The shack explodes outward as the Hulk straightens to his full height. I transform into Humungousaur, my form towering over even the green giant. His fist swings where my head was a moment ago, but from this height, his legendary strength seems less overwhelming.
"SHIFTER THINK SIZE MAKE HIM STRONGER THAN HULK?" Another punch, this one I catch in my much larger hand, though the impact still sends shockwaves through the jungle - the big guy despite his words seems to be holding back, otherwise I'd be flying.
"Size isn't everything," I reply, looking down at him. "But that's not why I'm here."
"HULK NOT CARE WHY!" He charges forward, but his attacks are actually... measured. Like he's testing me rather than trying to destroy me outright.
"You do care," I counter, deflecting another blow. "Otherwise you'd be trying a lot harder to prove you're the strongest one there is."
The Hulk pauses, just for a moment. "SHIFTER TALK TOO MUCH."
"Maybe. But you're listening." I lower my massive frame slightly, trying to appear less threatening. "Because you're not just mindless rage, are you? Banner's wrong about that."
"BANNER WEAK!" He smashes the ground, sending tremors through the earth. "BANNER HIDE!"
"Banner's scared," I correct, maintaining my position. "Not of you - of what others might make you do. Of being used as a weapon."
That gets his attention. The Hulk's eyes narrow, showing that intelligence Banner refuses to acknowledge.
"HULK NO ONE'S WEAPON!" He leaps at me, but I catch him mid-air, setting him down gently, deliberately showing I'm not here to fight.
"Exactly." I keep my voice steady. "So why let Ross or anyone else treat you like one? Why let Banner keep running?"
He roars, but it's different now - frustration rather than pure rage. "BANNER NOT LISTEN! BANNER ONLY FEAR!"
"Then make him listen." I kneel down. "Show him you're more than just destruction. You've been protecting him all this time, haven't you?"
The Hulk's massive fists clench and unclench. "PUNY SHIFTER NOT KNOW HULK."
"Maybe not. But I know what it's like to have power others fear. To have to prove you're more than what they think you are." I gesture to myself. "I could cause massive destruction, but I choose not to. Just like you choose who to fight and who to protect."
Something shifts in those green eyes - recognition, maybe understanding.
"SHIFTER... DIFFERENT." He studies me with unexpected intensity. "NOT AFRAID."
"No," I agree. "I'm not. Because I see you, big guy. The real you. Not just Banner's fear or Ross's weapon. You."
The jungle falls silent except for our breathing - two beings of immense power having a conversation that could grant acceptance more than from anyone.
"HULK... TIRED." The admission seems to surprise even him. "TIRED OF RUNNING."
"Then let's stop running," I offer. "Let's show them all what you really are."
The Hulk sits heavily on the ground, the impact creating small tremors. His anger seems to have shifted into something more contemplative.
"Because they don't understand," I reply, maintaining my transformed state but settling nearby. "They see the destruction without seeing the reason behind it. Without seeing the times you've protected people."
"Exactly. You're not mindless - you're protective. Maybe..." I pause, choosing my words carefully, "maybe that's why you exist. Not as a curse, but as a guardian."
His eyes snap to mine. "SHIFTER THINK HULK... GOOD?"
"I think you're whatever you choose to be. Just like I am. Just like anyone is." I gesture at the destroyed shack. "Banner helps people here, right? Heals them? In your own way, you protect people too."
The Hulk falls silent, processing this. The anger that usually radiates from him has dimmed to something more thoughtful.
"A chance," I reply honestly. "A chance to show the world - and Banner - that you're more than they think. That you can be part of something bigger than running and fighting."
"Then they'll have to deal with both of us."
For the first time, something like a smile crosses the Hulk's face. "SHIFTER BRAVE. OR STUPID."
"Probably both," I admit. "But I'm also right."
We stay silent for a little while, enjoying the quiet.
"BANNER COMING BACK," the Hulk announces suddenly, his form already beginning to shrink. "HULK... THINK ABOUT SHIFTER WORDS."
I transform back to human form as Banner emerges, looking dazed but surprisingly alert. His eyes scan the destruction around us, then fix on me with new understanding.
"You... you actually talked to him," Banner says, disbelief coloring his voice. "And he listened."
"He's always been capable of listening, Dr. Banner."
Banner shakily gets to his feet, accepting the spare clothes I pull from my pack. "I heard... parts of it. Like watching through fog." He studies me carefully. "Everything I thought about him... about what he is..."
"Sometimes we're wrong about the things we fear most." I help him to a relatively intact section of wall to sit.
"Ross won't stop coming."
"Again, let me worry about Ross. You've spent enough time running from him."
He looks around at the destroyed shack, at the life he'd built here. "Where would we even start?"
"First, we get you somewhere safe. Then..." I smile slightly, "we show the world what happens when science and strength work together instead of against each other."
Banner stands, decision visible in his posture. "The Other Guy... the Hulk... he really seemed to respect you."
"Maybe because I respected him first." I transform back into Humungousaur. "Ready to try something new, Doctor?"
He takes a deep breath, then nods. "Lead the way."
Time to show the world a different side of both Banner and the Hulk.
And hope we don't break too much in the process.
(Author note: So yeah, how did you guys the chapter?
Just to clarify, this is what I know of the Hulk based on some comics, animated series, etc.
So, if it isn't truly comic accurate or MCU accurate, well, apologies, but I like Hulk like this better.
Also, just so you know, there will be NO PROFESSOR HULK BS!
Hulk is HULK, Banner is BANNER, they may work together, but they're their own person, so won't lose their charm by killing off one of them.
So yeah, I hope to see you all later,