Another chapter will drop soon enough today, if I have the time.
I'm kinda pissed, have had a bad day, wish to rant a bit about idiots making me want to stop writing for a while. If you think you'll find it entertaining, be my guest and remain.
If you think it a waste of your time, then you can click away, and do something more productive, like reading another book or something till the next chapter drops.
So, for those who remain, here I go.
So, I've been getting complaints about my writing. I'm being called "lazy."
Why, since, I am using AI to learn to write.
See, English isn't my first language, it isn't even my 2nd or 3rd, it's my bloody fourth.
Writing is fun, writing character interactions is fun, but, one of my greatest problems has always been, descriptions and keeping characters I am not quite familiar with in well, character.
So! I go to Internet, search up ways to describe things. Research characters personality, motivations, backstory, all to keep them as they should be. Keep it logical because of who they are.
Ai, helps me, find words, since, I don't have neither the time nor interest to pick up a dictionary to search for words and parables for situations.
Like for example, "Zs'skayr's possession felt akin to a thousand insects, crawling through my body, and eating away at my heart. Their teeth gnawing at my flesh, tearing apart piece by piece, while my tongue nor voice could express my agony"
This is probably not that good since I wrote it on the fly.
But, this is how I write a lot. And then, if I don't know how to describe something, I search it up with Ai, to memorise the words and write with it, etc.
Or have it rewrite certain things, give ways to write, etc, and then rewrite it myself in the ways I envision it.
It's still therefore my story, my writing, my choices.
I still put a lot of time and effort into it.
You can not like it, hell you can give it a 1 star in writing because you want it to be "pure" and have no Ai handiwork in it at all, be my guest.
But don't, and I implore you, don't call me lazy or a fake writer. It gets on my nerves so much that I want to quit for a while.
Well, that was my rant.
Hope you got a few laughs from it, though I doubt it since I'm quite the dry guy, and most of my jokes that I use in writing I search up.
So yeah, I hope you all still wish to read, now, still after knowing how I write,
And hope you enjoy the chapters,