We Had A Bar Fight

The bar scene far exceeded Toby's expectations; he thinks Rob's too. They had the local paper advertise for extras on a Tuesday early afternoon. You would think it was Saturday night with people willing to dress up to pretend to party for the film. Toby picked his extra out the moment she walked in but that was not the way the movie was supposed to go so he had to let the attraction slide. Keith saw the glint in Toby's eye as he followed his line of sight. Before the afternoon filming was over Keith spoke to the woman. She was very pretty and thick as he understood, the way Toby liked them. 

He was the talk of the filming crew as everyone shared what they knew of him. He knew Toby liked thick women, and so did he. She was a pretty thing and he figured he had no chance, but he could rope her in for Toby. 

The band was unknown to the owners of the club, but Rob was thrilled and allowed them to play as unknown. They were actually a very good cover band and brought their own equipment in as the door opened for the shoot. No one had thought about a band they had just planned to play music. Basically, they were just going to pretend there was a band. 

The band fancied up the scene and Rob was thrilled. They would play music over their mess if needed but they turned out to be great. By the end of the shoot they restarted the same song twenty times at every shout of CUT. They took it all in stride, picked the song right back up and were smiling at the end of the shoot. Toby saw the owner of the club talking to them and they were still smiling as they shook hands. 

Having to teach several volunteers how to throw a convincing fake punch was fun. As the room was filled with fake fighting, women screaming, and backing away as the men acted like fools. 

Toby started it as a girl walked by them and he looped one of his long legs around her drawing her to him and pulling her between his legs. She was a thin pretty thing who started acting pissed for being captured like that. Once she looked up at the man who had so rudely captured her, she smiled. They picked one of Agent Mike's men to be the offended male. He was a good-looking man, not the caliber of Toby but someone nice to look at. He was a much shorter, slighter man than Toby. He had a few written lines but finding him to be a good actor they added a few more seconds to the scene and let them banter. Some fighting words were passed between them as the Marines stood to fight. The whole shoot was coming together so quickly. 

As Rob told them what he needed they played out the scene a couple of times. Finally, the scene started in earnest and the man picked a fight with Toby, for trying to take his girl, until Toby stood and the shock and fear on his face was priceless. 

Toby hoped to God they got that because he didn't think he could do that again. Toby stood and movie punched him, he fell into another man spilling his beer and the fight was on as the twenty or so extras fought, and the Ex Seals took out half of them. They all had fun and had a hard time not laughing during the takes. 

Once "CUT," was called the whole place went up in laughter. The make-up crew that had been expanded for this scene, added blood and red marks on dozens of men and a little on Toby and his crew. Picking up later in the middle of the fight battered and bruised the fight continued until the police officers came in the door. Once, "Wrap," was called and they were served real beer. The guys settled back to relax and let the place empty out. 

Toby turned to watch the exodus as someone handed out checks to the extras. Only the men and women involved in the fight were paid, otherwise the others were just background people. Oh yeah, the band too because they were great. This was all established when the volume of people interested in the movie became apparent. Before the scene, no one left after hearing they wouldn't get paid. They were all interested in seeing the movie magic, and the possibility of being seen in a movie was the motivation to stay.

Keith noticed the woman he spotted earlier making her way to the bar. Toby saw her coming and the guys laughed at his expression. She was not sure if that Keith guy was playing her, but Lord that man was fine, and he was a movie star, so she wanted to find out. Her friends stood back watching them interact. If it was a joke, they planned to rescue her. Keith leaned in and said in Toby's ear from behind, "I spoke to her for you. I saw you brighten up when she walked in." 

Toby smiled and looked back at her as she approached. With a bashful smile he said, "Hi," he extended his hand to her. She took it and they shook hands as he pulled her in. Trying to do a little movie magic on her he attempted his leg capture drawing her in.

"Hi, you too, your friend Keith told me to come talk to you before I left," she offered as she stepped into his leg embrace. She was much prettier than he expected. She has flawless skin and deep green eyes he could get lost in with long lush dark brown hair. It was like his perfect woman just walked up. 

"Yeah thanks," he said, turning to his friend and then back to her. "I would like to get your name and number. I would like to call you once this movie is over and I have some time to get to know you," Toby said, still hanging on to her hand and with his one leg entrapping her. 

"Sure," she said, pulling her hand loose. She reached into her purse and handed him a business card and said, "Call me whenever, the number on the front is my work number you can get me there usually before five." She knew that keeps men from trying to make a drunken middle of the night booty call which she would not answer. 

"Perfect," Toby said and smiled his best sexy smile, "But don't be mad if it takes a while, we still have some filming to do." 

"Sure, as long as you don't expect me to hold my breath," she said and knew this was bullshit as expected.

Toby put his leg out and drew her back to him as he did the actress, looking down at the business card her name was Juliet McBain. "I'm Toby McBride and I will call you. It is just not the right time to start a relationship for me. I want to be fair to you Miss Juliet." She smiled and that clinched it for him she had the brightest smile. She pulled loose of the leg cage and smiled, "then I will enjoy getting to know you," she told him.

"Me too," Toby said as she walked away. 

Getting his arm punched by Keith they all watched her return to her friends. 

"Now see that is a perfect woman, brains, looks, and meat on her bones," he said and watched her walk away in her tight-fitting jeans as her friends surrounded her so she could tell them what he said as they walked out the door. Half of them were looking back at him. He looked back at her card, and she was a financial consultant for Merrill Lynch. Hey, she can help him with his money problems once this movie starts making money, he thought and tucked the card in his pocket. She is the perfect woman for him. 

'Wardrobe' was coming, Deb leading the march. More proof that the shoot was over. He and his group were enjoying a real beer watching the flurry to get out of there. He knew the bar would be opening in a few hours and they had clean-up to do. A few women hung back, but the security shooed them out. He knew they were hoping for a hook up possibly with the star of this movie. 

Too bad Marcus was not here he would have had his pick. They were looking for someone associated with the movie of course and the Marines were all sure they all wanted Toby. Too bad so sad security escorted them out they all could have gotten laid easily. 

Rob and Devon watched Toby and that woman interact as the others broke down the set. Proving true to form he was attracted to larger women. They could tell as he spoke to her the way he lit up as they bantered back and forth. If that gets out maybe women will gain some weight, Rob thought. He could see as Toby's eyes roamed over her body; this was what he liked. Nothing subtle about him, he could start a whole new look for women, but not with this movie. Missy is thin and plans to stay that way. She would be mortified if she looked heavy on the big screen.


They already shot the scene of her fawning all over him when he showed up to work all bruised and battered from the bar fight. Now he knows how that happened. Sure, he beat the crap out of the guy, but a few got some licks in. He blew her off as no big deal during that scene. Telling her one of his friends flirted with the wrong woman at the club. Missy or the actress was jealous he had been out cavorting. Doing a twitching fit as she was heading to her bedroom; she was mumbling about him and other women when she had been working so hard to get his attention. Mumbling 'what is wrong with me,' she was pissed, "he didn't have to go to some damn bar and fight over women when she was right here. Men are so stupid," she mumbled. 

 He now knows why they had him and Hil change and stand on the porch looking all lovey-dovey filming them from every angle in front of the actual house as he ran his hands all over her back and sides. Leaning in and kissing her lightly several times.

 Toby was figuring this out quickly and no they don't film in order, but they make use of every scene and location. Changed clothes and hairstyle differences mark the time change.


All the praise informed him he was doing well. Everyone is thrilled with how quickly this is getting done. The main part of the movie is coming together. Most of the filming that needs to be done is at the house now which will be nice. They are going to use a much nicer pool for a few scenes so that will be at another location. The rest of the shots are at the house unless something comes up. They will start those scenes tomorrow so the warmer weather in the middle of October keeps Missy happy to be outside and wet by that pool. 

The other security guys must deal with her during the day that has been filmed at the studio. Except for a few nights they give Toby off, and Missy throws a fit at the replacement she didn't want him there she wanted Hank those were filmed Friday. Hank is her night man, and she gives him a hard time trying to get him to sleep with her. They make a big deal in Missy's mind the moment they meet. She goes on about how handsome he is to one of her costars in the film she is making. When he drops her off every morning, they act like school girls fawning over him. 

They have fantasy scenes of him making love to her softly and gently in a fuzzy light. Those were easy; he didn't even have to strip down for them. They save the nude scene for the last love scene to draw out the suspense. He will make love to her, fill her mind and she dogs him trying to make that fantasy happen, as he tries desperately to do his job. His wife's betrayal dogs him, and he makes that evident with his grumbling about women as he makes his rounds of the house. 

He is not going to be used by this Hollywood debutant is what fills his mind. But she is pushing it and he sees his job being lost as he spends every night with this sexy woman working him to have sex with her. He does a lot of mumbling as he tries to stay away from her. She parades around half dressed trying to get his attention. He knows she could have any of these other men, so why has she set her sights on him? That is the comedy of the film, him trying to resist her. 


Toby played the frustration of everyone in that situation perfectly. He ended up hiding in the bathroom to keep her away at one point. That is what made the movie filming go so fast. There weren't hours of working on motivation with this man. He knew his lines and could improvise well but stuck to the jest of the scene with no problems. The last scene in the house was him crawling all over Missy and the bare butt scene for both was so natural it didn't bother Toby. The junk sock was embarrassing but he put it on much to Deb's disappointment. 

Maggie in make-up wanted to shave him clean but he drew the line there. He liked his happy trail, and he didn't have a hairy back or ass, so he didn't see the problem. Rob agreed with Toby, and he kept his hair. He tied his package tight to keep everything in place and it was a constant reminder that this was a fake love scene as painful as it was. Missy may be skinny but boobs are boobs, and they are to be in his hands and mouth during the afternoon shoot. He planned to show them he knew what to do without having sex. He was a pro at making a woman feel good, so Missy was in for it. He hoped that those women didn't lie to him. 

That photographer has dogged him at every scene clicking away. At least she hasn't made him pose again but she has thousands of pictures of Missy and him and a number of the other actors. That he doesn't understand when they have film of the same scene, but she clicked away. 


Toby was not sure how much longer they had to film but he knew the end was near. He had enjoyed the work and made some new friends. He helped some good guys make some much-needed cash. They had filmed a few endings each one different, them together all lovey-dovey, then with him walking away from her and she was upset. Then with her flying away to California going back to her life and the next movie she had to do. She left him behind as he assumed she would. She walked onto the plane and the stalker followed ten people behind her. This was unknown to any of them. That had been filmed months ago when the actor was in town.

Hank walked back to the limo that brought her to the airport acting as if, well that was interesting. Missy knew if they used that one everyone would hate her for at least a few hours after the movie ends. She figures they will think she deserves whatever happens for leaving him. She tells everyone he is free to date anyone he wants, she got what she wanted, when the press asks about the film's ending.