentally ingested some form of drug during patrol."
"He has the symptoms, dilated eyes, sweating and he's more… energetic than usual" She added.
"Don't forget tingly." Jack reminded her. "I don't think my judgment is impaired, but it's better to investigate what's in my blood right now."
She watched as the captain took a closer look at Jack and grabbed his face in both hands. She didn't bother to comment on the flirty look Jack was giving the captain. She could see from where she was standing that Jack was looking down at the captain's blouse!
"What is it today?" The Captain sighed, it seemed like she didn't care what Jack was doing. Was her former boot always like that? She was his wife, so there's nothing really inappropriate about it. "First it's Bradford, and now Jack?"
"What happened to Tim?" She asked, suddenly concerned.
"His shop rear-ended a citizen's vehicle while he was driving his shop." The Captain shared. "They're all fine, but the citizen's boyfriend wants to sue Bradford. He can't attend the ceremony if he's under investigation."
"What do we do?" She asked.
The captain looked deep in thought for nearly a minute. "Lopez, get the magazine from Jack's firearm. I'm sorry Jack, but you can't be trusted with live ammunition when you're under the influence of drugs."
"Yes, Captain." Jack immediately obeyed and removed the magazine. He cocked the weapon to check that the chamber was empty and holstered his weapon. He gave the magazine and another spare to her and she slipped the magazines in her own duty belt.
"Lopez, do you still have contact with Dr. Sawyer in Shaw Memorial?" The captain asked.
"Yes ma'am, you want me to bring Jack there and get his blood tested?" She asked.
"That, and pray it's not PCP." The Captain replied. "If he does, then we have no choice but to file a report."
Right. PCP is a drug that stays inside the body since it is fat-soluble. It could activate at any time within the body, and regulations state that a cop couldn't have a firearm with that kind of condition like hallucinations or psychotic episodes. It could literally set back Jack's career for months as a police officer, or even force him to retire.
"Once you get his blood withdrawn, get him back here in this room, and I'll watch over him." The captain continued. "Try to keep things under wraps, we'll have to report this if it gets serious."
"Let's go, Jack." She gestured to her partner.
"See you later, honey." She widened her eyes when Jack leaned down and kissed the captain hard in the mouth. She could see his hand even grope her ass for a brief moment.
"I'll let that one pass, husband." The captain looked amused. "Get to it, Lopez."
"Yes ma'am!"
Jack remained silent for most of the trip to the hospital, and she could tell he was a bit worried. He kept shifting in his seat, like something was bothering him and he couldn't get comfortable.
"I don't think I'm a danger to the public or will have a psychotic episode." Jack shared. "I just feel like I'm full of energy that I need to release."
"Yeah, you're slightly trembling right now." She felt his shoulder and could feel that he was tense, ready to explode at any moment.
"Wow, I didn't even realize that." He replied.
If it were any other person, she would have been worried about sitting beside a large and powerful man high on drugs. But she knew Jack and his ability to remain in control even if he was overcome with emotions. She remembered the display of incredible strength when he lifted the annoying director up in the air in anger without showing any signs of strain, but didn't cause any injury to the infuriating man.
"I love my new wife." Jack suddenly shared. "Did you know in old English, the word wife was pronounced as weef?"
At least he was just giving a history lesson. She even paid attention as he gave a few more examples of how the English language changed over time. She didn't even realize English had such deep connections to the French language.
Once they reached the station, Doctor Sawyer was already waiting for them with a kit in the parking lot. The helpful Doctor even agreed to keep things quiet, and explained the importance of doctor-patient confidentiality.
"I'll send the results as soon as I can." Dr. Sawyer said as she stepped back after drawing a sample of Jack's blood. "Take care of yourselves."
"Doctor Sawyer, I'm planning to have a simple get-together in the new house I moved in with my wife." Jack shared. "Are you interested? It's just us cops."
"I'd love to, thank you for inviting me." Dr. Sawyer replied with a smile. "John's coming right?"
"He is. He's the first one I invited."
"I'll wait for the invitation." Dr. Sawyer stepped back and they quickly left the parking area.
"That's a nice gesture." She told Jack.
"She's done so much for me. She's a nice person." Jack replied.
"She took care of Wesley too. He'll be happy to see her at the party."
She arrived back at the station in record time and brought him back to the utility room.
"Doctor Sawyer said she'll send the results as soon as she can." She told the captain who was doing her paperwork in the room.
"Good work Lopez. Why don't you take a break?" The captain suggested. "I'll watch over Jack until whatever drugs that's inside his body gets out of his system."
"Call me if you need anything, captain." She replied and left the room. She immediately heard the lock engage and sighed in relief. No one had caught on to their predicament.
Zoe Andersen Routh
"First day back and you get high." She let out a breath and hugged her husband. "What do I do with you?"
She gasped when she felt his hands on her ass as he pressed his hips to hers. "Jack?"
"I'm really horny." Jack admitted. "I was fine at first, but then I saw you… my body just responded."
"I see." She replied. He didn't need to say it out loud. She could feel how hard her husband's cock is even through his pants as he continued to ground his groin to hers in their hug.
She pushed him off and gave him an unimpressed look. "We're at the station Jack. Surely you can control the urge until we get home."
"I know." Jack sounded frustrated as he stepped back. "Don't worry, I'll manage it. I didn't want to tell Angela or Dr. Sawyer for obvious reasons."
"Maybe we should ask Dr. Sawyer for advice." She suggested. "Do you still have her number?"
"Here." Jack gave her his phone. "Use mine."
She smiled when she saw the wallpaper on his phone, it was the exact same picture she had on hers. She looked at his call history and noticed the call log and the doctor's name. She pressed the call button and waited for the doctor to answer. The doctor picked up on the second ring and started speaking.
"Office Routh, good that you called. Should I bring food to this get-together?" She wondered what the other woman meant.
"Doctor Sawyer, this is Captain Zoe Andersen Routh, Jack's wife. I'd like to ask some questions about Jack's condition." She smiled when she introduced herself using her new name.
"Oh, congratulations on your marriage, Captain. I'm afraid we have to wait for a few hours to get results. The lab technicians are working on Jack's blood sample now."
"Thank you for your help. I'm afraid it's a different matter, Jack says he's suffering from other symptoms from whatever he was exposed to." She replied.
"What symptoms?"
"Well…" She took a deep breath and continued. "He says he's horny. Usually, he has good control…"
"Can you verify it? I need a description of his penis."
"Hang on." She turned to Jack who was now observing her as he sat on a foldable chair while he tapped his foot repeatedly. She placed the phone on the table and put it on speaker mode. "Jack, Doctor Sawyer needs a description of your penis right now."
"What for?" Jack asked.
"I need to verify if it's swollen more than usual." Dr. Sawyer answered through the phone.
Jack shrugged and removed his duty belt, followed by his pants and then his boxers. She widened her eyes when she saw her husband's very erect and throbbing penis.
"Doctor, his penis is erect. The head is swollen, and I can see pre-cum leaking a bit from the slit." She reported.
"Would you say it's more swollen compared to its normal aroused state?"
"Yes, it is." She had never seen Jack's penis like that before. The head was nearly purple in color and throbbing.
"What about his testicles?"
"They're very firm right now."
"Okay, put me off speaker, this will be a sensitive matter, Captain Routh. As his wife, you should need to hear this."
"You're off speaker, what's the diagnosis?" She asked.
"There's good news and bad news. Good news is it's highly unlikely that whatever Jack was exposed to was PCP. There are no documented cases that PCP causes arousal."
"And the bad news?" She asked.
"He needs to relieve the tension, by masturbating. As often as needed until the arousal is gone."
"I understand. Thank you, Doctor." She replied.
"You're welcome. Call me if you need any clarification."
The call ended and she turned to Jack who had zipped up his pants. She could still see the bulge, and felt conflicted about what to do. She didn't like the idea of Jack masturbating by himself, and on the other hand, she couldn't just leave the station and have sex with him in their apartment.
Her position as the captain and as his wife made it a difficult decision. Finally after some internal debate, she decided to help him here since she really didn't like the idea of Jack using his hands to pleasure himself. She was his wife for a reason.
She checked that the door was still locked then moved closer to her husband and stopped him from putting on his duty belt.
"Sit down Jack." She instructed. Good thing she was only wearing lip balm. "We can't be too loud here. Don't ruin my hair and makeup, okay?"
She kneeled in front of him and pulled out his swollen cock, gave the head a few licks, and then put it inside her mouth. She played with the head with her tongue as she started to suck, causing Jack to tense and let out a deep groan.
"Fuck Zoe. That feels amazing."
She took his cock deeper inside her mouth until it started to hit the back of her throat. She felt Jack grab the back of her head and quickly her husband started fucking her mouth. She choked and gagged but focused on giving her man the relief he needed. His eyes were burning with lust as they locked gazes while tears welled up in her eyes.
Her husband must have been really horny as barely a minute when she began that she felt him tense and groan, a usual sign when he was about to ejaculate. She couldn't allow him to cum on her face and just focused on making sure she swallowed every drop.
She nearly gagged as her husband's semen flooded her mouth and she quickly swallowed as fast as she could as his cock continued to spurt down her throat. Jack groaned as he finally stopped cumming and he collapsed back in his chair, panting hard.
"Thank… thank you love." Jack whispered.
"You're welcome." She licked her lips, glad that her makeup wasn't ruined. "Are you feeling better?"
"Much better, yeah."
Jack seemed calmer than before. That was good, at least there was some improvement. She was about to speak when she realized his cock was still hard. She could see he was trying to ignore his condition as he started to pull up his pants once more.
She couldn't allow that, but if she continued giving him blowjobs, sooner or later her makeup and hair would be ruined. There was only one thing left that she could do.
She went to the other end of the room farthest from the door, and pulled up her pencil skirt up to her waist. She moved her underwear to the side, exposing her sex to her husband, and spread her legs.
"Have a go honey as much as you want until the alarm, I have a meeting for the ceremony in an hour with the organizers." She set her phone down, showing the 15-minute timer, and gave Jack an encouraging nod. She grabbed the edges of a tall filing cabinet for support and braced herself for what was to come.
She heard footsteps and felt Jack's hand around her hips. She stifled a moan as she felt his cock enter her in one long stroke without any hesitation. Usually, he would tease her before they had sex, but she could understand his urgency. He was huge, as he parted her pussy lips and reached her deepest places. He started to fuck her, slowly then increased his speed once he got into a rhythm. It felt like torture just to control herself from moaning, since she was always vocal during sex but she couldn't do that now with the risk they could be overheard. She lowered her head as she whimpered, and kept her lips pressed together as Jack used her cunt to get off.
She wasn't expecting to orgasm, but she did, twice as her alarm rang fifteen minutes later. Every orgasm she experienced nearly made her fall to the floor as her legs weakened but Jack kept her upright. She could feel the fluids running down from her pussy to her thighs, and yet Jack wasn't done with her.
"Jack… fuck… time's… up." She gasped every time he thrust inside her. His cock was relentless.
"Nearly there..." Jack grunted and she endured half a minute of hard fucking from Jack and then she felt him stop. She shuddered as she felt Jack's limp penis slide out of her and immediately felt a large amount of cum leak out of her and into her thighs.
"Thank… you baby." Jack whispered as he sat back on the chair. She turned around and noticed that although he was sweating heavily, his cock no longer looked like it was swollen.
"I'm glad I could help baby." She replied as she placed her panties back and fixed her skirt.
"Here." Jack took out a wet wipes pack from his utility belt and handed it to her. She used it to wipe her legs and her pussy from the mess from their orgasms.
"Do you feel better?" She asked.
"Much better." Jack answered. "My head's clearer too."
"Good." She quickly finished making herself presentable with Jack's help. She used her phone to check her appearance and nodded when she still looked fresh.
"I'll see you at the bullpen." She leaned down and they shared a tender kiss. She couldn't help but tease him. "You owe me, honey."
"I'll make sure to pay you back ten-fold." Jack promised. "Anything you want when we get home."
"Anything?" She asked. She was planning to have Jack help her pack her things in preparation for their move to their new house. She also wanted to empty the storage locker she was renting, now that they would have the extra space.
She arrived at her office early to prepare her notes for the meeting and headed to the briefing room. It was a good thing her skirt was black, as she slowly felt more cum drip out of her sex as she climbed down the stairs.
Her face remained calm, and sat down on the chair Jack often sat on during roll call. There were a few officials that had arrived, and they were now waiting for the mayor's representative to finalize the script and the schedule for the event.
An hour later they all signed off on the finalized schedule and she headed to the locker room to change into her class As. She still felt uncomfortable despite changing her underwear, but she was glad she was able to help out Jack out of a tight spot.
A text from Jack arrived, informing her that the lab results arrived. The powder he was exposed to contained a strange mixture of horse vitamins and caffeine powder, the usual ingredients for bunk. It explained much of his behavior, but she was relieved it wasn't anything more serious.
More good news came when she returned to her office as Sergeant Grey arrived also dressed in his formal uniform. He informed her of a new development with Bradford's car accident, Bradford didn't hit the vehicle out of negligence like the victim's partner claimed. The vehicle had its break lights disconnected. Lucy Chen, dug deep and discovered the scam and she and Bradford managed to get a confession from the woman. A follow-up operation led to the arrest of her partner as well.
That meant Bradford could attend the awards ceremony with Lopez and Jack.
She arrived at the bullpen and saw her husband also dressed in his class As, with his uniform hat tucked under his arm. He was speaking with Chen and Bradford, as the two shared their investigation on the criminals engaged in insurance fraud by staging car accidents.
"Officer Routh, Officer Bradford, looking sharp." Her husband looked dashing. He had combed his hair and looked like he was prepared for a catalog shoot as he nicely filled out his crisp uniform that she had painstakingly steamed last night.
Bradford, she could admit was also a handsome man, stood near equal in stature with her husband. Chen seemed to be enthralled standing beside her T.O as she gazed at his face.
"Thank you, Captain." Bradford replied.
"You look amazing, Captain." Jack replied in turn with a smile on his face. "Shall we?"
He offered his left arm to her and she took it, slipping her arm on his offered limb as they headed for her car. She couldn't believe that mere hours ago two of the three awardees in her division were at the risk of not being able to attend the ceremony.
The Above & Beyond ceremony started late at the hotel venue, but overall it was a pleasant experience since she enjoyed the food prepared. The speeches were longer than she would have preferred and she mostly spent the time speaking with other captains and lieutenants that visited their table.
Finally, the nine officers to be honored that night were called to the stage. She watched with pride as her three officers, Lopez, Bradford, and Jack were called up last.
One by one, the eight officers were called to step forward while the action reports that recorded their deeds were read by the deputy mayor. Chief Williams himself awarded the medals and he looked happy posing for the camera for every recipient of the Preservation of Life medal including Bradford and Lopez.
A K9 unit that was about to retire was even awarded a hero medal, the dog looking confused as a ribbon with a medal attached was put around her neck. The cute German shepherd named Lani received the loudest applause from the crowd of police officers while his handler stood proudly beside her.
"And finally for the recipient of the Medal of Valor." The mayor himself came on stage to read the reports of that terrible day.
"On that early morning, Officer Jack Routh was participating in the community outreach program and volunteered to share his knowledge by taking the role of a guest lecturer at the Los Angeles City College. At approximately nine in the morning, just as he was about to start his class, he heard gunshots from the hallway." Mayor Stevens paused for a dramatic effect.
"Screams were soon heard outside the classroom, and Officer Routh immediately gave instructions to his students to take cover and barricade the door, and then reported the situation to dispatch. He decided to take action, knowing how crucial time was in this extremely dangerous situation."
"Officer Routh was able to engage the suspect, and chased after him through the hallway. The school shooter, a former student of the college, used his knowledge of his surroundings by hiding in a closet. Officer Routh was concerned if the active shooter had made his way to the classrooms filled with faculty and students and rushed forward, but was shot in the back by the suspect."
She noticed the whispers started around the ballroom as all eyes landed on her husband who was standing still at the end of the line. Their eyes met and she gave him a proud smile.
"Officer Routh immediately returned fire and hit the suspect in the chest, killing him. Officer Routh's actions have no doubt saved dozens of lives that day, if not more. He was rushed to the hospital, nearly losing his life from the gunshot wound he received. Today, it is my honor to award the Medal of Valor, the Los Angeles Police Department's highest award to Officer Jack Routh."
Jack stepped forward and Chief Williams placed the ribbon with the medal around his neck and shook his hand. Applause erupted from the audience as Jack took photos with the Chief and the Mayor.
A few minutes later she joined her officers on the stage when it was her division's turn for the pictures with the press and the LAPD's PR agency. It seemed that news had reached the Chief and the higher-ups at LAPD of her new status as she was asked to stand beside Jack for a few more photos.
"This is for police mag!" A photographer grinned as he took a few more photos. "We'll be running a follow-up article on the two of you!"
"I heard you two got married in Vegas, congratulations!" Mayor Stevens followed them back to their table once their turn was finished. "What's your plan for the reception?"
"We don't have one yet." She replied.
"Be sure to contact my office, Captain Routh." The mayor winked and placed a hand on her husband's shoulder. "Jack, it's good to see you again and back on your feet. I missed my golf buddy!"
Other cops and public officials continued to pass by their table, offering their congratulations. She finally found the moment to leave without being rude, but not without agreeing to join the Mayor for a round of golf and her officers quickly followed behind her like ducklings.
Once they reached Mid-Wilshire, they took a few more photos in front of the lobby, while the rest of the officers of the station, both in uniform and those that have just ended their shift approached them and gave their own congratulations to the awardees.
By the time she and Jack went back to their apartment, she immediately took off her heels and collapsed on the couch. She opened her eyes when she felt Jack kneeling in front of her as he started massaging her right foot.
"You're already making up for what happened earlier?" She asked. She had to admit having sex in the station added the thrill that helped her reach her own climax while Jack fucked her from behind.
"No, I just saw how uncomfortable you were in those shoes." Jack replied. She had just bought the pair and hadn't broken them yet. Her new husband was so thoughtful. "How do I repay the favor?"
"I was just teasing you Jack, I'm your wife. Who else could help you out in that situation?" She raised her left foot and Jack immediately switched feet. "Though I will need some help emptying a storage locker I've been renting since I moved to LA."
"No problem." Jack replied. She watched as he leaned closer once he finished massaging her foot. "How about I help you relax, wife."
He placed his phone on the couch beside her with a timer. She looked closer and saw the fifteen-minute countdown. She had a vague idea on what Jack was up to and allowed her husband to remove her pants and underwear. She felt a bit of embarrassment as Jack spread her thighs, fully exposing her sex.
"Fifteen minutes." Jack gave her a naughty grin. "My tongue will pleasure you for fifteen minutes."
"Have at it then." She repeated the same words she said to him at the station. She moaned almost immediately when she felt his tongue teased her lower lips. She knew she would have a very pleasurable tonight.
The next morning, they decided to use the weekend to start packing. Fortunately, they didn't need to move all the appliances since they belonged to the apartment. Their new home was mostly furnished with updated appliances, but it still lacked the basic furniture unless they wanted to eat, sleep and fuck on the floor. She decided that she wanted to spend her first night at their new house with Jack but they needed to bring at least the bed first.
Jack had disassembled the bed frame, but there was no way the mattress would fit inside her sedan. She watched as her husband made a few calls, and the reinforcements soon arrived an hour later.
"Just call me Zoe." She repeated for the third time as Lucy Chen and Angela Lopez helped her with packing the clothes and pillows. Nolan had taught her the trick of using large plastic bags and a mini vacuum pump to compress the pillows on the bed and throw pillows in the sofa so that they could be packed better inside her car.
"At least when we're off duty." She looked at the two police officers. "I appreciate the help, and you even came even if it's a Saturday morning."
"It will be awkward, Cap." Lopez replied. "And Jack was my boot. I have his back."
"I didn't have anything else to do… Captain" Chen replied. "Besides, I was always curious about where the two of you lived and where you're moving to."
"I guess that's everything." She looked to see Nolan dusting off his fingers as he shared a drink with Bradford and Jack. The oldest rookie, bless his contractor heart, had the foresight to bring a couple of heavy-duty dollies. That made moving the heavy loads easier to his truck.
Jack's own apartment which he now rarely used had even less furniture, and he decided to leave the couch since it originally came from the previous tenants. At this rate, they would be finished before by lunch.
She picked up the pace and stuffed the last articles of clothing left in the closet into the luggage she used for traveling.
"We're done too." She declared. Bradford and Jack stacked the luggage and other bags brimming with clothes and shoes on the dollies and wheeled them to the service elevator. She took one last look at her apartment and closed the door.
The convoy of cars left, with her at the front driving her Sedan stuffed with pillows, shoes, accessories, and bags. Since their new house was built in a corner lot, there was enough parking for all the vehicles. Jack was already waiting for them as he went ahead with his bike to open the gates. Bradford and Nolan's trucks parked inside the house, since they contained the bulkiest pieces of furniture.
"Wow." Chen whispered when she stepped inside.
"I told you." Nolan grinned.
"This is amazing Captain." Lopez stated. "Like, this is my dream home. How far is it from the station?"
"Roughly four miles, about a ten minute drive depending on the traffic." Jack replied.
"I like the tall concrete walls." Bradford nodded in approval. "Add an electric fence on top and it should be a good deterrence for thieves."
"Make yourselves at home." She smiled at the group once everything was unloaded. Jack immediately got to work assembling the bed and Nolan and Bradford brought in the king sized mattress to their bedroom. "Tell me the pizza flavors you want. Everything is on me, including the drinks."
The house looked sparse with the few pieces of furniture they brought in, but everyone was able to take a seat. While they waited for the food to arrive, the others wandered around their home, checking out every inch of their property.
"This is it." She whispered to Jack as she sat on his lap while they watched their fellow officers explore their home.
"It is." I'm excited." Jack replied.
"Oh my god! There's a Jacuzzi here!" She heard Angela shout. "Captain, can I take a dip?"
"Me too!" Lucy Chen joined in.
"As long as you have spare clothes!" She called out. She sighed with amusement and leaned back on her husband. "They're just like kids."
Angela Lopez
I just had sex and it felt so good (felt so good)
I went and let him put his penis inside me girl!
I just had seeex!
And I'll never go back (never go back)
To the not having climax ways of the past!
"What are you singing?"
She looked at the mirror where Wesley was sitting on the bed, covering his naked form with a blanket like a virgin. He was usually pretty carefree about nudity and wondered why he was acting like a prude.
"What's wrong?" She asked as she put on her bra. She bent over and started looking for a suitable pair of matching panties, well aware that she was giving Wesley a show with her naked lower half.
"That song… after you sang it, I suddenly felt used." Wesley admitted.
She burst out laughing when she heard his reply and walked closer to his side of the bed. "You're just being silly. Jack sang that song when he was still high from post surgery medication. I changed the lyrics a bit so that I could sing it. Catchy huh?"
"Catchy... right." Wesley swallowed.
"We better hurry if we don't want to be late. Did you bring spare clothes?" She asked.
"What for?"
"In case we take a dip on the Jacuzzi!" She replied.
That Jacuzzi was perfect, her favorite part of Jack's new house. It was small enough so that it can easily be maintained, and functioned as a mini pool if she just wanted to just soak in if she wanted to cool down like she did earlier.
She wanted to have one installed in her own backyard, but then she would be giving her nosy neighbors a show.
"And Doctor Sawyer's also coming." She added.
"Really? That's great! I haven't thanked her since I got discharged from the hospital."
"She looked excited when she learned Nolan was coming, you know her ex." She already had a running bet with Tim that they would get together. She just couldn't see Nolan settling with Jessica Russo. She was too high profile.
They arrived at Jack's house thirty minutes later, and she could see cars were already parked around the property. She was able to park on the last spot remaining and headed inside the already open gate.
The front yard was already set, with the wooden picnic tables filled with an assortment of cold cuts, cheese and bread. A salad station was placed to it, for those who wanted a more healthy sandwich.
Her smile widened when she saw Sergeant Grey wearing an apron as he manned the portable grill while he expertly flipped burgers.
"Not a word." Grey warned, pointing a pair of tongs at her.
"It was his idea." Grey's wife Luna added. "He couldn't keep still as Jack nearly burned the patties."
"Where's Jack anyway?" She asked.
"He's off buying drinks with Nolan." Grey replied.
Doctor Grace Sawyer arrived next, and she brought along a bottle of champagne. Seeing that the captain was nowhere in sight, she took it upon herself to welcome the doctor.
"I wasn't sure what to bring." Grace admitted. "Jack just told me to come."
"It's a pretty informal party, doc." She replied. "John left with Jack to but more drinks. Why don't I introduce you to the rest of the people here?"
"Of course, thank you." Grace beamed.
The captain finally arrived, just wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt. She immediately welcomed Grace and thanked her for coming.
She liked these kinds of parties. She knew all the people present personally, and no one was trying to be what they're not. The food was great too, and the beer stored in coolers filled with ice was even better. Jack had wandered off with Grey, Nolan and Tim, and she overheard the men talking about security and the best locations for a hidden gun safe.
Wesley was talking to the captain and Luna and she found herself sitting inside the Jacuzzi with Lucy and Grace. The doctor decided to accept her invitation without hesitation and joined her in the Jacuzzi with Lucy. She hoped the doctor had spare clothes. She was listening in as the doctor shared her romantic history with John, her best friend and ex-boyfriend.
"It has to be a sign." Lucy sighed. "A second chance of true love getting back together."
"I'm not sure about that." Grace giggled. She noticed the doctor had consumed a fair amount of the champagne she brought, since most of the girls preferred the beer. "I mean, he's already seeing someone."
"Don't be too sure about that." She replied.
"What do you mean?" Grace asked. It was fairly obvious that the doctor was still harboring strong feelings for Nolan.
"Just a feeling. You just need a little patience." She replied and gave the doctor a quick look. There she should have already gotten the hint.
"I see." Grace replied. "Thank you for the advice."
"What advice?" Nolan appeared and decided to join them in the Jacuzzi.
"It's a secret." Grace smiled and shifted closer to where John was sitting.
She saw Tim walking over and gave him a grin. She was going to win this bet, and she couldn't wait to see the look on Tim's face as he hands over his prized Lakers tickets.