Fury's hologram fills Fisk's conference room, his single eye carrying that particular intensity that means he's about to make things complicated.
"Before we discuss agent assignments," he states, "let's address the reports about certain... visitors to Fisk Tower."
"Visitors?" Fisk's voice carries perfect innocence. "I wasn't aware we had any unusual guests."
Emma's mental presence carries appreciation for the smooth deflection. 'And so the dance begins.'
"Really?" Fury's tone could dry a desert. "No interdimensional beings with... religious interests?"
"Director," I manage my best confused expression, "if you're suggesting we're hosting some kind of cult..."
"What I'm suggesting," Fury interrupts, "is that we skip the part where we pretend this conversation isn't happening."
"And skip right to what, exactly?" Fisk asks pleasantly. "Unsubstantiated rumors about my building's occupants?"
"I don't see how any of this relates to our discussion about Agents Romanoff and Barton," I add, channeling that particular tone Fisk uses when politely telling someone to mind their own business.
'Nice deflection,' Emma sends privately. 'Though he's not going to let this go easily.'
"Fine," Fury's eye narrows slightly. "We'll table that discussion. For now. About the agent transfer..."
"The terms remain as discussed," Fisk states smoothly, shifting the conversation with practiced ease. "Both agents join the team, with full autonomy from SHIELD oversight."
"And in return?" Fury's eye narrows further.
"You get exactly what we offered," I reply. "Cooperation when global threats emerge. As equals."
Emma's mental presence carries amusement at the careful dance of words. 'He's trying to find an opening to regain control of the conversation.'
"Two of SHIELD's best agents," Fury muses, "in exchange for promised cooperation and no guaranteed oversight..."
"Take it or leave it," I shrug, projecting casual confidence. "Though I imagine having direct connection to the Ultimates might prove... valuable."
"Especially given recent enhanced individual emergence patterns," Fisk adds with perfect timing.
Fury's silent for a moment, his expression unreadable. Finally: "They'll arrive within the hour. Try to keep them alive."
"Such faith in their capabilities," I can't help but quip.
"Oh, I have faith in their capabilities," Fury's hologram starts to fade. "It's your tendency to attract... complicated situations that concerns me."
As his image disappears completely, Emma's mental voice carries dry humor: 'Well, that was almost subtle.'
"He'll try again," Fisk notes, already pulling up security protocols on his tablet. "To confirm his suspicions about our... visitors."
"Let him try," I reply. "Though the Esoterica are better at staying hidden than he thinks."
"JARVIS," Tony calls out, having been unusually quiet during the exchange, "prep the team quarters. Something tells me our new members are going to need extra security features."
"Of course, sir. Shall I include anti-interdimensional manifestation protocols?"
"Not helping, JARVIS."
The elevator chimes exactly one hour later - because of course they'd time it perfectly. Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton step out, carrying surprisingly minimal gear.
"Nice place," Clint comments, his casual tone belying the way his eyes scan every corner, exit, and potential vantage point. "Though the security could use some work on the east side."
"Already noted," Tony replies from his position by the bar. "JARVIS is implementing upgrades as we speak."
Natasha's gaze sweeps over our group, lingering slightly longer on Emma. "Interesting team composition. More diverse than our briefing suggested."
Emma's mental presence carries appreciation. 'Her mental shields are still impressive.'
"Welcome to the Ultimates," I step forward, keeping my tone professional. "Though I'm guessing Fury's briefing focused more on watching us than joining us."
"Smart kid," Clint grins, dropping his gear bag. "Though he might have mentioned something about interdimen-"
Natasha's elbow finds his ribs with practiced precision. "We're here to join the team. Nothing more."
"Of course," Fisk's smooth voice carries just a hint of amusement. "Shall we show you to your quarters? I believe you'll find the facilities... adequate."
'They're already cataloging everything,' Emma sends privately. 'Escape routes, weapon placements, team dynamics...'
'Would you expect anything less?' I return.
Time to see how Earth's greatest spies fit into our increasingly complicated family.
"So," Clint breaks the slightly tense silence as we head toward the residential floors, "any house rules we should know about? Besides the obvious 'don't shoot the teammates' thing?"
"The training facilities are open 24/7," Tony explains, tapping his tablet to bring up building schematics. "Though maybe avoid the east wing meditation room..."
"The what?" Natasha's eyebrow raises slightly.
"Cultural exchange space," I cut in smoothly. "Nothing important."
Emma's mental voice carries amusement. 'They're definitely going to investigate that now.'
"Right," Clint drawls, clearly not buying it. "And the weird energy readings SHIELD's been picking up from that area?"
"Technical interference," Fisk replies without missing a beat. "Being addressed by our R&D department."
Natasha's expression suggests she's mentally filing away every deflection for later analysis. "Of course. And the reported manifestations of-"
"Here are your quarters," I interrupt perhaps too quickly, nobody can blame me, I just got some free time away from dealing with those zealots. "Fully equipped, secure communications, private training areas..."
"And excellent soundproofing," Tony adds. "For when certain... cultural exchanges get a bit loud."
'Not helping,' I send to Emma, who's clearly enjoying this too much.
"Interesting," Natasha muses, her eyes catching every subtle reaction. "Very interesting."
This is going to be a long adjustment period.
Clint whistles as he inspects his new quarters, complete with a state-of-the-art archery range. "Okay, this is actually impressive. Though I have questions about these symbols etched into the walls..."
"Decorative elements," Fisk states smoothly. "Part of the tower's aesthetic design."
"Decorative elements that seem to shift when you're not looking directly at them?" Natasha observes casually.
Emma's mental presence carries resignation. 'They notice everything, don't they? Though, in this case, its to be expected, because those symbols are still extremely weird.'
"Modern art," Tony supplies helpfully. "Very avant-garde. Speaking of which, team dinner's at seven, assuming no world-ending threats pop up."
"Or unexpected visitors?" Clint asks innocently, testing the range's targeting system.
"I don't know what you mean," I reply, perhaps a bit too quickly.
"Of course not," Natasha's smile could cut diamonds. "Just like we don't know anything about interdimensional cultists calling you their-"
"How about a training session?" I interrupt desperately. "Test out team dynamics?"
'Smooth,' Emma sends sarcastically. 'Very subtle deflection there.'
"Actually," Clint nocks an arrow with practiced ease, "that sounds perfect. Nothing builds trust like trying to shoot each other. In a friendly way, of course."
Why do I feel like I'm going to regret this?
The training room hums with energy as we gather for our first team session. Natasha's already stretching with lethal grace while Clint tests different arrow types against the reinforced targets.
"Standard rules," Tony announces from the observation deck. "No lethal force, no permanent damage, and absolutely no summoning any... unexpected assistance."
"Unexpected assistance?" Clint asks, a little too innocently. Oh they already know a lot about this, they're having too much damn fun upon my expense...
"He means no interdimensional-" Emma starts.
"Training simulation initiating," JARVIS interrupts smoothly. "Team coordination exercise beginning in three... two..."
I reach for the Ultimatrix, scrolling through available forms. "Let's keep this interesting. Swampfire should-"
"My lord!"
Everyone freezes as an Esoterica materializes in the corner, bowing deeply. "We felt you preparing for combat practice and wished to offer our sacred battle blessings-"
"Not now!" I manage, while Clint's arrow somehow manages to look surprised mid-flight.
Natasha's expression doesn't change, but her eyebrow raises slightly. "Unexpected assistance?"
"They're not supposed to be here," I groan. "They promised to respect training hours..."
"Only during regular sessions, divine one," the Esoterica explains helpfully. "Sacred combat rituals require proper ceremonial-"
"Nope," I transform into Jetray, grabbing the cultist mid-bow. "We talked about this. No manifestations during team exercises!"
Emma's mental laughter isn't helping at all.
"So," Clint drawls as I deposit the protesting Esoterica outside the training room, "this happen often?"
"They're usually more subtle," I mutter, transforming back. "They promised to maintain my 'desired discretion.'"
"Which apparently doesn't apply to sacred combat rituals," Natasha notes dryly.
Emma's mental presence carries both amusement and sympathy. 'At least they didn't try to bless their weapons this time.'
"Can we just..." I gesture helplessly at JARVIS's controls. "Start the training? Please?"
"Of course, sir," JARVIS replies. "Though I should note the Esoterica are now conducting some form of blessing ceremony outside the training room doors."
"Ignore them," I state firmly. "They'll get bored eventually."
"Will they though?" Clint asks, nocking another arrow. "Because from what I hear, they're pretty... devoted."
"Training simulation reinitiating," JARVIS announces before I can respond. "Scenario: Urban combat coordination."
The room shifts, holographic city streets materializing around us. Finally, something normal-
"The sacred battle chants have begun," JARVIS informs us helpfully. "They are quite... enthusiastic."
I catch Natasha's slight smile as she readies her weapons. "Welcome to the team?"
This is going to be a very long annoying day.