Two weeks after my chat with Loki, and nothing makes sense anymore. The timeline is completely off track, and I can't figure out why.
Thor's still hanging around Earth, even though Heimdall's apparently given him the all-clear to return home.
Jane Foster's team keeps documenting his presence in New Mexico, and social media's having a field day with "Thunder God Goes Tourist."
I scroll through another report on my tablet, trying to make sense of it all.
According to SHIELD's intercepted communications (courtesy of Fisk's network), Loki's managed to negotiate peace with Jotunheim. The Frost Giants actually agreed to talks. That's... not how this was supposed to go.
"Computer, display latest Thor sightings."
Images pop up: Thor at a diner (apparently he loves pancakes), Thor helping with local construction (showing off, obviously), Thor actually learning to use a smartphone (that one's particularly weird).
"Something's wrong," I mutter, pacing my office. "He should be back in Asgard by now, dealing with Loki's attempted genocide. Instead, they're... what? Having diplomatic relations with Jotunheim?"
My phone buzzes - Stark: "Point Break's giving interviews about 'Midgardian culture.' Should we be worried? - TS"
Good question. Should we?
The Ultimatrix pulses quietly on my wrist, almost like it's sharing my confusion.
"Computer, compile timeline discrepancies."
The list appears, and it's not comforting:
Thor remains on Earth despite being welcomed back. Loki pursuing peace instead of destruction. No signs of the Bifrost being weaponized. Odin apparently awake and approving all this.
Either I've completely misunderstood how things were supposed to go, or something - or someone - has changed the game entirely.
The question is: what do I do about it?
And more importantly: should I do anything at all?
A notification pops up - another Asgardian sighting, but this one's different. Thor and Loki, both in civilian clothes (which is weird enough), having coffee at some hipster place in Greenwich Village.
"You've got to be kidding me," I mutter, zooming in on the footage. They're actually laughing together, no signs of the rivalry or bitterness that should be tearing them apart right now.
My phone buzzes again:
Fisk: "Meeting in 10. Concerns about our Asgardian visitors."
Stark: "So... godly brothers doing brunch. Normal Tuesday? - TS"
I grab my jacket, mind racing. Something changed during my Anodite transformation - something big enough to alter the course of events I thought I knew.
The elevator ride to Fisk's office gives me time to think. Did I say something while powered up?
Did that level of energy somehow ripple through reality itself? Or is this just the universe course-correcting in ways I don't understand?
"You look troubled," Fisk observes as I enter his office. Multiple screens show various angles of the divine coffee break happening downtown.
"Just trying to make sense of it all," I reply, dropping into a chair. "Two princes of Asgard hanging out in New York like tourists? Something's not adding up."
"Indeed." He manipulates the displays, bringing up more data. "Our sources suggest significant changes in Asgardian politics.
Peace talks with former enemies, cultural exchange programs..." He pauses meaningfully. "All following your... incident."
Great. Even Fisk's noticed the timing.
"You think I caused this?" I ask, watching Thor attempt to figure out a croissant.
"I think," Fisk chooses his words carefully, "that power like what you displayed tends to have... ripple effects. Especially when combining reality warping with the apparent... feelings you have about the future."
Before I can respond, my phone buzzes yet again. This time it's a group chat:
Stark: "Family brunch getting interesting. Reindeer Games just ordered a pumpkin spice latte. Universe might be ending."
Thor: "Brother Stark! The beverage you recommended is most excellent!"
Stark: "... did you teach Thor to text?"
Loki: "Someone had to. His attempts at modern communication were becoming embarrassing."
I stare at my phone in disbelief. This is... this is not how any of this should be going.
"Your expression suggests this deviates from expected outcomes," Fisk notes.
"You could say that," I mutter, watching the group chat devolve into emoji warfare between beings who were once worshipped as literal gods. "Let's just say things are taking an unexpected turn."
"The question is," Fisk leans forward, "is this turn beneficial to our interests?"
That's the million-dollar question, isn't it? A more stable Asgard, a reformed Loki, a Thor who's learning about Earth culture instead of rushing back to his responsibilities - it should be good news.
So why does it feel like I'm missing something crucial?
The Ultimatrix pulses again, and I catch Fisk watching it with that calculating look he gets when he's piecing things together.
"Perhaps," he suggests, "it's time we arranged our own meeting with our otherworldly visitors. After all, they seem quite interested in... cultural exchange."
I look at the screens again - at two princes of Asgard learning about Earth one coffee shop at a time - and realize he's right.
If the timeline's changed this much, I need to understand why. And maybe, just maybe, I need to stop assuming I know how things are supposed to go.
"Set it up," I tell Fisk, already dreading whatever's coming next. "But somewhere private. The last thing we need is more viral videos of so called gods discovering Earth cuisine."
He nods, already making arrangements, while I watch the group chat continue:
Loki: "Brother, that is not how you use that emoji."
Stark: "This is either the best or worst thing I've ever seen."
Welcome to the new normal, I guess. Where thunderers learn texting, tricksters drink lattes, and I'm somehow caught in the middle of it all.
Just another day in the life of a fake hero with real problems.
The meeting gets arranged for that evening at one of Fisk's more discrete properties - a renovated brownstone with enough security to make Fort Knox jealous.
I arrive early, still trying to process how surreal this all is. The Ultimatrix feels unusually warm on my wrist, like it's reacting to something. Or maybe knows something.
Thor and Loki arrive precisely on time, both still in civilian clothes. It's weird seeing Thor in jeans and a t-shirt that says "I (heart picture) NY" (definitely Stark's doing), and even weirder seeing Loki in what looks like designer casual wear.
"Young Samael!" Thor's voice booms despite being indoors. "How fare you after your battle with power divine?"
"Still getting used to people asking about my health," I reply, watching Loki examine the room with barely concealed interest. "Nice shirt, by the way."
"Stark insisted it was traditional Midgardian warrior wear," Thor beams proudly while Loki rolls his eyes.
"Brother, we really must work on your ability to detect sarcasm," Loki sighs, then turns to me with that too-sharp smile. "Though I must say, you're looking remarkably well for someone who recently channeled enough power to rewrite reality."
"Good skincare routine," I shrug, noting how both brothers tense slightly at the mention of that power. "So, want to tell me what's really going on? Because last I checked, you two weren't exactly the brunching type."
Thor and Loki exchange looks that carry whole conversations.
"Perhaps," Loki says carefully, "your... incident provided some needed perspective."
"Perspective," I repeat flatly. "On what exactly?"
"On paths not taken," Thor answers, suddenly serious. "When you wielded that power, later in our minds we saw flashes of things, perhaps would've been yet to come... it sparked certain revelations."
Oh. Oh no.
"What exactly did yoy see?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady. "Because of the transformation, I mean."
Loki's smile turns knowing. "Nothing specific. More... impressions. Possibilities. Enough to make some of us reconsider certain... plans."
Great. Apparently, I'd done some cosmic spoiler alerts while high on Anodite power.
"So instead of, I don't know, trying to prove yourselves worthy or dealing with family drama, you're... what? Having coffee and teaching Thor emoji?"
"When you put it that way, it does sound rather absurd," Loki admits. "But tell me, Samael wouldn't you say this outcome is preferable to the alternatives?"
The way he says it makes my skin prickle. He knows something, more than he's letting on.
"Maybe," I concede. "But changes like this... they tend to have consequences."
"Indeed they do," Thor agrees, and there's something in his voice that makes me pay attention. "Which is why we're here."
"We?" I look between them. "Since when are you two a 'we'?"
"Since," Loki steps forward, "we realized that someone with knowledge of possible futures and power rivaling the Odinforce might be worth... consulting."
Oh hell no.
"If you're looking for a cosmic consultant, try the Yellow Pages," I start, but Thor cuts me off.
"Something approaches, young one. Something that your power glimpsed, that your heart hinted at."
"And while we've chosen to alter certain... personal paths," Loki adds, "some threats remain constant across all possibilities."
They're talking about Thanos, they have to be. But how much do they know? How much did I accidentally reveal?
"So what exactly are you proposing?" I ask, though I'm pretty sure I'm not going to like the answer.
The brothers exchange another look before Loki speaks:
"We propose an alliance. One that prepares for what's coming while maintaining this more... amenable present."
"In other words," I translate, "you want me to help you prevent some future disaster while keeping your current coffee shop tour going?"
"When you put it that way..." Thor actually looks embarrassed.
"It sounds perfectly reasonable," Loki finishes smoothly. "After all, who better to help guide the future than someone who's seen its possibilities?"
I look between them - the Thunderer and the Trickster, both watching me expectantly - and realize this is definitely not how any of this was supposed to go.
But maybe that's not such a bad thing.
(Author note: So, how do you find the changes?
I find it quite reasonable that Samael's anodite powers, react to how he - when he was thinking about future events, frustrated wishing things to be different, and made them real.
Wouldn't you guys find it boring if nothing changed? Besides, Loki isn't needed to be a big bad, I think I'll have fun writing him and Samael being friends, both frustrating the shit out of each other.
One with condescension, the other with humour.
So yeah, do tell me how you found it and I hope to see you all later,