Two Geniuses One Project

Stark's workshop looks different today - less chaotic invention space, more focused research center. Multiple screens display data I've never seen before, and there's something that looks suspiciously like a containment field in the corner.

"Finally decided to clean up?" I ask, stepping around what appears to be a dismantled repulsor.

"Funny." He manipulates some holographic controls, and the containment field hums to life. "Remember how you said you'd show me some of your more interesting transformations?"

"I'm starting to regret that promise."

"Too late." He grins, that manic inventor's gleam in his eyes. "I've got sensors calibrated to track every quantum fluctuation. Even got Point Break to share some Asgardian energy detection methods."

"You got Thor to talk science?"

"Actually, Loki was more helpful with that part. Turns out the guy's got a decent grasp of quantum mechanics. Who knew?" He gestures to the containment field. "Ready to make history?"

I eye the setup warily. "What exactly are you hoping to learn?"

"Everything." His expression turns serious. "Look, kid, something big is coming. We both know it. I want to be ready, and understanding how your transformations work might be key to that."

The Ultimatrix pulses softly, almost like it's considering the request with me.

"Actually," I step away from the containment field, "I've got a better idea. How about we build you a new suit instead?"

"A suit?" Stark's eyebrow rises. "And what makes you think you can improve on my tech?"

I tap the Ultimatrix, transforming into Grey Matter. "Because I've already figured out how your arc reactor works, and I can see at least twelve ways to improve your current propulsion system."

"That's not-" he starts, then pauses as I begin manipulating his holographic displays, equations flowing across the screen.

"See this?" I point to a particular calculation. "Your quantum tunneling coefficient could be adjusted to increase efficiency by 34%. And if we modify the electron capture matrix..."

Stark moves closer, his skepticism shifting to genuine interest as he processes the mathematics. "Those calculations shouldn't be possible."

"And yet," I bring up more schematics, "here they are. So, want to build something revolutionary? Two geniuses, one project?"

He studies the displays for a long moment, then grins. "Well, this just got interesting."

Time to show Iron Man up.

Hours blur past as we work, holographic displays filling with increasingly complex designs. Even Stark's usual quips fade into focused concentration as we push the boundaries of what's he thought possible.

"If we reconfigure the power distribution here," I manipulate another section of the schematic, "we can increase thrust output without compromising structural integrity."

"And the heat dispersion?"

"Already solved." I bring up another calculation set. "See how the quantum field interacts with the modified cooling system?"

Stark whistles low. "This is... this is something else entirely." He studies the complete design floating before us. "It's not just an upgrade - it's a complete reimagining of the technology."

"Sometimes you need an outside perspective," I reply, already seeing more potential improvements. "Or in this case, a very small, very intelligent outside perspective."

The new suit design hovers between us - sleeker, more efficient, with systems that blur the line between current technology and what should be possible.

"One question though," Stark turns to me. "Why help me build this? Why not keep these improvements for yourself?"

"Because what's coming isn't about individual heroes," I answer carefully. "It's about being ready. All of us." Besides, I've got schematics already made for Fisk and Vanessa, I'm not ready to lose another pair of parents - though I hope I haven't truly lost mine...

He studies me for a moment and then whistles. "I knew you knew something, but never thought it would be something this big."

"I know enough to understand that Iron Man needs to be at his best." I start adding final touches to the design. "Consider this an investment in the future."

"Speaking of investment," he gestures to a particular section of the schematic, "some of these materials don't exactly grow on trees."

"Well, you need it, besides I know someone who'd be very interested in helping in the funding of the next-generation defensive technology."

"Fisk?" His expression turns skeptical.

"Who better to help build something to protect the city?" I counter. "Besides, legitimate investment in cutting-edge tech is good for everyone's public image." And, he isn't gonna really be in any many problems since soon, I myself am gonna start improving our technology anyway.

Better have the iron man feel slightly like he owes us, how little that may be.

Stark shakes his head, but he's smiling. "You're getting scary good at this game, kid."

"Had good teachers." I transform back to human form, the rush of enhanced intelligence fading but again leaving the understanding of what we've designed. "So, ready to build something amazing?"

"JARVIS," Stark calls out, "start fabrication simulations. Let's see what this baby can do."

As virtual tests begin running, I catch Stark watching me with renewed interest.

"You know," he says casually, "most people would kill for the knowledge you just shared."

"Good thing I'm not most people." I check my phone - multiple missed calls from Fisk. "Though speaking of sharing, want to help me convince my dad to fund breakthrough technology?"

Stark grins. "Now that sounds like an interesting meeting."


(Author note: Hello everyone! I know its a shorter chapter, but I find it fitting.

A break for me, in a cycle of decently long chapters.

I hope you all enjoyed it,

See you all later,
