Not going as it should

Three days have passed since Thor's attempt to claim Mjolnir, and something's wrong. The timeline isn't flowing as it should - Jane Foster hasn't made contact with Thor, his redemption arc hasn't begun, and the Destroyer is already on its way.

I monitor the situation from my office in Fisk Tower, Project Echo's sensors tracking the growing atmospheric disturbance. Without Thor regaining his powers, Earth is dangerously vulnerable to what's coming.

"Computer, display current location of Hammer guy." Can't call him Thor yet after all, at least not in a tone believing him to be.

"Subject remains in SHIELD custody. No significant interactions recorded with civilian population."

This isn't right. By now, he should have escaped, met Jane, started his journey toward worthiness. Instead, he's isolated, contained, and showing no signs of the character development crucial to Earth's future defense.

My phone buzzes - Stark. "Energy readings in New Mexico are spiking again. Our kind of problem? - TS"

After weeks of lab sessions and careful relationship building, he's learned to spot the signs. But this isn't just another enhanced incident - this is a potential catastrophe in the making.

"Sir," my computer interrupts, "Project Echo detects a massive energy signature entering Earth's atmosphere. Pattern matches previous readings but significantly larger."

The Destroyer. And with Thor still powerless, still trapped...

Time to make a choice that could change everything.

"Computer, secure line to Fisk's office. Priority one."


"We have a situation," I say without preamble. "One that requires immediate intervention."

"Explain," Fisk responds, his tone sharp with interest.

"The readings from New Mexico are spiking again, but different this time. Project Echo's sensors are detecting something entering Earth's atmosphere." I send him the latest data.

"Whatever it is, it's magnitudes more powerful than our previous visitor. And based on the energy signature... it's a weapon."

A pause as he processes this. "And our previous visitor?"

"Still in SHIELD custody. Which means the guy I already told you, I intended as an ally, who should be one of Earth's best defense against this level of power is currently locked in a cell." I keep my voice steady, professional.

"We need to act."

"This is more than just another heroic display," Fisk observes.

I remain silent.

Another pause, longer this time. "What do you need?"

"Nothing," I reply, already moving toward my window. "Just letting you know I'll be out of New York for a while."

"Be careful," Fisk says, and for a moment, I hear genuine concern beneath the calculation. "Powers like these... they tend to change the game entirely."

"That's what I'm counting on."

I end the call and activate the Ultimatrix. Before transforming, I send a quick message to Stark: "Heading to New Mexico. Might need backup if things go sideways. - SF"

His reply is immediate: "Already suited up. See you there. - TS"

XLR8's form takes shape, and I launch myself from the tower. The world blurs around me as I race west, my mind racing faster than my feet.

Thor needs to meet Jane Foster, needs to learn humility, needs to become worthy. Without that journey, Earth loses one of its greatest defenders.

But I can't just tell him that. Some lessons have to be learned, not taught. Some paths have to be walked, not shown.

The question is: how do you nudge a so called god toward destiny without breaking the story completely?

As New Mexico's desert spreads out before me, I realize I'm about to find out.


The SHIELD facility appears on the horizon, a maze of temporary structures surrounding Mjolnir's crater. I transform back to human form and quickly access public records on my phone.

Jane Foster's research site isn't far - an old gas station converted into a makeshift lab. But she's not investigating anymore.

SHIELD's containment was too effective, kept civilians too far away - probably because of my existence.

The ground shakes violently. The Destroyer has landed, its metallic form gleaming in the desert sun as it begins its march toward the facility. Stark's still ten minutes out - not soon enough.

I activate the Ultimatrix, selecting Humungousaur. Time to create the kind of chaos that forces SHIELD's hand.

"SHIELD FACILITY!" I roar, charging forward and making sure every agent can hear me. "YOU HAVE AN INCOMING THREAT! EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY!"

Alarms blare as agents scramble to defensive positions. Through the chaos, I spot Coulson emerging from a command center, already coordinating a response.

Perfect. Now for phase two.

"Sir," an agent calls out to Coulson, "the enhanced individual from the Harlem incident is approaching!"

"I can see that," Coulson replies with his characteristic calm. "Along with something significantly more concerning."

I reach the perimeter just as the Destroyer takes another thunderous step closer.

The machine fires its first blast without warning. The energy beam cuts through three empty vehicles like they're made of paper, leaving molten slag in its wake.

"Evacuate the facility," Coulson orders into his comm, already assessing the situation. "And get our... guest to safety."

I position myself between the Destroyer and the facility, buying time for SHIELD to move. Another blast forces me to dodge - even Humungousaur's durability might not stand up to that level of power.

Through the smoke and debris, I spot agents escorting Thor out. He looks different now - less arrogant, more confused. Days in SHIELD custody have changed him, but not enough.

The sound of repulsors fills the air as Iron Man arrives.

"Started the party without me?" Stark quips, unleashing a barrage of missiles at the Destroyer. They impact harmlessly against its ancient metal.

"Perfect timing," I push myself up, noting the Destroyer's single-minded focus on Thor's location. "It's following them. We need to keep it contained, away from populated areas."

"Good plan," Stark dodges another energy blast. "Except they're heading straight for that town."

"Then we better not miss."

The battle begins in earnest, a dance of power and purpose. The Destroyer advances relentlessly, its path clear and determined. All we can do is try to minimize the damage and hope Thor figures out whatever he needs to figure out.

Because right now, Earth's best defense against this thing is sitting in the back of a SHIELD vehicle, powerless and unworthy.

I tower over the Destroyer as it advances, using my superior height and mass to my advantage. Each step I take shakes the ground, my enhanced strength letting me position myself strategically between the machine and its target.

The Destroyer fires another blast. I dodge, the movement fluid despite my size. The beam melts the desert sand into glass where I stood moments before.

"You know," Stark comments, firing repulsors from above, "I knew you had a big form, I just didn't think that it upclose meant 'makes-ancient looking-death-machines-look-small' big."

I grab a disabled SHIELD vehicle and hurl it at the Destroyer. The impact doesn't damage it, but forces it to adjust its course. "Less talking, more containing."

The machine retaliates, its face opening to reveal the infernal energy within. I brace myself, using my bulk to shield the retreating SHIELD vehicles. The blast hits like a furnace, even Humungousaur's tough hide beginning to crack.

"Its energy output is off the charts," Stark reports, sensors analyzing the threat. "Nothing in my database matches this tech."

I charge forward, my greater reach letting me grapple with the Destroyer while keeping clear of its deadly beam. The metal feels impenetrable under my claws, as it punches me away.

The battle continues toward the town, each step measured, each exchange calculated. Whatever happens next is up to Thor. All we can do is keep this thing busy and try not to die in the process.

The Destroyer's face glows with building energy. At this close range, dodging isn't an option. I brace myself, using my massive frame to shield the town behind me.

The blast hits like a supernova. Even with Humungousaur's durability, I feel my scales burning and peeling. But I hold my ground, feet digging trenches in the desert floor.

"Your armor's showing more damage than you can handle," Stark reports, launching another futile missile barrage. "Might want to back off!"

"C- Can't," I grunt, maintaining my position. "To- Too close to the civilians."

Through the pain and chaos, I catch glimpses of movement behind me - people gathering, watching. Among them, Thor and Jane Foster, finally in the same place. Now if only-

The Destroyer hits me with an uppercut that sends me staggering. For something smaller than me, it packs incredible force. Before I can recover, another blast catches me in the chest.

I crash through an abandoned gas station, my bulk demolishing the structure. As I push myself up, I see Thor moving forward, saying something to Jane.

About time.

"Need a hand?" Stark offers, hovering nearby.

"Just keep it busy," I respond, getting back to my feet. "And try not to die."

The Destroyer advances on Thor's position, its single-minded purpose clear. I charge it from behind, wrapping my arms around its torso and lifting. The machine struggles, its head rotating to blast me point-blank.

This time, I don't let go. Can't let go. Even as its energy beam begins to melt my face, I hold tight, keeping it focused on me.

"Any time now," I mutter through clenched teeth, hoping whatever needs to happen, happens soon.

Because even Humungousaur at his greatest height has limits, and I'm rapidly approaching mine. 

The Destroyer's energy beam intensifies, forcing me to shift my grip. My muscles strain against its strength, but being bigger has its advantages - I can still contain it, even if I can't stop it completely.

I wish I could go Ultimate, but right now, I need to be a bigger target.

"Your structural integrity is dropping too fast," Stark warns, firing precision shots at the machine's joints. "Whatever you're doing, it's cooking you alive!"

He's not wrong. Each second against this thing feels like holding a star. But letting go means letting it reach the town, reach Thor, reach-

A change in the air. Static electricity raising the hair on my scales. Finally.

The Destroyer senses it too, its struggles becoming more desperate. I tighten my grip, ignoring the burning pain. Just need to hold it a few seconds longer...

Thunder cracks overhead in a cloudless sky.

"Well," Stark comments dryly, "that's new."

I release the Destroyer just as Mjolnir streaks past, the hammer's return marking the moment everything changes. The shockwave of Thor's transformation knocks me back several steps, but I manage to stay upright.

About damn time.

"You can handle it from here?" I ask, though it's not really a question. Thor stands restored, his power crackling around him like a storm made flesh.

The one called the God of Thunder simply nods, twirling Mjolnir with practiced ease.

I've done my part - pushed when needed, held back when necessary. Now it's his story again.

"Coming?" Stark asks,, already backing away, he realising the same.

"And miss the light show? Not a chance." I state as I transform back to XLR8, my burned and battered form grateful for the change. As I speed towards the battle.

The battle I see - as I stand aside for a little while human again, isn't going as it should. Even with his powers restored, Thor's movements lack enough strength.

Each swing of Mjolnir carries power but not conviction - I don't know what's going on, but if this continues, he'll lose.

The Destroyer takes advantage, its energy beams forcing Thor back. One blast catches him square in the chest, sending him crashing through a storefront.

"He's not ready," I mutter, watching Thor struggle to his feet.

Stark hovers nearby, his armor scorched from earlier exchanges. "Whatever your plan was, might want to try a backup."

I activate the Ultimatrix again, selecting Humungousaur despite my earlier injuries. The transformation feels different this time - more painful, the wounds from before carrying over.

"You're not fully healed," Stark warns as I charge forward.

"Don't have to be," I grunt, positioning myself between Thor and the advancing Destroyer. "Just have to buy time."

The machine's face opens, energy building to devastating levels. I brace myself, spreading my arms wide to shield Thor.

"Stand aside," Thor commands, though his voice lacks its usual authority. "This is my battle."

"Then prove it," I challenge through gritted teeth. 

The Destroyer fires.

The blast hits like a nuclear furnace, worse than before. My already damaged scales crack and peel, the pain nearly unbearable. But I hold my ground, giving Thor the moment he needs to find his resolve.

Media helicopters circle overhead, their cameras capturing everything. Stark provides covering fire, though his weapons barely register against the ancient weapon.

"Sir," Jarvis reports, "the enhanced individual's biometrics are critical. That form can't take much more."

Another blast hits. I feel my consciousness wavering, my massive frame beginning to buckle. Through the haze of pain, I see Thor watching, something changing in his expression.

The Destroyer advances, its face opening for what must be a killing blow. I try to stand straighter, to maintain my shield, but my legs won't cooperate.

The machine towers over me now, its energy building to unprecedented levels.

"Get clear!" Stark shouts.

I can't. Won't. Even though I'm a fake, I can't just let everyone die. I may not be perfect, but I still have a heart, a heart that would bring me nightmares if I fail here. A heart that won't allow me to ever forgive myself.

Forgive myself If I let everyone die.

The Destroyer fires point-blank.

The world turns white.

The last thing I hear is Tony's horrified "No!" and the gasps from the news helicopters above. Then everything fades to silence.