Question for you guys

So, would you guys read a Danny Phantom fanfic, with our MC being given the a ghost version of the power of the Hulk by the portal accident - as he will be Danny's brother.

But do understand, I will then be taking very much creative liberties with that world. Since ectoplasm in that world seems to even be able to create mythical creatures such as Pandora and all that.

Maybe even add various other twists in it with other realms and all that, like a Hell or Heaven, since if you all want this fic, I would need to expand the world quite a bit to make it work.

I can already see a lot of potential in humour, comedy, slice of life, but also horror.

It will be so much fun.

Also, for those worried about my other fanfics, we'll... I'm a creature of mood.

If I am in the mood for something - like I've been for this fanfic, I can drop dozens of chapters in a couple days.

Others if I am not in the mood, can take weeks to months, like my Lucifer fanfic was for a little while.

So yeah, do tell me if you want it. If you don't, then I'll probably write it privately for myself to test it out and If I like it, continue to read it later myself.

Do please tell what you want.

Well, see you all later,
