Finally... Rest

The return trip to New York gives me time to think, even at XLR8's incredible speeds. Thor's arrival changes everything - not just for the world, but for my own plans.

The existence of Asgardians will soon become public knowledge, shifting the paradigm of what people believe possible in a way that's too soon for my taste.

I arrive back at Fisk Tower just as the sun begins to set, transforming in a secure entrance designed specifically for my hero activities. The Ultimatrix pulses quietly, its energy reserves still healthy despite the cross-country journey.

"Welcome back," Fisk's voice greets me as I enter the private elevator. "The facility is processing the data from New Mexico. I believe we have much to discuss."

The elevator rises smoothly to his office level. Through the glass walls, I can see New York sprawled out below, unaware of how much their world is about to change.

Fisk stands at his usual spot by the window, multiple screens displaying data from Project Echo. "Your speed form's capabilities are remarkable. The sensors barely kept up."

"XLR8 is efficient for travel," I reply, accepting a offered drink. "Though I'm more interested in what your sensors picked up in New Mexico."

He activates a holographic display, showing energy patterns from the event. "The readings are unlike anything we've seen. Not gamma radiation, not arc reactor technology, not even similar to your transformations. This is something else entirely."

"Something older," I murmur, watching the data stream. "Something beyond Earth."

Fisk turns to face me fully. "You know what it is."

It's not a question. After weeks of playing this game, he's learned to read between my lines. I got to drop hints here and there, steer him towards trusting my words more, believing I know more about everything - which I technically do.

"I have theories," I hedge, though we both know it's more than that. "The energy signatures suggest technology far beyond our current understanding. Almost like..."

"Magic?" Fisk's expression remains neutral, but there's a glint in his eye.

"Clarke's Third Law," I counter. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Though in this case, the line might be blurrier than we think. I don't deny literal magic being a possibility." 

The screens shift to show Thor's combat footage. Even without his powers, his fighting skills are impressive.

"The subject displayed remarkable abilities," Fisk observes. "Yet failed to lift a simple hammer. Curious."

"Some things aren't about raw power," I repeat my earlier observation. "Sometimes worthiness matters more than strength."

"Speaking from experience?"

I meet his gaze steadily. "Let's just say I understand the weight of wielding power responsibly."

"Indeed." He manipulates the displays, bringing up more data. "Though that raises an interesting question. How does one measure worthiness? Is it something that can be quantified, analyzed..."

"Replicated?" I finish, seeing where this is going. "Project Echo isn't just about detection and defense, is it? You said you're trying to understand the fundamental nature of enhanced abilities, but not to dismantle it is it, but to replicate it for yourself."

"Knowledge is power," Fisk states simply. "And power must be understood to be controlled."

"Or respected," I counter. "Some forces aren't meant to be controlled, just... guided."

He studies me for a long moment. "An interesting perspective from someone who transforms into various creatures at will."

"The Ultimatrix guides and enhances, but it doesn't control," I explain, choosing my words carefully. "Each form has its own instincts, its own capabilities, but the choices are still mine."

"And what choices will you make," Fisk asks, "when more beings like our friend in New Mexico appear? When the world realizes it's not alone in the universe?"

"The same choice I made when I first transformed - to help where I can, to protect what I can." I stand, moving to the window. "Though I suspect that's not really what you're asking."

"No," he admits. "I'm asking where your loyalties will lie when gods walk the Earth. Will you yourself, choose to become a lord? I wouldn't be against it, having a son for a king would be... interesting."

"My loyalties lie with protecting people," I reply, ignoring his comment. "Whether that aligns with your interests... well, that depends on your choices, doesn't it?"

A slight smile crosses his face. "You're becoming quite adept at these conversations."

"I had a good teacher." I check my phone - more alerts about the New Mexico incident, though nothing public yet. "SHIELD will contain this for now, but soon..."

"Soon the world will change," Fisk finishes. "Which is why we must be prepared." He activates another display, showing schematics for what looks like advanced defensive systems. "Project Echo's next phase includes-"

A sudden alert interrupts him. One of his secure channels lights up with urgent information.

"Sir," his security chief's voice comes through, "we have a situation at the docks. The Maggia is making a move on our territory."

"Now?" Fisk's expression darkens. "They're either very brave or very foolish."

I reach for the Ultimatrix, but Fisk raises his hand. "No. You've handled enough for one day. Between the gas line incident, the cross-country run, and monitoring interdimensional events, you need rest."


"The Maggia isn't worth your time anymore," Fisk states firmly. "You've proven your point with them. Let my people handle this... situation. A hero needs his rest, after all."

The way he says it - part father, part crime boss - almost makes me smile. "You sure?"

"Quite." He activates his secure line. "Deploy Strike Team Alpha. Standard containment protocols." He pauses, then adds, "And ensure our... competitors understand the cost of their presumption."

I sink back into my chair, suddenly aware of how tired I actually am. "Thanks... father."

The word comes easier this time, maybe because he's actually acting like one.

"Get some sleep," he says, his attention already on the tactical displays. "Tomorrow, we'll discuss what Project Echo revealed about our visitor from the stars."

As I head to my suite, I can't help but think once again about how strange my life has become.

Working with a crime boss who's becoming more of a father figure than I'd like to admit, preparing for threats from other realms, and somehow managing to be a hero through it all.

The last thought follows me into sleep - in a world where ones called gods are about to walk the Earth, maybe the line between hero and villain isn't as clear as we'd like to think.

At least I'll be well-rested when I have to figure it out.


(Author note: Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

I hope you all enjoyed this short conversation between father and son.

So yeah... I got nothing else to say, but that you do tell me how you found it.

I hope to see you all later,
